Part 19 (1/2)
”He looked at me and my companions in surprise, and then glancing along the deck, said, 'What has happened to this vessel? Who is in command?'
I informed him, that, strictly speaking, no one was in command, but that I represented the captain, officers, and crew of this steamer, the _General Brooks_, from San Francisco to Calcutta, and I then proceeded to tell him the whole story of our misfortunes; and concluded by telling the officer, that if we had not moved since his vessel had come in sight, it was probably because the Water-devil had let go of us, and was preparing to make fast to the other s.h.i.+p; and therefore it would be advisable for us all to get on board his vessel, and steam away as quickly as possible.
”The Englishmen looked at me in amazement. 'Drunk!' e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed the officer I had addressed. 'Cracked, I should say,' suggested another.
'Now,' spoke up Mr. Minturn, 'I do not understand what I have just heard,' he said. 'What is a Water-devil? I am astounded.' 'You never said a word of this to me!' exclaimed Miss Minturn. 'You never told me that we were in the grasp of a Water-devil, and that that was the reason the captain and the crew ran away.' 'No,' said I, 'I never divulged the dreadful danger we were in. I allowed you to believe that we were in the influence of a current, and that the shocks we felt were the sudden twists of that current. The terrible truth I kept to myself.
Not for worlds would I have made known to a tenderly nurtured lady, to her invalid father, and devoted servant, what might have crushed their souls, driven them to the borders of frenzy; in which case the relief which now has come to us would have been of no avail.'
”The officer stood and steadily stared at me. 'I declare,' he said, 'you do not look like a crazy man. At what time did this Water-devil begin to take you in tow?'
”'Yesterday morning,' I answered. 'And he stopped during last night?'
he asked. I replied that that was the case. Then he took off his cap, rubbed his head, and stood silent for a minute. 'We'll look into this matter!' he suddenly exclaimed, and turning, he and his party left us to ourselves. The boat was now sent back with a message to the English vessel, and the officers and men who remained scattered themselves over our steamer, examining the engine-room, hold, and every part of her.
”I was very much opposed to all this delay; for although the Englishmen might doubt the existence of the Water-devil, I saw no reason to do so, and in any case I was very anxious to be on the safe side by getting away as soon as possible; but, of course, British officers would not be advised by me, and as I was getting very hungry I went down to breakfast. I ate this meal alone, for my fellow-pa.s.sengers seemed to have no desire for food.
”I cannot tell all that happened during the next hour, for, to tell the truth, I did not understand everything that was done. The boat pa.s.sed several times between the two vessels, bringing over a number of men--two of them scientific fellows, I think. Another was a diver, whose submarine suit and air-pumping machines came over with him. He was lowered over the side, and after he had been down about fifteen minutes he was hauled up again, and down below was the greatest hammering and hauling that ever you heard. The _General Brooks_ was put in charge of an officer and some men; a sail was hoisted to keep her in hand, so that she wouldn't drift into the other s.h.i.+p; and in the midst of all the rowdy-dow we were told that if we liked we might go on board the English vessel immediately.
”Miss Minturn and her party instantly accepted this invitation, and although under ordinary circ.u.mstances I would have remained to see for myself what these people found out, I felt a relief in the thought of leaving that vessel which is impossible for me to express, and I got into the boat with the others.
”We were treated very handsomely on board the English vessel, which was a mail steams.h.i.+p, at that time in the employment of the English Government. I told my story at least half-a-dozen times, sometimes to the officers and sometimes to the men, and whether they believed me or not, I don't think any one ever created a greater sensation with a story of the sea.
”In an hour or so the officer in charge of the operations on the _General Brooks_ came aboard. As he pa.s.sed me on his way to the captain, he said, 'We found your Water-devil, my man.' 'And he truly had us in tow?' I cried. 'Yes, you are perfectly correct,' he said, and went on to make his report to the captain.”
”Now, then,” said the blacksmith, ”I suppose we are going to get to the pint. What did he report?”
”I didn't hear his report,” said the marine, ”but everybody soon knew what had happened to our unlucky vessel, and I can give you the whole story of it. The _General Brooks_ sailed from San Francisco to Calcutta, with a cargo of stored electricity, contained in large, strongly made boxes. This I knew nothing about, not being in the habit of inquiring into cargoes. Well, in some way or other, which I don't understand, not being a scientific man myself, a magnetic connection was formed between these boxes, and also, if I got the story straight, between them and the iron hull of our vessel, so that it became, in fact, an enormous floating magnet, one of the biggest things of the kind on record. I have an idea that this magnetic condition was the cause of the trouble to our machinery; every separate part of it was probably turned to a magnet, and they all stuck together.”
”Mr. Cardly,” said Mr. Harberry to the school-master, ”I do not suppose you have given much attention to the study of commerce, and therefore are not prepared to give us any information in regard to stored electricity as an article of export from this country; but perhaps you can tell us what stored electricity is, and how it is put into boxes.”
”In regard to the transportation,” answered the school-master, speaking a little slowly, ”of encased electric potency, I cannot--”
”Oh, bless me!” interrupted the marine; ”that is all simple enough; you can store electricity and send it all over the world, if you like; in places like Calcutta, I think it must be cheaper to buy it than to make it. They use it as a motive power for sewing-machines, apple-parers, and it can be used in a lot of ways, such as digging post-holes and churning b.u.t.ter. When the stored electricity in a box is all used up, all you have to do is to connect a fresh box with your machinery, and there you are, ready to start again. There was nothing strange about our cargo. It was the electricity leaking out and uniting itself and the iron s.h.i.+p into a sort of conglomerate magnet that was out of the way.”
”Mr. Cardly,” said Mr. Harberry, ”if an iron s.h.i.+p were magnetized in that manner, wouldn't it have a deranging effect upon the needle of the compa.s.s?”
The marine did not give the school-master time to make answer.
”Generally speaking,” said he, ”that sort of thing would interfere with keeping the vessel on its proper course, but with us it didn't make any difference at all. The greater part of the s.h.i.+p was in front of the binnacle where they keep the compa.s.s, and so the needle naturally pointed that way, and as we were going north before a south wind, it was all right.