Volume I Part 37 (1/2)

The pale reniform mark on the outer edge of the blackish central area is the prominent feature of this pinkish- or purplish-brown moth. (Plate 141, Fig. 5.) The caterpillar is green, or pinkish-brown, and velvety in appearance; three indistinct lines and some dusky V-shaped marks on the back; a white line along the sides; usual dots white, and the spiracles black. It feeds in August and September on most low plants, birch, sallow, bracken, etc. It is often destructive to ferns in the garden or conservatory; usually selecting the choicer kinds, and as its depredations are carried on only at night, the culprit escapes detection. The moth flies in June and July, and a few specimens sometimes appear in the autumn.

Generally distributed and often common in the South. The range abroad extends to Amurland, j.a.pan, and North America.

THE ANGLE SHADES (_Phlogophora meticulosa_).

The moth shown on Plate 141, Fig. 7, is, when newly emerged from the chrysalis, an exceedingly pretty creature. After death the pinky-brown colour remains, but the olive green of the triangular central band, and border of outer margin, fades and distinctly mars the pleasing effect of the general colour scheme. Sometimes the central band and outer border are red, and in such specimens the ground colour is more rosy. The caterpillar is green or brown, minutely dotted with white; a pale central line and dusky V-shaped marks on each side of it; the outer arm of the V more distinct than the inner; the line along the dark {292} ringed spiracles whitish; head green or brown freckled with darker. It feeds on groundsel, dock, bracken, and almost anything in the way of an herbaceous plant; often attacks geraniums in the greenhouse as well as outdoors. Has been found in almost every month of the year, but perhaps most common in July, August, and September. The moth also occurs at all seasons of the year, but seems to be most frequent in May and June, and sometimes in September and October. It is found throughout the British Isles. Both this species and the last mentioned, when resting on herbage, paling, or tree stem, chiefly the former, sit with the wings folded in to the body, but each fore wing is broadly wrinkled or folded throughout its length. In this position the moth is very like a crumpled decaying leaf, and for such may be readily mistaken.

THE OLD LADY (_Mania_ (_Mormo_) _maura_).

From its habit of creeping behind curtains, shutters, etc., and otherwise disposing itself in dwelling-houses during the day, as well as in summer houses and other buildings, this moth (Plate 142, Figs. 1[male], 3[female]) must often come under observation. The caterpillar is ochreous brown with a darker diamond pattern on the back; the central line is ochreous, but much broken, and on each side of it there is a series of pale oblique streaks; the spiracles are reddish ochreous, edged with black, and the line along them is ochreous; head pale brown, glossy. The general colour varies to greyish or purplish brown. It feeds on various low herbage in the autumn, and on the young shoots and leaves of sallow, hawthorn, birch, etc., in the spring after hibernation. The moth flies in July and August, and is generally common in the south of England. Sometimes it abounds even in the London suburbs, and in 1904 it was seen pretty frequently during August flying, in the evening, low down along the roads and in gardens all over the southern district. The species is also {293} found more or less frequently throughout England northwards, and well into Scotland, as least as far as Clydesdale. Renton records it as common at sugar in Roxburghs.h.i.+re, and White gives the Forth and Tay districts. Widely distributed in Ireland, common in some parts.

THE GOTHIC (_Naenia typica_).

This moth (Plate 142, Fig. 2) is common in gardens, as well as along the weedy wayside and hedgerow in all parts of England and Wales, Scotland to Sutherland, and in Ireland. The caterpillar (Plate 139, Fig. 2) varies in colour from brownish-grey to pale ochreous brown, or greenish grey, freckled with darker; three pale lines on the first ring, and partly on the second; some pale oblique streaks on the sides, and blackish marks on rings ten and eleven, the latter more or less united behind; head of the body colour darker marked. It feeds on all kinds of herbage, also on the leaves of sallow, sloe, apple, etc. When young in large companies on the underside of leaves. August to May. The moth flies in June and July.

THE CRESCENT (_Helotropha leucostigma_).

