Chapter 4 (1/2)

Reborn As a System Long Qi 46350K 2022-07-22

Chapter 4

Qin Mo agreed, and the contract was established.

Then, in a flash of silver, a person and a soul came into the system space together.

Qin Mo’s body was still weak, but he did not really give off a weak look. He was very tall, he had been cultivating for many years, and his level of physical fitness was far greater than that of ordinary people.

Qin Mo wore a black robe made of a very unique material. It flowed down his body like water, but at times it looked like clinging smoke because of its dark colour. This had the advantage of making his pale skin appear even more dazzling; if you paired that with his straight and upright bearing, he truly seemed to possess a strange, yet refined, charm.

Shi Qing let loose a sigh heavy with emotion. Here, indeed, was a man who followed the path to immortality for many years. Although he had later deviated to demonic cultivation, he still had the bearing of a righteous immortal. Compared to ordinary people, he was just too different.

Shi Qing did not wait for Qin Mo to speak, and immediately launched into a self-introduction, “I am System No. 89757, uh…you can also call me Shi Qing, and just think of me as your exclusive system. I will henceforth be responsible for issuing new tasks, providing support, and following up once the task is completed.”

These lines were basically the official slogans laid out in the quick guide, so in order to give a good speech Shi Qing only had to read them out well.

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the opposite wall, and with just a thought, a large screen appeared on the originally blank wall.

Qin Mo’s attention was drawn towards the screen, and he leaned his head over, revealing the strong, clean lines of his side profile. He had brooding, deep-set eyes, the bridge of his nose was high and regal, and his lips were on the narrow side; only serving to make him look even more cool. Because of these features, a manly aura permeated his somewhat feminine face—people absolutely would not treat him like a woman.

When Shi Qing realized that he had been inadvertently staring, he swallowed, and a few insignificant thoughts rolled around his brain…to give birth to a child like this, what a woman that Yue Niang must have been…cough……cough…Shi Qing finally managed to corral his diverging thoughts, and set them onto the correct path.

He cleared his throat, and went on to introduce the system, “This is your operating platform. After completing your assigned task, you will be awarded points that you can redeem in this space for various rewards. In general, the rewards can be divided into three basic categories: the first category will strengthen your physique, the second category is tools and equipment, and the third category is entertainment. Within these large categories, there are innumerable sub-categories—I cannot take the time to go through them all, but you can browse through them yourself as you wish.”

The system settings were very avant-garde, and possessed a very futuristic, high-tech feel, but what it contained was all-encompassing. Whether it was rare martial arts techniques, mysterious cultivation methods, or even something like special physiques, boosted intelligence, and even ancient bloodlines…of course, even high-tech weapons like a particle cannon—everything you might desire could be obtained.

When Shi Qing had skimmed through the rewards in advance, he was able to see more than Qin Mo. After all, Qin Mo’s current level was too low, so he could only see low tier rewards. Since Shi Qing is not limited by level in that regard, he could see everything. It was actually a little unfortunate; he could see something called the ‘deity physique’ that could truly defy the heavens, but he would need billions of points to exchange for it. Never mind being able to exchange so many points, he was completely worthless at math—just how many zeros was that…

After giving Qin Mo some time to grow familiar with things, Shi Qing saw that he did not ask anything about what he was seeing. Since he was not the type to live his life on hold, and he was certainly not afraid to speak, he took the initiative to explain, “Right now, you’re only able to view about one percent of the rewards. The remainder are locked due to level and world experience restrictions, and waiting for you to complete your tasks. They will be made available according to the situation.”

Qin Mo, who had been silently listening, took this opportunity to finally open his mouth. He stared directly at Shi Qing, and succinctly asked. “What do I need to do?”

Shi Qing was not prepared for his sudden, penetrating gaze, and felt fortunate that he had no real shape. If he did have a physical body and was stared at by Qin Mo, he would certainly go weak at the legs. His gaze was so intense he swore he could almost feel a physical force behind it.

“The system tasks are assigned at random, and you will be sent to another world once you accept the mission. Depending on the clues provided, one or more goals will be set, and after they are complete, you will be returned to this space to determine the number of points you can earn from the system based on your performance.”

“If my soul is here, where is my body?”

Surely enough, people who cultivate have strong minds as well; his questions focus directly on the most important issues.

Shi Qing could not allow himself to be careless, but he was a little more relaxed. Although Qin Mo was cold as ice, and he was not easy for people to get along with, he was definitely an efficient person. It was beneficial for him, as a system, to have contracted a host that could accomplish his tasks promptly and perfectly, because then he could receive more points.

“I believe you have felt that the space here exists independently, and although your soul is currently separated from your body, because it is in a different space, it is time-invariant. That means, when you perform your task, the time around your body does not move.”

Qin Mo nodded his head, then spit out only two words, “Let’s Start.”

When Shi Qing registered what he had said, his heart stuttered for a moment; let’s start? Brother, you have no other questions? Nothing to talk about? We were only here for five minutes, and four minutes and thirty seconds were spent reading the instruction manual…are you sure you do not want to talk about your feelings or something like that?

Since he finally had the chance to speak with someone after waiting for so long, he really did not want to waste the opportunity, so Shi Qing tentatively asked, “That…you don’t have anything else to ask?”