Part 7 (1/2)

They were riding up and down in the valley, looking over all their possessions, and planning what big vineyards and orchards they would plant and how much money they would make.

When this man saw Mr. Connor, he turned as red as a turkey-c.o.c.k's throat. He knew very well what Mr. Connor thought of him; but he bowed very low.

Mr. Connor returned his bow, but with such a stern and scornful look on his face, that Rea exclaimed,--

”What is the matter, Uncle George? What makes you look so?”

”That man is a bad man, dear,” he replied; ”and has the kind of badness I most despise.” But he did not tell her that he was the man who was responsible for the Indians being driven out of their home. He thought it better for Rea not to know it.

”Are there different sorts of badness,--some badnesses worse than others?” asked Rea.

”I don't know whether one kind is really any worse than another,” said Mr. Connor. ”But there are some kinds which seem to me twice as bad as others; and meanness and cruelty to helpless creatures seem to me the very worst of all.”

”To me too!” said Rea. ”Like turning out poor Ysidro.”

”Yes,” said Mr. Connor. ”That is just one of the sort I mean.”

Just before they reached the beginning of the lands of Connorloa, they crossed the grounds of a Mr. Finch, who had a pretty house and large orange orchards. Mr. Finch had one son, Harry, about Jusy's age, and the two boys were great cronies.

As Mr. Connor turned the horses' heads into these grounds, he saw Jusy and Harry under the trees in the distance.

”Why, there is Jusy,” he said.

”Yes,” said Rea. ”Harry came for him before lunch. He said he had something to show him.”

As soon as Jusy caught sight of the carriage, he came running towards it, crying,--

”Oh, Uncle George, stop! Rea! come! I've found s...o...b..ll! Come, see him!”

s...o...b..ll had been missing for nearly a month, and n.o.body could imagine what had become of him. They finally came to the conclusion that he must have got killed in some way.

Mr. Connor stopped the horses; and Rea jumped out and ran after Jusy, and Mr. Connor followed. They found the boys watching excitedly, one at each end of a little bridge over the ditch, through which the water was brought down for irrigating Mr. Finch's orchards. Harry's dogs were there too, one at each end of the bridge, barking, yelping, watching as excitedly as the boys. But no s...o...b..ll.

”Where is he?” cried Rea.

”In under there,” exclaimed Jusy. ”He's got a rabbit in there; he'll be out presently.”

Sure enough, there he was, plainly to be heard, scuffling and spitting under the bridge.

The poor little rabbit ran first to one end of the bridge, then to the other, trying to get out; but at each end he found a dog, barking to drive him back.

Presently s...o...b..ll appeared with the dead rabbit in his teeth. Dropping it on the ground, he looked up at the dogs, as much as to say, ”There!

Can't I hunt rabbits as well as you do?” Then they all three, the two dogs and he, fell to eating the rabbit in the friendliest manner.

”Don't you think!” cried Jusy. ”He's been hunting this way, with these dogs, all this time. You see they are so big they can't get in under the bridge, and he can; so they drive the rabbits in under there, and he goes in and gets them. Isn't he smart? Harry first saw him doing it two weeks ago, he says. He didn't know it was our cat, and he wondered whose it could be. But s...o...b..ll and the dogs are great friends. They go together all the time; and wherever he is, if he hears them bark, he knows they've started up something, and he comes flying! I think it is just splendid!”

”Poor little thing!” said Rea, looking at the fast-disappearing rabbit.

”Why, you eat them yourself!” shouted Jusy. ”You said it was as good as chicken, the other day. It isn't any worse for cats and dogs to eat them, than it is for us; is it, Uncle George?”

”I think Jusy has the best of the argument this time, pet,” said Uncle George, looking fondly at Jusy.