Part 46 (2/2)
”What are my choices?”
”I could have her taken elsewhere and found, then you could move on from there with a service and burial.”
”She could disappear.”
Owen remained silent another moment, then he patted his mother's arm and stood. ”Make her disappear.”
”You're sure?” I asked. ”What if you want a place to visit?”
”She wouldn't be there any more than she was here my whole life.” He lifted a hand. ”I know she couldn't help it. She was sick. But it'll be easier all around if she's just ... gone.”
”Got it.” Franklin returned to the others, who waited near Bobby's car.
There was one more person here than there should be-a man all in black, with his hand on the head of the sleek dark wolf.
I could see Henry.
I hurried over, Owen in my wake, just in time to hear Henry demand, ”What did you do?”
”I summoned you,” Raye said. ”But Becca came too. She healed herself. All's well.”
”Not exactly. Show me what you did.”
Raye led him to the candles, spread her hands.
”What about the sage?” he asked.
Leaning down, Raye picked up the green stick that lay in the center of the star.
”You didn't light it.”
Raye stilled. ”s.h.i.+t.”
”What does that mean?” I asked.
”Burning the sage keeps evil spirits from getting out too,” Henry answered.
I remembered Henry with his hands around Roland's neck, my hand around Henry's arm.
And Roland's smile.
”Where is Roland?” I asked.
”Wait a second.” Raye glanced back and forth between Henry and me. ”You can hear him?”
”See him too. Must have been when I was you and you were me and-” I flapped my hand. ”More importantly, Roland. Where?”
Henry shook his head. ”Haven't got a clue.”
”How?” Raye asked. ”He needed worthy believers.”
”He had them,” I said. ”They chanted, skyclad, beneath the moon, which was freakishly up in the daylight.”
”He didn't get out the last time.”
”Last time there wasn't a sacrifice. You didn't die. I did.”
”Are you sure he's out?” Raye asked.
From the direction of Three Harbors a siren wailed. Pru began to howl. We went to the edge of the cliff and peered west. There was one h.e.l.luva fire in town.
Henry, Raye, and I exchanged glances.
”He's out,” I said.
Edward's minions made it look like my clinic went up in flames because of a gas leak. The man has amazing minions. They came, they saw, they explained away every d.a.m.n thing.
We arrived in time to see that the fire had been started from a pile of wood around a single wooden stake. A pyre built just the way the Venatores Mali liked them.
Joaquin stood across the street, herding cats-literally. After canceling my appointments, he'd hung around in case we had any walk-ins. Luckily he'd smelled the fire, called it in, then opened the cages in the kennel and let all the residents out.
Though the building was a loss-Roland McHugh made a d.a.m.n good fire that burned hot and fast-the animals were saved. Joaquin was a hero. I gave him permission to dole out the poor homeless fur babies to several giggling girls who'd gathered around. From the admiring gazes cast his way, Joaquin wasn't going to go friendless, or dateless, much longer.
Owen, me, Reggie-as well as Grenade-slept that night at the cottages. So did Ca.s.sandra, Franklin, Raye, Bobby, and my parents. My birth parents.
Took some fancy talking by Franklin to get Kyle to agree to let Pru sleep inside. But he did. I'm sure the fed had to pay plenty. Kyle isn't the kind to care about a s.h.i.+ny FBI badge.
But we can't stay in Three Harbors. We have to go where no one knows us. Now that Roland's free, and he's discovered matches, no one and nothing is safe.
I spoke with my other parents. Told them I'd be leaving for a while. I hope that by the time I come back, I've figured out what to say to them. Maybe nothing beyond thank you. They might have lied, but they loved me; they protected me and accepted me. I always knew something was off, but only someone like me, with supernatural abilities, would have.
Though possessing Raye was weird for both of us, the exchange accomplished one important thing. I can see Henry and Raye can hear Pru. So far just them-no extra ghosts for me, no whispers from Fido for her. I kind of hope it stays that way. I have enough voices in my head already and so does she.
The morning after, I woke in Owen's arms. The sun slanting through the window told me we'd slept half the morning away. I wasn't surprised. After dying, rising, watching my livelihood burn, we'd come back here and proved we were alive the best way we knew how.
Reggie and Grenade lay on the couch all curled together. Neither one of them even lifted their heads as I sat up. The sun lit Owen's sleeping face, revealing every line that he'd earned. I drew back the sheet then placed my palm on the thin white line that still marred his thigh. One more dose ought to do it.
The spark woke him. He slapped his hand atop mine. ”What are you doing?”