Volume 1 Chapter 11 (1/2)
After being fried on a frying pan and having pepper and the likes sprinkled on it, the beef that originally reek of blood started to emit a rich flavor of ingredients. The scene of the crispy surface of the beef getting sliced by silver table knife was different than the b.l.o.o.d.y scene of The Handle puncturing the buffalo's head. Although the beef was also slightly b.l.o.o.d.y, what's prevalent was those juices from the beef that caused one to move the index finger excessively (don't quite understand it, however my rough guess is due to the Chinese using chopsticks to eat and index fingers were used to move the chopsticks, this should mean something that caused one to eat gluttonously).
These normal Federation citizens only get to eat synthetic foods all year round and had zero resistance towards these organic foods, let alone ones who treated meat as life like repair shop boss and youngster Xu Le.
After the splendid dinner, Xu Le put away the eating utensils and kept the remaining beef and internal organs into the fridges within the operation room beside the mine and noticed that he had obtained a rare idle time. Not knowing what to do with it, he dazed off for a short while in the room. After that, he took a bottle of wine and 2 gla.s.ses out of a drawer and walked out the door. Climbing up along the steel ladders that were in a state of disrepair, he reached the gra.s.sland above the mines.
Feng Yu the repair shop boss had been dazing off here for quite a while, staring as the final ray of light disappeared from the sky and the world fell into darkness. As he took the gla.s.s of wine pa.s.sed to him from behind, he took a sip and said with a faint smile on his face. ”Flattering me with this precious of mine, what do you want to ask this time?”
Holding a bottle of wine, Xu Le arrived beside the uncle and followed his line of sight, gazing towards the distance gra.s.sland, not knowing how spectacular the previous sunset was as it was now deep at night. He was aware that the repair shop boss kept a lot of secrets from him. However, he did not plan to inquire into it. His reason of following Feng Yu was to only learn about mechanical skills instead of listening to an emotional story.
Furthermore, everyone had their own secrets that they are unwilling to be known by others.
”Actually…I'm not a fool.” Xu Le said suddenly. He did not deliberately pretend to be awkward and speak hesitantly. Instead, he was merely stopping out of reflex at a certain important word adding to the seriousness of his tone. Ever since his parents and sister died in the mining disaster 10 years ago, he seemed to lose his focus in this lonely life of his. Therefore every once in a while when he tried to express his feelings it would be through these seemingly awkward method.
In the dark of night, the youngster narrowed his eyes and seemed somewhat cautious. In fact, he had already guessed something. In the past two years that he followed Feng Yu, apart from the mechanical methods, knowledge and practical abilities, the boss also got him to practice that ugly posture and some daily exercises, which was really weird….
Normally, Xu Le had an honest temperament; however this did not mean that he was brainless. He merely believed that these postures and acrobatics he practiced were probably some sort of military drill exercises; hence he had always acted the fool. Perhaps this might slightly strengthen his body? Facing something that brought benefit to himself, since the boss wanted him to learn he would gladly comply.
However as he killed that buffalo today, a chill appeared out of nowhere in his heart. Why were the things that the boss taught him so powerful when the boss was only an escaped mechanic from the military? Was it possible that the things taught by him….were those never leaked secret a.s.sa.s.sination skills of the military in the legends?
”I have never thought of you as a fool. On the contrary, I believed that you are a genius.” Feng Yu distanced the gla.s.s tip from his lips with a calm expression on his face. However the wrinkle between his eyebrows betrayed a trace of an odd smile.
”I am not a genius either. I simply do not understand, what is the point of all these things you taught me?” Xu Le stared helplessly into Feng Yu's eyes and said, ”The Defense Department's exam for Sergeant Mechanic does not test on these field abilities. I don't want to waste my time on this.”
As if going through some sort of unbearable suffering and ordeal, Xu Le's voice started trembling. However, Feng Yu did not even spare him a glance and said calmly, ”Based on your personality, for you to actually say this out loud means that you are really conflicted by it. What I don't understand is where did these conflicting feelings of yours come from?”
Voice still trembling and occasionally gasping for breath, Xu Le said angrily, ”It is now the 36th year of the 37th Const.i.tutional Calendar. The human civilization had already progressed this far. What is the point of you training me in all these? Regardless of how strong one gets, is it possible for him to directly confront a mech? Is it possible for him to fly to the outer s.p.a.ce and face a battles.h.i.+p in a battle?”