Part 26 (1/2)
Agave (F) had a child, Pentheus (M).
Semele (F) married Jupiter (M). Their child was Bacchus (M).
Bacchus (M) married Ariadne (F).
Polydorus (M) had a child, Labdacus (M).
Labdacus (M) had a child, Laius (M).
Laius (M) married Jocasta (F). Their child was Oedipus (M).
Oedipus married Jocasta (F). Their children were Eteocles (M), Polynices (M), Antigone (F) and Ismene (F).
Europa (F) married Jupiter (M). Their children were Sarpedon (M), Rhadamanthus (M) and Minos (M).
Minos' (M) descendant was Minos (M).
Minos (M) married Pasiphae (F). Their children were Phaedra (F) and Ariadne (F).
Phaedra (F) married Theseus (M), whose parents were AEgeus (M) and AEthra (F). Theseus (M) also married Hippolyte (F). Their child was Hippolytus (M).
Ariadne (F) married Bacchus (M).
Belus (M) had four children, Pygmalion (M), Dido (F), Danaus (M) and AEgyptus (M).
Dido (F) married Sychaeus (M).
Danaus' (M) children were the Danaides (F).
AEgyptus (M) had 50 sons.
The Danaides (F) married the 50 sons. Their descendant was Acrisius (M).
Acrisius (M) had a child, Danae (F).
Danae (F) married Jupiter (M). Their child was Perseus (M).
Perseus (M) married Andromeda (F), whose parents were Celeus (M) and Ca.s.siopeia (F). Their children were Alcaeus (M), Electryon (M) and Sthenelus (M).
Alcaeus (M) had a child, Amphitryon (M).
Electryon (M) had a child, Alcmene (F).
Amphitryon (M) married Alcmene (F). Their child was Iphicles (M).
Iphicles (M) had a child, Iolaus (M).
Alcmene (F) also married Jupiter (M). Their child was Hercules (M).
Hercules (M) married Deianeira (F), whose sibling was Meleager (M), and whose parents were Oeneus (M) and Althaea (F). Their child was Hyllus (M), who married Iole (F).
Sthenelus (M) had a child, Eurystheus (M).
Eurystheus (M) had a child, Admete (F).
Neptune (M) married Amphitrite (F). Their child was Triton (M).
Ceres (F) married Jupiter (M). Their child was Proserpina (F).
Pluto (M) married Proserpina (F).
Mnemosyne (F) married Jupiter (M). Their children were Clio (F), Calliope (F), Thalia (F), Euterpe (F), Urania (F), Melpomene (F), Terpsich.o.r.e (F), Polyhymnia (F) and Erato (F).
Clio (F) had a child, Hymen (M).
Calliope (F) had a child, Orpheus (M).
Orpheus (M) married Eurydice (F).
Typhoeus (M) had three children, Hydra (M), Cerberus (M) and Chimaera (M).
Chimaera (M) had two children, Nemean Lion (M) and Sphinx (F).
Pontus (M) had a child, Phorcys (M).
Phorcys (M) had four children, Bellona (F), Stheno (F), Euryale (F) and Medusa (F).
Medusa (F) married Neptune (M). Their children were Pegasus (M) and Polyphemus (M).
Somnus (M) had a child, Morpheus (M).} INDEX TO POETICAL QUOTATIONS.
Addison, 24, 49, 83, 85, 165, 172, 173.
AEschylus, 246.
Akenside, 163.
Apollonius, 126.
Apollonius Rhodius, 181, 269.
Arion, 158.
Aristophanes, 15.
Arnold, Edwin, 111, 112, 114.
Arnold, Matthew, 74.
Beaumont and Fletcher, 300.