Part 10 (2/2)
_Paddy c.o.c.kfight._ He tried to put a fine on me for a c.o.c.k I had, and he took five s.h.i.+llings off Molly for hitting a man.
_Paul Ruttledge._ Your evidence is not wanted. His own words are enough.
[_Stretching out his arms._] Have any of these gentlemen been living the Christian life?
_All._ They have not.
_Johneen._ [_Coming in._] Ye'd best clear off now. I see the train coming in to the station.
_Paddy c.o.c.kfight._ The police will find plenty to do in the village before they come to us; that's one good job.
_Paul Ruttledge._ One moment. I have done trying the world I have left.
You have accused me of upsetting order by my free drinks, and I have showed you that there is a more dreadful fermentation in the Sermon on the Mount than in my beer-barrels. Christ thought it in the irresponsibility of His omnipotence. [_Getting from his bin._] Charlie, give me that cloak. [_He flings it back._
_Charlie Ward._ Aren't you going to punish them anyway?
_Paul Ruttledge._ No, no, from this out I would punish n.o.body but myself.
[_Some of the_ Tinkers _have gone out_.
_Charlie Ward._ We'd best be off while we can. Come along, Paul, Sibby's gone.
[_As they go out_ TOMMY THE SONG _is singing_,
Down by the sally garden my love and I did stand, And on my leaning shoulder she laid her milk-white hand; She bade me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree, But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.
[_All go out except_ PAUL RUTTLEDGE.
_Paul Ruttledge._ Well, good-bye, Thomas; I don't suppose I'll see you again. Use all I have; spend it on your children; I'll never want it.
[_To the others._] Will you come and join us? We will find rags for you all. Perhaps you will give up that dream that is fading from you, and come among the blind, homeless people; put off the threadbare clothes of the Apostles and run naked for awhile. [_Is going out._
_Thomas Ruttledge._ You have nothing against me, have you, Paul?
_Paul Ruttledge._ Oh, yes, I have; a little that I have said against all these, and a worse thing than all, though it is not in the book.
_Thomas Ruttledge._ What is it?
_Paul Ruttledge._ [_Looking back from the threshold._] You have begotten fools.
Scene 1.--_Great door in the middle of the stage under a stone cross, with flights of steps leading to door. Enter_ CHARLIE WARD, PADDY c.o.c.kFIGHT, TOMMY THE SONG, _and_ SABINA SILVER. _They are supporting_ PAUL RUTTLEDGE, _who is bent and limping._