Volume I Part 28 (1/2)


The months following the outbreak of the war were busy ones for the American Emba.s.sy in London. The Emba.s.sies of all the great Powers with which Great Britain was contending were handed over to Page, and the citizens of these countries--Germany, Austria, Turkey--who found themselves stranded in England, were practically made his wards. It is a constant astonishment to his biographer that, during all the labour and distractions of this period, Page should have found time to write long letters describing the disturbing scene. There are scores of them, all penned in the beautiful copper-plate handwriting that shows no signs of excitement or weariness, but is in itself an evidence of mental poise and of the sure grip which Page had upon the evolving drama. From the many sent in these autumn and early winter months the following selections are made:

_To Edward M. House_ September 22nd, 1914.


When the day of settlement comes, the settlement must make sure that the day of militarism is done and can come no more. If sheer brute force is to rule the world, it will not be worth living in.

If German bureaucratic brute force could conquer Europe, presently it would try to conquer the United States; and we should all go back to the era of war as man's chief industry and back to the domination of kings by divine right. It seems to me, therefore, that the Hohenzollern idea must perish--be utterly strangled in the making of peace.

Just how to do this, it is not yet easy to say. If the German defeat be emphatic enough and dramatic enough, the question may answer itself--how's the best way to be rid of the danger of the recurrence of a military bureaucracy? But in any event, this thing must be killed forever--somehow. I think that a firm insistence on this is the main task that mediation will bring. The rest will be corollaries of this.

The danger, of course, as all the world is beginning to fear, is that the Kaiser, after a local victory--especially if he should yet take Paris--will propose peace, saying that he dreads the very sight of blood--propose peace in time, as he will hope, to save his throne, his dynasty, his system. That will be a dangerous day. The horror of war will have a tendency to make many persons in the countries of the Allies accept it. All the peace folk in the world will say ”Accept it!” But if he and his throne and his dynasty and his system be saved, in twenty-five years the whole job must be done over again. We are settling down to a routine of double work and to an oppression of gloom. Dead men, dead men, maimed men, the dull gray dread of what may happen next, the impossibility of changing the subject, the monotony of gloom, the consequent dimness of ideals, the overworking of the emotions and the heavy bondage of thought--the days go swiftly: that's one blessing.

The diplomatic work proper brings fewer difficulties than you would guess. New subjects and new duties come with great rapidity, but they soon fall into formulas--at least into cla.s.ses. We shall have no sharp crises nor grave difficulties so long as our Government and this Government keep their more than friendly relations. I see Sir Edward Grey almost every day. We talk of many things--all phases of one vast wreck; and all the clear-cut points that come up I report by telegraph. To-day the talk was of American cargoes in British s.h.i.+ps and the machinery they have set up here for fair settlement. Then of Americans applying for enlistment in Canadian regiments. ”If sheer brute force conquer Europe,” said he, ”the United States will be the only country where life will be worth living; and in time you will have to fight against it, too, if it conquer Europe.” He spoke of the letter he had just received from the President, and he asked me many sympathetic questions about you also and about your health. I ventured to express some solicitude for him.

”How much do you get out now

”Only for an automobile drive Sunday afternoon.”

This from a man who is never happy away from nature and is at home only in the woods and along the streams. He looks worn.

I hear nothing but satisfaction with our neutrality tight-rope walk. I think we are keeping it here, by close attention to our work and by silence.

Our volunteer and temporary aids are doing well--especially the army and navy officers. We now occupy three work-places: (1) the over-crowded emba.s.sy; (2) a suite of offices around the corner where the ever-lengthening list of inquiries for persons is handled and where an army officer pays money to persons whose friends have deposited it for them with the Government in Was.h.i.+ngton--just now at the rate of about $15,000 a day; and (3) two great rooms at the Savoy Hotel, where the admirable relief committee (which meets all trains that bring people from the continent) gives aid to the needy and helps people to get tickets home. They have this week helped about 400 with more or less money--after full investigation.

At the Emba.s.sy a secretary remains till bed-time, which generally means till midnight; and I go back there for an hour or two every night.

The financial help we give to German and Austrian subjects (poor devils) is given, of course, at their emba.s.sies, where we have men--our men-in charge. Each of these governments accepted my offer to give our Amba.s.sadors (Gerard and Penfield) a sum of money to help Americans if I would set aside an equal sum to help their people here. The German fund that I thus began with was $50,000; the Austrian, $25,000. All this and more will be needed before the war ends.--All this activity is kept up with scrupulous attention to the British rules and regulations. In fact, we are helping this Government much in the management of these ”alien enemies,” as they call them.

I am amazed at the good health we all keep with this big volume of work and the long hours. Not a man nor a woman has been ill a day.

I have known something about work and the spirit of good work in other organizations of various sorts; but I never saw one work in better spirit than this. And remember, most of them are volunteers.

The soldiers here complained for weeks in private about the lethargy of the people--the slowness of men to enlist. But they seemed to me to complain with insufficient reason. For now they come by thousands. They do need more men in the field, and they may conscript them, but I doubt the necessity. But I run across such incidents as these: I met the Dowager Countess of D---- yesterday--a woman of 65, as tall as I and as erect herself as a soldier, who might be taken for a woman of 40, prematurely gray.

