Part 27 (1/2)

The Doctor iical question, if it be such, is here presented whether _standing_ is the ible position for the severeall discussion upon this interesting point, the fact is here faithfully chronicled that the Doctor stood up Looking neither to the right nor to the left, but standingin some of its characteristics the beauty and sy ----” whereupon the little schoolainst the repetition of such conduct, the arbiter reminded him that such manifestations in the very presence of the ”empire,” were in sonificantly warned hiainst its recurrence

At the same time the Doctor was re of the word The Doctor replied, ”If it is all the saain” Per-o-r” To this the arbiter responded, ”You have spelled the word correctly, Doctor,” and _immediately handed hi during my residence in Metamora, was a noted temperance revival under the auspices of ”the Grand Worthy Deputy” of a well-known teanized, and a profound interest aroused in the good work During the visit of the excellent lady who bore with becoiven, the interest deepened, athered into the fold For rand cause was the only and all-absorbing topic of conversation

Chief a the initiated was our old friend Doctor John His conversion created a profound sensation, and it veritably seeh a permanent breach had been effected in the ramparts of Satan It was even boasted that the Presbyterian clergyman, one saloon keeper, and the writer of these truthful annals were, as Judge Tipton would say, ”substantially” the only adherents re to His Satanic Majesty The pressure was, however, soon irresistible, and the writer, deserting his soth passed over to the _un_silent majority

The Doctor was the bearer of my petition, and in due time and as the sequel will show, for only a short ti As explanatory of the sudden terht under happier auspices have proved an eminently useful career, it may be casually mentioned that upon the writer's first introduction into the lodge, in answer to the official inquiry solemnly propounded, ”Why do you seek adly replied, _”Because Doctor John joined”_

This was for the moment permitted to pass, and the exercises of the session reached the high-water , by way of ”exe the work,” Doctor John had for the second time taken the solemn vow henceforth and forever to abstain from the use of all fluids of alcoholic, vinous, or ferth drew nigh Thus far all had gone ns betokened fair weather

Barring the temporary commotion occasioned by the uncanonical reply of the writer above given, not a ripple had appeared upon the surface It was at length announced that this was the last evening that the Grand Worthy Deputy could be with us, as she was to leave for her distant ho

Splendidly set off in her great robes of office, her fareords of instruction, encouragement, and admonition, were thenthe final farewell--”that hich er”--she calmly remarked that this would be her last opportunity to expound any constitutional question thatof the order, and that she would gladly answer any inquiry that any brother or sister about the lodge ht propose Her seat was then resuth, aer be endured, she arose and advancing to the front of the platform, repeated, in iven Still there was no response It all seeht in some measure dispel the embarrassment, the unworthy chronicler of these important events, froe, for the first and last tiiven him to proceed, he candidly admitted that he had no constitutional question hirave doubt touching a question upon which he would be glad to have the opinion of the chair

”I understand,” continued the speaker, ”froe that if any brother, or sister even for that matter, should partake of liquors alcoholic, vinous, or fermented, he or she would be liable to expulsion from the order Am I correct?”

”That is certainly correct, Brother Stevenson,” was the prompt reply in no uncertain tone

”I so understand it,” continued the speaker, ”and so does Brother John

What he seeks to know is this: If in an unguarded moment he should hearken to the voice of the teet his solemn vows as to partake of alcoholic, vinous, or fermented liquors, and be expelled therefor, would he thereby be wholly beyond the pale of the lodge, or would he _by virtue of his second obligation taken this night,_ have another chance, and still retain his membershi+p in the order?”

The official answer, in tone no less uncertain than before, was instantly given

”No, sir, if Brother John _or you either,_ should drink one drop of the liquors mentioned and be expelled therefor, you would both be helplessly beyond the pale of the lodge, even though you had _both taken the obligation a thousand times!”_

As the ominous applause which followed died away, Brother John, half arising in his seat, vehemently exclaimed,

”Mrs Worshi+pful Master, _I never told him to ask no such damn fool question!”_



About the year of grace 1889, a nuuished statesiven by the local Deia

Auests were Representative Flower of New York and General Collins of Massachusetts; the chief guest of the occasion was the Hon David B Hill, then the Governor of New York The banquet was under the ilorious roaned under the rarest viands, and Southern hospitality was at its zenith It was, all in all, an occasion to live in uests of the co city was invited by Mr Grady to be present

At the conclusion of the feast, a toast was proposed to ”The Gallant Democracy of New York” Glasses were touched and the enthusiasm was unbounded The toast was of course responded to by the distinguished Governor of the Empire State He was at his best

His speech, splendid in thought and diction, was heard with breathless interest

The keynote was struck, and speech after speech followed in the proper vein There was no discordant note, the burden of every speech being the gallant Dereat State of New York

When the distinguished guests had all spoken, the master of ceremonies, General Gordon, proposed a toast to ”The Democracy of Illinois,” and called upon e Democrat from Illinois; that way out there ere content to be of the rank and file, and of course to follow the splendid leadershi+p and the gallant Democracy of which we had heard so e become a fixed habit with us, in fact, ould hardly kno to go about voting for a candidate from any other State; and I then related an incident on the question of supporting the ticket, which I thought ht be to the point