Part 3 (1/2)
A stout lady in her seventies pushed her way to the bar and stood there, tapping on the polished surface with a bony finger. Her silver hair still had streaks of auburn and her eyes were a brilliant grey.
'All started as soon as Nathaniel came back.'
'Give it up, Bronwyn.'
The pub erupted into a babble of raised voices. This was obviously an old argument.
'Who's Nathaniel?' The Doctor had to shout above the hubbub.
'Who is he?'
'Nathaniel Morton, a retired industrialist,' said Mervyn. 'Took over the old rectory at the beginning of the year. Spent a fortune on the place, putting new windows in, new roof.'
'Thinks he's lord of the manor,' Bronwyn sneered. The Doctor shrugged. 'And?'
'He's a local boy, or was, a long time ago.'
'Local? Hah!' Bronwyn snorted contemptuously. 'Turned his back on us, he did. Betrayed us. Came back when he said he never would.'
29.Mervyn turned on her. 'You've been warned, Bronwyn Ceredig. We're not interested in your feud with Morton. Now keep quiet or you're barred.' Bronwyn shot him a filthy look and shuffled back over to her seat by the window. The Doctor watched her thoughtfully.
'Not a close family friend, then.'
'Ah, take no notice of her, Doctor. She's a mad old woman. Had some problem with Morton when they were younger.'
'And she doesn't approve of him setting up shop in the rectory?'
'He's turned the place into some kind of private nursing home. Don't know much about it. He never comes into town. Sends his people out to do all his shopping, keeps himself to himself.'
'And the creatures started appearing once he'd arrived?'
Mervyn shook his head. 'Ah, she seems to think so. Can't see how, unless he's breeding them up there. He's just a harmless old man.'
'Harmless?' Bronwyn's voice rang out again. 'You're fools if you can't see it!'
'Enough!' Mervyn slammed his fist down on the bar. 'I warned you.'
People had started to murmur angrily once again. Bronwyn got to her feet.
'All right, Mervyn Hardy. I know when I'm not wanted.' She started to struggle into her coat. 'Don't know why I bother.'
Beth hurried over to her. 'You can't go out alone, Bronwyn. Not with them out there. Come on. I'll get you another drink.'
The Doctor watched as Beth led the old woman back to her seat. It seemed that there was more going on in Ynys Du than he had first realised.
He turned back to Mervyn. 'What about the lighthouse in the bay? Is that inhabited?'
Mervyn shook his head. 'Been derelict for years. Why?'
'Just curious. Thought I saw something out there. It's probably nothing.' The Doctor shot Rose a glance. Tomorrow I'll make a proper investigation. We'll sort this. I promise.'
The meeting started to break up. Huddling together for safety, groups headed nervously out into the night, racing to the safety of 30 cars and nearby houses. No one was prepared to walk far or alone. Even Bronwyn was escorted to a car by one of the locals. Beth squeezed the Doctor's hand. 'Thank you.'
He gave her a rea.s.suring smile and crossed the room to where Rose was sitting, dropping on to a stool and giving Ali a cheeky grin. The little girl was now starting to slump over her drawing book and her eyes were flickering shut. She gave a huge yawn.
'Oh, don't start that!' said the Doctor. 'You'll set me off!'
He gave a mock yawn, stretching theatrically in his seat. Ali regarded him suspiciously.
'Come on, young lady.' Beth came over and tousled her daughter's hair.
Ali's smile faded. 'Do I have to?'
Beth nodded. 'But I'll read to you for a while if you like.'
'Sounds like a good deal to me.' The Doctor leaned forward, his eyes twinkling. 'A nice story. No monsters. Moxx in Socks Moxx in Socks was always my favourite! ”Moxx! Moxx in socks! Moxx in socks with Phlox!”' was always my favourite! ”Moxx! Moxx in socks! Moxx in socks with Phlox!”'
Rose rolled her eyes in despair and Ali giggled.
'You're silly,' the little girl said.
The Doctor nodded. 'Yes, I probably am.'
Beth hoisted her daughter into her arms, carrying her across the bar. At the door she stopped and turned back.
'Doctor. . . '
The Doctor looked up. There was fear in Beth's face.
'Ali is all we've got. . . ' Her voice trembled. 'I don't want to lose her.'
The Doctor frowned. 'What makes you think that you're going to lose her?'
'It's just. . . These things, these monsters, that boy who died. . . '
The front door banged as Mervyn stepped back in from the car park, slamming home the bolts, glaring at his wife.
Beth shook her head. 'It's nothing. You'll stay here tonight?'
The Doctor smiled at her. 'Thank you. I wasn't looking forward to a trek back through the woods.'
'I'll get Mervyn to make up the guest rooms in the attic for you.'
31.'Oh, don't worry about me.' The Doctor waved a hand. 'I've got some thinking to do. But if you could sort out a bed for Rose.'
'All right. If you're sure. Goodnight, Doctor.' She smiled at Rose.
'Mervyn will have your room ready in a few minutes. And thank you again, both of you.'
The Doctor watched, puzzled, as Beth and her husband vanished up the stairs.