Chapter 17 (1/2)

Chapter 17

Translator: Darling | Editor: Coming soon…


In​ the​ ready-to-wear shop, because of dressing poorly, it is almost the situation of​ being looked down again, but the cold face of​ the​ shop a.s.sistant immediately becomes soft​ and​ greasy like​ mud when he saw the​ money ingot that​​ Xuan Cao throw on .

“Two ladies, this is the first-cla.s.s gold brocade, five top-grade embroiderers made it​ for​ ten days, look at this quality, this work, it fits no more than you…”

Who knows, Yu Ling Long don’t even take a look,randomly pointed to a few clothes and said:”This, this and that, warp up for me . ”

G.o.d​ knows​ LingLong doesn’t have​ any interest in​ shopping, in the past, her clothes are all designed and​ made​ by first-cla.s.s designer, how can she need to think​ like​ now .

After choosing for​ her, Yu Ling Long pointed to​ two more clothes​ and​ said:”give​ me​ these two,and Xuan Cao, you try it” .

“What?”​Still​ haven’t​ looked back​ to​ the​ unexpected​ money management, Xuan Cao was surprised again​ and​ said, “I have to buy clothes, too? I… I am​ just a servant!”

Yu LingLong take a glance at​ her and​ said: “What’s up with servant, servant doesn’t have to wear clothes? I​ want you​ to​ try, just try it . Why are you talking so​ much​ nonsense!”

Based on the​ appearance of​ Xuan Cao maintained herself, how can she match with these ​two clothes .


In​ previous life, when she was a miss, she always managed to strict, but she clearly reward and​ punish according to​ merits and demerits of​ her subordinates . Since this​ girl, Xuan Cao, followed her, she shouldn’t suffer grievance .

Shop​ a.s.sistant gladly take the​ clothes, smiling without closing his mouth . ​ He didn’t expect that even in​ the​ late​ night, still can do such a big business, it is really unexpected .

Yu LingLong​ look​ at​ herself in​ the​ bronze mirror, she only saw a girl​ wearing light green​ long​ skirt brocade with birds flying . ​ Even more a tiny dazzling face​ refined with face​ powder, bright eyes, and gestures filled with n.o.bility .

She slightly nod​ her head with satisfaction . ​ As expected, people rely on clothing and​ gold adornment, wearing such clothes, the whole person looks completely new .

As we​ are in​ ancient time, let’s make a new start now .

The master and servant just changed their clothes, and there suddenly comes a nervous voice from the door: “Quick! Close the door quickly!”

The​ shop​ a.s.sistant was shocked and​ looked up . ​ He saw a middle-age man​ wearing long​ coat hurriedly came into the​ shop​ and​ shouted to​ those in​ the​ shop: “Don’t you​ hear me? Hurry up!”

The​ shop​ a.s.sistant can’t​ care for​ Yu LingLong and​ XuanCao, hurriedly welcome him and said: “Shopkeeper, what’s wrong?”

The​ middle-age man​ nervously stamp his feet and​ said: “Don’t you​ hear it? That​ monster is​ coming again!”

Just after he finished speaking, he saw Yu Linglong and XuanCao, he didn’t expect to have guests at this late hour . The shopkeeper only recovered after a while, and he quickly put on his smile and said: “Two ladies, our shop is going to close, I want you to leave,please come again later . ”

Without waiting for interrogation of​ Yu Linglong, the sound of various stores closing the​ door​ was heard outside, and the clothing store’s shopkeeper was more anxious: “Otherwise, I will keep these clothes for​ you, and you come to pick it up again next day!”

While speaking, the shopkeeper made the gesture of sending off guests .

Yu Linglong’s eyebrows were slightly picked, what happened, why the shopkeeper didn’t even do the business, and wanted to send customers away?

She quietly picked up the dresses already wrapped on the counter and said, “No trouble,Xuan Cao, pay the bill . ” She turned around and walked out of​ the door .

After a moment of sorrow, the shopkeeper quickly sent a few steps, hesitating for a moment before saying: “The two ladies should go back to the house quickly, this outside is… don’t stop too​ for​ long!”