Part 35 (1/2)

_8th_.--The Matona Jungle, fifty miles south-east from Lucknow, on the bank of the Goomtee river, twelve miles long and three wide-- square miles, thirty-six.

Allee Buksh Khan, a notoriously refractory tallookdar, has a fort in this jungle.

_In the Uldeemow District_.

_9th_.--Mugurdhee Jungle, one hundred and forty miles east from Lucknow, on the bank of Ghogra river, eight miles long and three broad--square miles, twenty-four.

_10th_.--Putona Jungle, one hundred and twenty miles east from Lucknow, on the bank of the Tonus river, eight miles long and four miles broad--square miles, thirty-two.

_11th_.--Mudungur Jungle, one hundred and twenty miles east from Lucknow, on the bank of the Tonus river, six miles long, and three miles broad--square miles, eighteen.

Amreys Sing and Odreys Sing, sons of Surubdowun Sing (who was killed by the King's troops thirty years ago), hold the fort of Mudungur in this jungle.

_12th_.--Bundeepore Jungle, east from Lucknow one hundred and forty miles, on the plain, seven miles long and one broad--seven square miles.

_13th_.--Chunderdeeh, south-east from Lucknow one hundred and ten miles, on the bank of the Goomtee river, seven miles long, and three miles wide--square miles, twenty-one.

_In the Dureeabad District_.

_14th_.--Soorujpore Behreyla Jungle, east from Lucknow forty miles, on the bank of the Kuleeanee river, sixteen miles long, and four miles broad--square miles, sixty-four.

Chundee Sing has a fort in this jungle, and the family have been robbers for several generations. The widow of the late notorious robber, Rajah Singjoo, the head of the family, has a still stronger one.

_15th_.--Guneshpore Jungle, sixty miles south-east from Lucknow, on the bank of the Goomtee river, six miles long and two broad--twelve square miles.

Maheput Sing, an atrocious robber, holds his fort of Bhowaneegur in this jungle.

_In the Dewa Jahangeerabad District._

_16th_.--The Kasimgunge and Bhetae Jungle, eighteen miles north-east from Lucknow, sixteen miles long, and four miles wide--square miles, sixty-four, on the bank of the little river Reyt.

Gunga Buksh holds the forts of Kasimgunge and Atursae in this jungle; Thakur Purshad those of Bhetae and Buldeogur; and Bhugwunt Sing that of Munmutpore. Other members of the same family hold those of Ramgura Paharpore. The whole family are hereditary and inveterate robbers.

_In the Bangur District_.

_17th_.--Tundeeawun Jungle, on the plain, west from Lucknow, seventy- two miles, twelve miles long and six broad--square miles, seventy- two.

_In the Salone District._

_18th_.--The Naen Jungle, eighty miles south from Lucknow, on the bank of the Sae river, sixteen miles long and three wide--square miles, forty-eight.

Jugurnath Buksh, the tallookdar, holds the fort of Jankeebund, in this jungle; and others are held in the same jungle by members of his family.

_19th_.--The Kutaree Jungle, on the bank of the Kandoo river, south- east from Lucknow sixty miles, eight miles long and three broad-- square miles, twenty-four.

Surnam Sing, the tallookdar, has a fort in this jungle.

_In the Byswara District_.