Part 29 (1/2)

The Climbers Clyde Fitch 17220K 2022-07-22

[_They turn in great surprise._

BLANCHE. d.i.c.k!

[_Fright at his appearance is mingled with her surprise._

WARDEN. [_At the same time as_ BLANCHE.] Sterling!

[_They do not drop hands._

STERLING. [_Coming nearer, very strong._] Drop my wife's hand! [_They do so quickly, not understanding yet._] So I've _caught_ you!

WARDEN. [_Angry._] Caught us!

STERLING. Yes, I had my suspicions roused some time ago!

BLANCHE. Of what?

STERLING. _I_ could go to the devil--what did _you two_ care! I could go to State's Prison! All the better--_out of your way!_

WARDEN. You're speaking like a madman!

STERLING. I went back to my house this morning; my wife was gone--no message left where to! But I questioned the servant. She'd driven here!

Why? Ha! [_A bitter half laugh; he turns to_ BLANCHE.] _You've come here once too often!_

WARDEN. [_Very strong._] Sterling!

STERLING. [_To_ WARDEN, _but ignoring his exclamation._] Then I went to _your_ house. _They knew_ where _you'd_ gone! You ought to train your servants better! _Both here!_

WARDEN. If you're not careful, I'll ram your insinuations down your throat.

STERLING. [_Jeers._] ”Insinuations?” I've caught you! I make no ”_insinuations_.” I tell you _both you're caught!_ You're my wife's lover, and she's your d.a.m.ned mis--


WARDEN. [_Seizing_ STERLING _by the throat._] Don't you finis.h.!.+

BLANCHE. s.h.!.+--for Heaven's sake! [_To_ WARDEN.] Let him alone; I'm not afraid of what he says.


STERLING. No, you never were a liar, I'll give you credit for that,--so confess the truth--you're his--


BLANCHE. [_Excited beyond her control._] Listen! And you shall have the truth if you want it! These years that he's been befriending me I never dreamed of loving him nor thought of his loving me. [d.i.c.k _sneers._]

_Wait!_ No, not even the day my father was buried, when I learned outright you were _dishonest!_

STERLING. [_Surprised._] What do you mean?