10 Chapter 10 (1/2)
Wilfred and Lucius stepped forward heading towards the middle of the circle. A few in the crowd cheered and hollered. Wilfred thought about it strategically. In their spars, he would win 9 out of 10 times, so if he really wanted, he could almost use this as a free win. He might have to go and use most of his abilities though and he wanted to save some for surprise. On the other hand, Lucius was Wilfred's best friend at this point. They often ate together, joked around and Lucius had really helped him learn more about the theoretical side of magic. It was also a given that Lucius didn't really excel in combat. With the right training and mindset though, Wilfred thought he'd make a good soldier or at the very least an excellent support type. Lucius only needed one win to graduate after all.
If I forfeit this one, I'll need to win the next two battles. It would put me in a rough predicament Wilfred thought. But, truth be told, his odds of winning two were better than Lucius winning one. There were some students that were most researchers than battlemages like Lucius but would the luck of the draw hold for him? Or would he be matched against someone like Hovard.
Tsk. It was too risky, Wilfred accepted that he would have to lose this one. Suddenly, the teacher casted his spell and a loud bang echoed once more over the field. Lucius was looking with uncertainty at Wilfred but when he started casting [Barrier] and threw an [Ice Spike] at him, Lucius's mind went into combat mode. WIlfred had to be aggressive so Lucius would fight seriously. If it looked like he was forfeiting, they would most likely count it as cheating and not award Lucius the points.
Seeing how [Ice Spike] was already used in the last fight and not wanting to give extra information to the onlookers, even though they might [a.n.a.lyze] him, it wouldn't tell them the range or damage a spell did, Wilfred decided to fight using only [Ice Spike].
Lucius cast his [Barrier] and [Stone Fist], absorbing the [Ice Spike] with his [Barrier] and turning his hand into a weapon and a s.h.i.+eld with the [Stone Fist]. He knew he couldn't defeat Wilfred by hanging back with his weaker ranged spells and rushed to meet him. Running towards Wilfred, Lucius dodged another spike by rolling into it, the needle missing by going too high. Trying to regain some control of the fight, Lucius used an [Earth Spike] behind Wilfred, causing him to stop moving in that direction and adjust his trajectory.
Hmmm, how do I gracefully lose Wilfred thought. Circling around and trying to keep out of Lucius's melee range, an idea occurred to him. Knowing that Lucius would soon be out of mana the longer the fight lasted, he got into position.
Moving to where the [Ice Spike] had missed Lucius previously, Wilfred slipped and fell dramatically, unable to regain his footing and prayed that Lucius would utilize this moment.
Seeing the opportunity arise, Lucius bet everything he had on it, casting two [Earth Spike] on each side of Wilfred in rapid succession and launched himself forward, striking with his [Stone Fist]. The combination of spikes destroyed Wilfred's barrier and let him wide open to land a small blow on Wilfred's arm that he raised in a last minute defense, drawing some blood. The teacher quickly stepped in, separating the two of them.
”Alright! It's over, Lucius wins the round. The nurse is on site if you need to get patched up. Next up, s.h.i.+ro against William. Step on up.”
Wilfred and Lucius headed off field, parting through the crowd forming a circle around the event. A few jeers and laughs came Wilfred's way as he was the favorite to win that one. Once away from the crowd and out of reach from prying ears, Lucius grabs Wilfred's arm.
”Hey! What happened? That didn't feel like I was fighting you.”
Wilfred tapped Lucius playfully on the arm.
”I just got unlucky is all. Slipped on that water from the Ice spikes. Don't worry about me, I'll make sure to win the next two.”
Lucius frowned, clearly not believing Wilfred but shrugged it off eventually. Even if he had let him win, he was thankful for it. Truth be told, winning 1 of 3 games stressed him out a bit.
”I reckon we have a bit before our names come back again, what do you want to do? ”
Wilfred rubbed his chin thinking long and hard about it.
(Wait, this doesn't have the same effect with no facial hair. I just look stupid doing it. )
”Well, we should try and get more information out of these fights. See if we can't come up with some strategies while watching.”