Part 35 (1/2)
Tel'a-mon. Husband of Hesione, the daughter of Laomedon, 152.
Te-lem'a-chus. Son of Ulysses and Penelope, 312; adventures of, 357, 358.
Tel-e-phas'sa. Wife of Agenor; mother of Europa, 47; significance, 386.
Tel'lus. Same as Gaea; name given to Rhea, 13.
Ten'e-dos. Island off the coast of Troy, 332, 335.
Terp-sich'o-re. Muse of dancing; daughter of Jupiter and Mnemosyne, 88.
Ter'ra. Same as Gaea, G.o.ddess of the earth, 13.
Teu'cer. Ancient king of the Trojans, 364.
Tha-li'a. 1. One of the three Graces; daughter of Jupiter and Eurynome, 105. 2. One of the nine Muses; Muse of comedy, 88.
Than'a-tos. Same as Mors, G.o.d of death, 208.
Thebes. Capital of Boeotia; founded by Cadmus, 47, 48; Amphion, king of, 80-82; Athamas, king of, 174; Pentheus, king of, 181; Oedipus, king of, 280-290.
The'mis. One of the six female t.i.tans, 17, 22; G.o.ddess of justice, 44, 105, 107, 163.
The-oph'a-ne. Maiden changed by Neptune into a sheep, 153.
The'seus. Son of AEgeus and AEthra; hero of Athens, 179, 250-262, 266, 275; significance, 391, 393.
Thes-mo-pho'ri-a. Festivals in Greece in honor of Ceres, 196.
Thes'sa-ly. A province of Greece, 311; fight of the G.o.ds in, 23; Admetus, king of, 64; Ceyx, king of, 211; AEson, king of, 263, 273; Protesilaus of, 316.
The'tis. 1. Mother of Achilles, 314; a sea nymph, 20. 2. One of the t.i.tanides, 17; marriage feast of, 305, 306; Olympus visited by, 319; Achilles comforted by, 325; Achilles' armor brought by, 326-328; Achilles instructed by, 329.
This'be. Babylonian maiden loved by Pyramus, 117, 118.
Thrace. Country on the Black Sea; the home of Mars, 138, 223, 267, 363; significance, 400.
Thyr'sus. The vine-encircled wand borne by the followers of Bacchus, 182.
Ti'ber. River in Italy, 200, 202, 205; AEneas sails up the, 363, 372, 374.
Ti-re'si-as. The blind seer visited by Ulysses on the Cimmerian sh.o.r.e, 350, 353.
Ti-siph'o-ne. One of the three Furies, or Eumenides, 163, 165, 174.
Ti-tan'i-des. The six daughters of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 17.
Ti'tans. Name given to the six sons of Ura.n.u.s and Gaea, 17, 18; revolt of, 22, 23, 25; significance, 398.
Ti-tho'nus. Trojan prince who visited Aurora, 90.
t.i.t'y-us. Giant in Tartarus, whose prostrate body covered nine acres, 169.
Tra-chin'i-a. Land where Hercules died, 216.
Tri-na'cri-a. Land visited by Ulysses, whose men slay the cattle of the sun, 353, 354.