Part 24 (1/2)
TROTTER. Of course I want it! And I say, where are _you_? Why aren't _you_ in it?
WARDEN. There are reasons why my name had better not appear; you are in the family. But I'll tell you what I'll do, Trotter; I'll secure _you_ with a note of my own--only you must keep it dark; you mustn't even let Mason know.
TROTTER. All right, perhaps I'm a Dodo bird, but I'll do it. Say, I seem to have married a good many of this family!
WARDEN. Trotter, no one's done you justice! And, by George! you deserve a better fate--er--I mean--my best wishes on your wedding day.
[TROTTER _shakes his hand delightedly._
TROTTER. Great day for me! What I wanted was style and position, and some one who would know how to spend my money for me!
WARDEN. Well, you've got _that, surely_!
[CLARA _comes back from the house._
CLARA. The G.o.desbys are coming. Trotter, there's skating on the river near here, and they've skates in the house--don't you want a spin?
TROTTER. Yes, I don't mind--if my wife doesn't need me! [CLARA _laughs as_ G.o.dESBY _and_ MISS G.o.dESBY _enter from behind the house._ TROTTER _meets them, with_ CLARA _on his arm._] Excuse us for a little while!
CLARA. _Poppa_ and I're going skating!
[_They go out Left._
G.o.dESBY. h.e.l.lo, Warden.
WARDEN. Good morning, Miss G.o.desby.
MISS G.o.dESBY. Good morning.
WARDEN. How are you, G.o.desby? I've come on a matter most serious, most urgent--something very painful.
G.o.dESBY. What is it?
[_Comes forward._
WARDEN. Both of you trusted d.i.c.k Sterling.
MISS G.o.dESBY. What's he done?
WARDEN. Misused your funds.
G.o.dESBY. How d'you mean?
WARDEN. I mean that the money you intrusted to him is gone, and I've come to make a proposition to you.
MISS G.o.dESBY. Gone?
[G.o.dESBY _and_ MISS G.o.dESBY _are aghast. A second's silence, during which_ G.o.dESBY _and_ MISS G.o.dESBY _look at each other, then back at_ WARDEN.
G.o.dESBY. Do you mean to say--