Part 26 (1/2)

”4. Dismantling of all forts in Transvaal and Free State.

”5. Post, Telegraph, and Railway Union.

”6. Arbitration in case of future differences, and only subjects of the parties to be the arbitrators.

”7. Mutual amnesty.

”... But if these terms are not satisfactory, they desire to know what terms the British Government would give them in order to secure the end they all desire.”

After this conversation with Lord Kitchener the two Governments consulted with each other, and agreed that when they again met the representative of the British Government they would very clearly declare their standpoint, namely, that in the matter of Independence it was the People alone that could const.i.tutionally decide.

Sunday was pa.s.sed quietly, and divine service was held in the house in which the Free State Government was quartered.

Early on Monday morning, the 14th of April, Lord Kitchener sent to the members of both Governments a copy of the following telegram. He also stated that Lord Milner would take part with him in the conference.

The telegram was as follows:--


”LONDON, _13 April 1902_.

”... His Majesty's Government sincerely share the earnest desire of the Boer Representatives, and hope that the present negotiations may lead to that result. But they have already stated in the clearest terms, and must repeat, that they cannot entertain any proposals which are based on the continued Independence of the former Republics which have been formally annexed to the British Crown. It would be well for you and Milner to interview Boer Representatives and explain this. You should encourage them to put forward fresh proposals, excluding Independence, which we shall be glad to receive.”

At ten o'clock the members of the Government again a.s.sembled in Lord Kitchener's house.

Lord Milner entered the hall after the members of the Government had a.s.sembled, and was introduced to the Representatives of the People by Lord Kitchener. He greeted the Presidents as ”Mr. Steyn and Mr. Burger.”

But later, during the conference, he addressed each--was it inadvertently--as President.

It struck me that he had piercing eyes, that apparently strove to penetrate the person on whom they were fixed. Those who had seen him before, said that he had become very thin. He had grown grey, and wrinkles were beginning to show on his forehead. He also looked pale, and he seemed to show signs of fatigue. Before the conference was continued, Lord Milner spoke a few words. He also wished to remove wrong impressions. He declared that it had been said that he was not well disposed towards the Boers. That was incorrect. He could give the a.s.surance that he wished to promote the interests of the Boers; and that he, like themselves, desired peace.

Thereupon Lord Kitchener laid the telegram from the British Government on the table. Without entering into discussion on it, the Presidents pointed out that it was impossible for the two Governments to act in accordance with the desire of the British Government, seeing that, as had already been said on, they were not qualified to discuss the question of Independence before having consulted the People.

_Lord Milner._ May I ask if the prisoners-of-war will also be consulted?

_President Steyn._ Your Excellency surely cannot be in earnest in putting this question?

_Lord Milner_ (in a tone of annoyance). Yes, certainly.

_President Steyn._ How can the prisoners-of-war be consulted?--they are civilly dead. To mention one practical difficulty: suppose the prisoners should decide that the war should be continued, and the burghers on commando that it should not--what then?--

Lord Kitchener and Lord Milner, seeing the absurdity, laughed aloud.

They quite agreed with President Steyn, and admitted that the difficulty raised by him was to the point.

Lord Kitchener, however, wished to call attention to the word ”excluding” in the answer of the British Government. He put it that the words ”excluding Independence” rendered a discussion, as to Dependence or Independence, superfluous. The question should now be discussed as if Independence were finally excluded; and a.s.suming this, such proposals should be made as it was thought would be acceptable as well for the Boers as for the British Government.

President Steyn then pointed out again that it was beyond the power of the Government to do so. They had no right to make a proposal that even a.s.sumed the exclusion of Independence.