Part 12 (1/2)
MISS G.o.dESBY. [_Quickly._] You see you'll be doing us a really great favor letting us have some of your things!
MRS. HUNTER. [_Realizing her nearly fatal error._] Oh! Oh, yes--but--er--I must say that _we_ found prices while in Paris _this year_ rather _atrocious!_
[CLARA _reenters Right._
CLARA. [_Sighs._] O dear! It breaks my heart not to wear my ball dress, my dear Julia; it was designed specially for me. I told Marie to put it on, mama; my clothes fit her perfectly, and I thought it would show so much better what it is.
MRS. HUNTER. Here they are.
[_Rises as_ TOMPSON _enters Right._
TOMPSON. Mrs. Hunter's reception gown.
[_Displaying it._
CLARA. Oh, this _is_ a beauty!
[_She takes the costume and drapes it over a chair._ MISS G.o.dESBY _and_ MISS SILLERTON _come closer to examine._
MRS. HUNTER. Tompson.--[_Taking her to one side, whispers._]--I forget; do you remember what I paid for this dress?
TOMPSON. [_Whispers back._] One hundred and sixty dollars, madam.
MRS. HUNTER. Oh, yes. Don't say anything. [_Returning to the others._]
Do you like it?
MISS SILLERTON. Perfectly lovely! } } [_At the same time._ MISS G.o.dESBY. Immensely. It's great! }
MRS. HUNTER. [_Hesitates._] I forget just what I paid for it, but I believe it was two hundred dollars.
[CLARA _half exclaims in astonishment, but on being pinched surrept.i.tiously on the arm by_ MRS. HUNTER _she grasps the situation and starts in to do her share._
CLARA. Oh, no, mama! I'm sure it was more than that!
MRS. HUNTER. Well, perhaps it was two--twenty or two--twenty-five.
TROTTER. That's cheap, isn't it?
MISS G.o.dESBY. Shut up.
[TOMPSON'S _face is always a perfect blank, showing no expression or surprise; she has lived with_ MRS. HUNTER _for many years and ”knows her business.”_
MISS G.o.dESBY. [_In a very different tone of voice, influenced by the big price._] Of course, I see it's made of the best material. But it isn't my color.
MRS. HUNTER. It's the very latest shade.
MISS G.o.dESBY. Yes, I know; but I think as you said a little while ago, perhaps it is a trifle too old for me.
MRS. HUNTER. I might let you have it for a little less; say one hundred and eighty.