Part 12 (2/2)
”He was running, with a saddle, and with the reins under his feet,”
continued Mark. ”Somebody had probably been flung from him, or he had got away by breaking the halter.”
”Was he stopped?” asked Chester.
”Not in that neighborhood, at any rate. It is hard stopping a horse after dark. What's the matter, Sam?”
”Nothing,” murmured Sam, faintly.
”What makes you look so white?”
”I--I've got a lame foot.”
”And I know where you got it?” thundered Chester, seizing him by the s.h.i.+rt-collar. ”It is just as I thought, last night.”
”Stop, Chester,--don't be ras.h.!.+” cried Mr. Royden. ”Sam, tell the truth, now, about that horse.”
”I fell off,” blubbered Sam.
”You incorrigible, lying rascal!” e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Chester. ”Why didn't you say so last night?”
”I couldn't help it,” and Sam wiped his face with his sleeve. ”I didn't run him--and--and he got frightened.”
”That has nothing to do with the question. Why didn't you tell the truth, the first thing?”
”Cause--I wasn't looking out-and he was going on a slow trot--when a stump by the side of the road scar'd him--and I fell off.”
”But what did you lie about it for?” demanded Chester, fiercely.
”I was afraid I'd git a licking,” muttered Sam.
”And now you'll get two of 'em, as you richly deserve. If father don't give 'em to you, I will.”
”Hush, Chester, I'll attend to him,” said Mr. Royden, more calm than usual on such occasions. ”James, put the saddle on Old Boy. One of us must ride after the stray horse, and see where he is to be found. Sam, go and finish that churning, and prepare for a settlement.”
With a sinking heart, the rogue obeyed. Mark went off, leading his colt; Chester rode to hunt up Frank; Mr. Royden proceeded to the field, and Father Brighthopes sought the privacy of his room to write. The boys clamored a little while at his door, then went cheerfully away to play with Lizzie in the garden.
It was near sundown when Chester returned, having succeeded in finding Frank, and returned him to his owner.
Meanwhile Father Brighthopes had had a long talk with the distressed and remorseful Sam. The old man's kindness and sympathy touched the lad's heart more than anything had ever done before. He could not endure the appeals to his better nature, to his sense of right, and to his plain reason, with which the clergyman represented the folly and wickedness of lying.