Part 2 (2/2)

_Mr. Green._ The Horticultural Society is in want of new members.

_Mrs. Ruttledge._ Well, I wish he would join something.

_Enter_ PAUL RUTTLEDGE _in tinker's clothes, carrying a rabbit in his hand._ CHARLIE WARD _follows in_ PAUL'S _clothes. All stand aghast._

_Mr. Joyce._ Good G.o.d!

[_Drops basket._ COLONEL LAWLEY, _who has mallets in his hand, at sight of_ PAUL RUTTLEDGE _drops them, and stands still._

_Mrs. Ruttledge._ Paul! are you out of your mind?

_Thomas Ruttledge._ For goodness' sake, Paul, don't make such a fool of yourself.

_Mrs. Ruttledge._ What on earth has happened, and who on earth is that man?

_Paul Ruttledge._ [_Opens gate for tinker. To_ CHARLIE WARD.] Wait for me, my friend, down there by the cross-road. [CHARLIE WARD _goes out._

_Mr. Green._ Has he stolen your clothes?

_Paul Ruttledge._ Oh! it's all right; I have changed clothes with him. I am going to join the tinkers.

_All._ To join the tinkers!

_Paul Ruttledge._ Life is getting too monotonous; I would give it a little variety. [_To_ MR. GREEN.] As you would say, it has been running in grooves.

_Mr. Joyce._ [_To_ MRS. RUTTLEDGE.] This is only his humbugging talk; he never believes what he says.

[PAUL RUTTLEDGE _goes towards the steps._

_Mrs. Ruttledge._ Surely you are not going into the house with those clothes?

_Paul Ruttledge._ You are quite right. Thomas will go in for me. [_To_ THOMAS RUTTLEDGE.] Just go to my study, will you, and bring me my despatch-box; I want something from it before I go.

_Thomas Ruttledge._ Where are you going to? I wish you would tell me what you are at.

_Paul Ruttledge._ The despatch-box is on the top of the bureau.


_Mr. Joyce._ What does all this mean?

_Paul Ruttledge._ I will explain. [_Sits down on the edge of iron table._] Did you never wish to be a witch, and to ride through the air on a white horse?

_Mr. Joyce._ I can't say I ever did.

_Paul Ruttledge._ Never? Only think of it--to ride in the darkness under the stars, to make one's horse leap from cloud to cloud, to watch the sea glittering under one's feet and the mountain tops going by.
