Part 6 (2/2)
They can help me.
_Charlie Ward._ What kind of a wild beast is it you want?
_Paul Ruttledge._ Oh! it's a very terrible wild beast, with iron teeth and brazen claws that can root up spires and towers.
_Charlie Ward._ It's best not to try and overtake a beast like that, but to cross running water and leave it after you.
_Tommy the Song._ I heard one coming after me one night; very big and shadowy it was, and I could hear it breathing. But when it came up with me I lifted a hazel rod was in my hand, and it was gone on the moment.
_Paul Ruttledge._ My wild beast is Laughter, the mightiest of the enemies of G.o.d. I will outrun it and make it friendly.
_Jerome._ That is your old wild talk. Do have some sense and go back to your family.
_Paul Ruttledge._ I am never going back to them. I am going to live among these people. I will marry among them.
_Jerome._ That is nonsense; you will soon change your mind.
_Paul Ruttledge._ Oh! no, I won't; I am taking my vows as you made yours when you entered religion. I have chosen my wife; I am going to marry before evening.
_Jerome._ Thank G.o.d, you will have to stop short of that, the Church will never marry you.
_Paul Ruttledge._ Oh! I am not going to ask the help of the Church. But I am to be married by what may be as old a ceremony as yours. What is it I am to do, Charlie?
_Charlie Ward._ To lep a budget, sir.
_Paul Ruttledge._ Yes, that is it, the budget is there by the wall.
_Jerome._ I command you, in the name of the Holy Church and of the teaching you have received from the Church, to leave this folly, this degradation, this sin!
_Paul Ruttledge._ You forget, Jerome, that I am on the track of the wild beast, and hunters in all ages have been a bad people to preach to. When I have tamed the beast, perhaps I will bring him to your religious house to be baptized.
_Jerome._ I will not listen to this profanity. [_To_ CHARLIE WARD.] It is you who have put this madness on him as you have stolen his clothes!
_Charlie Ward._ Stop your chat, ye petticoated preacher.
_Paul Ruttledge._ I think, Father Jerome, you had better be getting home. This people never gave in to the preaching of S. Patrick.
_Paddy c.o.c.kfight._ I'll send you riding home with your face to the tail of the a.s.s!
_Tommy the Song._ No, stop till we show you that we can make as good curses as yourself. That you may never be warm in winter or cold in summer time----
_Charlie Ward._ That's the chat! Bravo! Let him have it.
_Tinkers._ Be off! be off out of this!
_Molly the Scold._ Now curse him, Tommy.
_Tommy the Song._ A wide hoa.r.s.eness on you--a high hanging to you on a windy day; that s.h.i.+vering fever may stretch you nine times, and that the curses of the poor may be your best music, and you hiding behind the door. [JEROME _goes out._