Chapter 6 - Dragon Girl (5) (1/2)
TN: Hey guys, already posted this on our other translated series. Please fill out this survey for patron if you want, thanks. Enjoy the chapter!
The girl in front of me was clinging to me and roughly breathing without wiping her tears. Coupled with being stark naked, her desperation and sorrow was clear.
“P-please! P-please s-save those children!”
“C-calm down! Please calm down first! Otherwise, your injury will get worse!”
I had the smartphone in one hand and was overwhelmed. I suddenly realized and put the phone into my jean pocket, took off my jacket and put it onto the girl’s shoulders.
One step at a time. Let’s clarify the situation one step a time.
“Um, you’re, chasing your children?”
“That, that man from the lion tribe, the children!”
It’s useless. If this girl doesn’t calm down, I can’t do anything either. She’s clinging to my waist and I’m hesitant to shake her off.
In that case, I only have one method. I have to forcibly calm her down.
Making up my mind, I spread my hands and forcefully grabbed her cheeks. With a soft sound, I twisted her light pink cheeks. I remember that when Shouhei, my younger brother was crying, this was how I got him to shut up.
“Calm down!”
She looked up at me with a dumbfounded expression. For now, it seems like it worked.
“Listen! There seems to be no time, so I’ll just quickly ask. I’m Kazamachi. Kazamachi Kunpei. What’s your name?” I spoke to her slowly, just like to a small child who I want to listen to me.
She tightened her quivering lips and began to answer with tears welling up.
“I, I’m Aoinoun.”
“Okay, Aoinoun-san. The guy from the lion tribe who passed by here earlier kidnapped the children. Am I right?”
As I started deep into her eyes, I continued to question her.
“Y-yes. It’s definitely that person.”
Good, that’s all I needed to hear. If there were any other complicated circumstances, I’ll deal with it later.
“Then, I’ll go after him. Use this smartphone to call the ambulance and the police. Got it?”
I took out my smartphone from my pocket again and handed it over to her. It wasn’t locked and since most smartphones work in a similar way, she should be able to make a call.
Based on the situation and with my confidence in my stamina, I’m more suited to chase that guy.
“Y-yes.” Aoinoun-san stared at me blankly and nodded.
I slowly tore off her arms that were clinging to my waist and placed them on her knees as gently as possible.
“I’m off.”
I said no more than that, then I turned around and took a deep breath. Then, I took another deep breath, closed my eyes and started awakening my body.
I exhaled a bit more air than I inhaled and put strength into my legs. I opened my eyes. Far away in the distant, on the straight road. The crude golden down jacket was just a speck.
It’s alright. I’ll catch up.
Kazamachi Kunpei was waiting for the wind. Smelling the wind’s fragrance, any time, any place. Until it’s time to fly.
“Flying with a whoosh,” I mouthed softly.
At the same time, I kicked the ground and sprinted with all my strength. I took large strides while confirming the ground.
The words I spoke just now were something my mother enjoyed saying. I don’t know when it started, but whenever I’m about to get serious, I’d routinely use it as a sort of ritual phrase.
Whenever I did so, I was able to achieve the best results. The sports day in kindergarten and elementary school. Fights I couldn’t afford to lose, fights I didn’t want to lose. Even during supplementary tests and classes. As long as I had mother’s “spell”, I wouldn’t lose.
My body caught the wind’s flow and I started to forcefully advance forward. I was so fast it made me wonder whether there has been even one time I’ve run so fast. The lion tribe figure gradually grew closer and closer.
However, there was still some way to go. It’s alright. For some reason, I was able to think more clearly than usual and deduced an audacious but reliable way to win.
I concentrated on my right ear. I must not mishear the sound of the wing. I accounted for the sturdiness of my body. My body was too strong and there were countless times where it felt bad. It was also thanks to my body that I never lost any fight. There was even a time where I stopped a delinquent’s motorcycle head on.
Yeah, this is the national highway. Many cars come and go to Kanto, the speed limit is 60 km. There are naturally motorcycles and normal cars, dump trucks and semi-trailers were also common.
I put my foot on the guardrail and vigorously jumped. My aim was the depths of the load-carrying tray of the truck passing inches away from me.
I held on firmly with my right hand and stabilized myself with my left hand. In the side view mirror at the edge of my field of vision, I saw the incredulous face of the driver who noticed the noise. The burden on my arm was not normal, joking aside, it seems that I can hold on. When I first made contact, some of the fingernails on my right hand peeled off. I grimaced at the sharp pain and dull sensation, I must endure it right now.
It seems like the driver noticed me, since he abruptly braked. It’s fine even if I was noticed. I have already shortened the distance enough, since I’ve already surpassed that lion tribe guy called Gasaraio or something.
I let go of the trailer before it stopped. I failed the landing and tumbled on the ground. The wheels of the trailer grazed by my head, it’s okay, I’m not dead. From the distance, I heard the driver’s shouting sound, but it disappeared because of the Doppler effect.
I got up instantly and jumped over the guardrail and then confronted the approaching Gasaraio. Gasaraio was looking at me with strange eyes. The convenient thing was, he was carrying the wrapping cloth where the children appear to be, in front of his body.
“Return the children, kidnapper!”
I can’t forgive him. Aah, I can’t forgive him! I definitely won’t forgive a bastard who snatches away other people’s precious family!
“D-don’t get in my way, human! I’m a beastman! Do you think you guys can match us!”