Part 17 (2/2)
Parasti in conspectu meo mensam Adversus eos qui tribulant me.
Impinguasti in oleo caput meum, Et calix meus inebrians quam praeclarus est.
[People _rush in with sticks uplifted._
_One of the Mob._ Where are the heretics?
_Another._ We'll make an end of their witchcraft!
_Another._ Here is the worst of them!
_Another._ Give me back my cattle you put the sickness on!
_Another._ We'll have no witchcraft here! Drive away the unfrocked priest!
_Another._ Make an end of him when we have the chance!
_Paul Ruttledge._ Yes, make an end of me. I have tried hard to live a good life; give me a good death now.
_One of the Crowd._ Quick, don't give him time to put the evil eye on us!
[_They rush at him. His hands are seen swaying about above the crowd._
_Paul Ruttledge._ I go to the invisible heart of flame!
_One of the Crowd._ Throw him there now! Where are the others?
_Another._ They must be among the rocks.
_Another._ They are not; they are gone down the road!
_Another._ I tell you it's in the rocks they are! It's in the rocks they're hiding!
_Another._ They are not; they couldn't run in the rocks; they're running down the road.
_Several Voices._ They're on the road; they're on the road.
[_They all rush out, leaving_ PAUL RUTTLEDGE _lying on the ground. It grows darker_. FATHERS COLMAN _and_ ALOYSIUS _creep up_.
_Colman._ Paul, Paul, come; we have still time to get to the boat.
_Aloysius._ Oh! they have killed him; there is a wound in his neck! Oh!
he has been the first of us to get the crown!
_Colman._ There are voices! They must be coming back! Come to the boat, maybe we can bury him to-morrow!
[_They go out._ PAUL RUTTLEDGE _half rises and sinks back_.