Of this purplish-brown species the typical form (Fig. 1), and the pale banded form, var. _fibrosa_, Hubn., are shown on Plate 143. The caterpillar, according to Buckler, is slaty brown, inclining to olive drab above; three paler lines on the back; the spiracles are black and the usual dots black-brown; head warm brown, very glossy; plate on first ring glossy black, that on the last ring blackish brown. It feeds in the stems of _Cladium mariscus_, sedge (_Carex paludosa_), and yellow flag (_Iris pseudacorus_). May to July. The moth is out in late June, July, and August.

It inhabits fens and marshy ground, and seems to be found in such localities throughout the British Isles, including the {294} Hebrides and Shetlands. Abroad the range extends to Amurland, China, j.a.pan, also North America.

THE EAR MOTH (_Hydroecia_ (_Gortyna_) _nict.i.tans_).

On Plate 143 are shown a more or less typical specimen of this species (Fig. 3); the reddish spotted var. _erythrostigma_, Haw. (Fig. 4); and two examples of the marsh or saltern form, _paludis_, Tutt (Figs. 5, 6), for which specific rank has been claimed. Specimens found in marshes, especially those by the sea, are usually somewhat larger than normal, but I cannot see that they otherwise differ from forms of _nict.i.tans_. The caterpillar is greenish pink with pinkish grey stripes on the back and sides; spiracles black, and usual dots dark brownish; head pinkish ochreous, plate on ring one of the body yellowish brown. It feeds from May to August on gra.s.ses, chiefly the lower part of the stems. The moth flies in August and September, and is sometimes seen in the daytime on the flowers of thistle and ragwort, etc., but far more frequently at night, when it also visits sugar more or less freely. Usually common in marshy places throughout our islands. The range abroad extends to Amurland, Corea, j.a.pan, and North America.

THE ROSY RUSTIC (_Hydroecia_ (_Gortyna_) _micacea_).

This moth (Plate 143, Figs. 8, 9) is also widely spread over the British Isles, occurring most freely on the coast, but not uncommonly inland. It appears in the autumn, and is frequently seen at light, and although not very partial to sugar it occasionally visits that attraction as well as ragwort blossom, etc. The caterpillar is dull smoky pink, with a faintly darker central stripe; the usual dots dark brown, and the spiracles black; head, and plates on first and last rings of the body ochreous brown. May to August on dock, plantain, feeding in the stems and down into the roots.

Sometimes it attacks the potato, eating down the stalk into the tuber. The range abroad extends to Amurland.


Pl. 142.




Pl. 143.


3, 4. EAR MOTH.

5, 6. EAR MOTH, _saltern form_.

7. b.u.t.tERBUR MOTH.


{295} THE b.u.t.tERBUR (_Hydroecia_ (_Gortyna_) _petasitis_).

This is a larger species than the last, and more dingy in coloration. Its chief haunts, among the b.u.t.terbur (_Petasites_), are in the northern counties from Ches.h.i.+re to Durham. It was first met with by Stainton in 1846 at Falkirk in Scotland, and Doubleday named and described it in 1847. An account of its caterpillar feeding in the roots of the b.u.t.terbur was published by N. Cooke in 1850, and by 1855 the northern collectors had reared and distributed large numbers of the moths among their confreres in other parts of the country. The species is still common in the north of England, but continues scarce and very local in Scotland. Odd specimens have been reported from the eastern counties and once from Somerset. The caterpillar is greyish white with black dots; head, and plate on first ring of the body brown. July and August. The moth occurs among its food plant in August and September. (Plate 143, Fig. 7.)

THE FROSTED ORANGE (_Ochria ochracea_).

Except that it sometimes visits a strong light, and may then be captured, this moth (Plate 144, Figs. 1[male], 2[female]) is most easily obtained in its early stages. The caterpillar is pale ochreous white with conspicuous black dots; head ochreous brown, the plate on first ring of the body is blackish with white lines upon it. It feeds in the stems of thistles, burdock, hemp-agrimony, etc. April to July, or later. The brownish chrysalis may be found in stems of the plants, generally low down near the ground. The moth, also known as _flavago_, Schiff., occurs from August to October in most places, especially marshy ground, where {296} thistles flourish, throughout England and Wales. It is found in Scotland up to Perths.h.i.+re and Aberdeen. Only recorded from Wicklow, Galway, Sligo, and Clare, in Ireland.

REED WAINSCOT (_Nonagria algae_ (_cannae_)).