”I had five sons in the Boer War. I have three in this war. I do not know where any one of them is.” Mrs. Page's maid is talking of leaving her. ”My two brothers have gone to the war and perhaps I ought to help their wives and children.” The Countess and the maid are of the same blood, each alike unconquerable. My chauffeur has talked all day about the naval battle in which five German s.h.i.+ps were lately sunk[68]. He reminded me of the night two months ago when he drove Mrs. Page and me to dine with Sir John and Lady Jellicoe--Jellicoe now, you know, being in command of the British fleet.

This Kingdom has settled down to war as its one great piece of business now in hand, and it is impossible, as the busy, burdensome days pa.s.s, to pick out events or impressions that one can be sure are worth writing. For instance a soldier--a man in the War Office--told me to-day that Lord Kitchener had just told him that the war may last for several years. That, I confess, seems to me very improbable, and (what is of more importance) it is not the notion held by most men whose judgment I respect. But all the military men say it will be long. It would take several years to kill that vast horde of Germans, but it will not take so long to starve them out. Food here is practically as cheap as it was three months ago and the sea routes are all open to England and practically all closed to Germany. The ultimate result, of course, will be Germany's defeat. But the British are now going about the business of war as if they knew they would continue it indefinitely. The grim efficiency of their work even in small details was ill.u.s.trated to-day by the Government's informing us that a German handy man, whom the German Amba.s.sador left at his Emba.s.sy, with the English Government's consent, is a spy--that he sends verbal messages to Germany by women who are permitted to go home, and that they have found letters written by him sewed in some of these women's undergarments! This man has been at work there every day under the two very good men whom I have put in charge there and who have never suspected him. How on earth they found this out simply pa.s.ses my understanding. Fortunately it doesn't bring any embarra.s.sment to us; he was not in our pay and he was left by the German Amba.s.sador with the British Government's consent, to take care of the house. Again, when the German Chancellor made a statement two days ago about the causes of the war, in a few hours Sir Edward Grey issued a statement showing that the Chancellor had misstated every important historic fact.--The other day a commercial telegram was sent (or started) by Mr. Bryan for some bank or trading concern in the United States, managed by Germans, to some correspondent of theirs in Germany. It contained the words, ”Where is Harry?” The censor here stopped it. It was brought to me with the explanation that ”Harry” is one of the most notorious of German spies--whom they would like to catch. The English were slow in getting into full action, but now they never miss a trick, little or big.

The Germans have far more than their match in resources and in shrewdness and--in character. As the b.l.o.o.d.y drama unfolds itself, the hollow pretence and essential barbarity of Prussian militarism become plainer and plainer: there is no doubt of that. And so does the invincibility of this race. A well-known Englishman told me to-day that his three sons, his son-in-law, and half his office men are in the military service, ”where they belong in a time like this.” The lady who once so sharply criticized this gentleman to Mrs. Page has a son and a brother in the army in France. It makes you take a fresh grip on your eyelids to hear either of these talk.

In fact the strain on one's emotions, day in and day out, makes one wonder if the world is real--or is this a vast dream? From sheer emotional exhaustion I slept almost all day last Sunday, though I had not for several days lost sleep at all. Many persons tell me of their similar experiences. The universe seems m.u.f.fled. There is a ghostly silence in London (so it seems); and only dim street lights are lighted at night. No experience seems normal. A vast organization is working day and night down town receiving Belgian refugees. They become the guests of the English. They are a.s.signed to people's homes, to boarding houses, to inst.i.tutions. They are taking care of them--this government and this people are. I do not recall when one nation ever did another whole nation just such a hospitable service as this. You can't see that work going on and remain unmoved. An old woman who has an income of $15 a week decided that she could live on $7.50. She buys milk with the other $7.50 and goes to meet every train at one of the big stations with a basket filled with baby bottles, and she gives milk to every hungry-looking baby she sees. Our American committeeman, Hoover, saw her in trouble the other day and asked her what was the matter.

She explained that the police would no longer admit her to the platform because she didn't belong to any relief committee. He took her to headquarters and said: ”Do you see this good old lady? She puts you and me and everybody else to shame--do you understand?”

The old lady now gets to the platform. Hoover himself gave $5,000 for helping stranded Americans and he goes to the trains to meet them, while the war has stopped his big business and his big income. This is a sample of the n.o.ble American end of the story.

These are the saving cla.s.s of people to whom life becomes a bore unless they can help somebody. There's just such a fellow in Brussels--you may have heard of him, for his name is Whitlock.

Stories of his showing himself a man come out of that closed-up city every week. To a really big man, it doesn't matter whether his post is a little post, or a big post but, if I were President, I'd give Whitlock a big post. There's another fellow somewhere in Germany--a consul--of whom I never heard till the other day. But people have taken to coming in my office--English ladies--who wish to thank ”you and your great government” for the courage and courtesy of this consul[69]. Stories about him will follow.

Herrick, too, in Paris, somehow causes Americans and English and even Guatemalans who come along to go out of their way to say what he has done for them. Now there is a quality in the old woman with the baby bottles, and in the consul and in Whitlock and Hoover and Herrick and this English nation which adopts the Belgians--a quality that is invincible. When folk like these come down the road, I respectfully do obeisance to them. And--it's this kind of folk that the Germans have run up against. I thank Heaven I'm of their race and blood.