Volume 1 Chapter 1 Part2 (1/2)
Season 1, Episode 2
Episode 2:
”Heh! Someone's got a huge crush on Rosalie!”
Just the other day, his friend Uehara was teasing him about it.
”Shut up! I do not!”
'Dragon Bless' was one of the most popular game series in j.a.pan.
That morning, when Shun got his hands on the third series in the game trilogy, he set eyes on Rosalie, the princess c.u.m heroine of the game.
It was love at first sight.
Rosalie, who had inherited the will of a selfless hero from her father, was incredibly innocent, sincere and true. Through fire and blood would she fight, to save her people, to give them that ever-elusive happiness; With dragons and warlords would she battle, to make the world a better place.
To live in service of the people - that was the pinnacle of her pride and joy.
Her soul was of light and purity, so much so that it hurt to look. But look Shun must, and look Shun did.
”Did I manage to bring some happiness into your life?”
To anyone she had helped, she would ask that question, and when the other person grinned and nodded, she would reply with a smile on her face, ”If so, then I'm happy too!”
Such was Rosalie's motto.
When faced with such a kind and beautiful girl, it was no wonder that Shun was drawn to her.
In the game's storyline, Rosalie had welcomed her impending fate as a hero and handled everything with elegance and optimism to spare.
However, having to bear the will of such a n.o.ble hero – such a n.o.ble, undeniably male hero, Rosalie had, inevitably, developed a complex about her gender and her body.
To know that her strength would never match that of her father's was a cruel fate.
As such, upon a.s.suming the mantle of a hero, Rosalie had done her utmost to fit the mould. She altered her appearance as much as she could, utilized a man's swordplay complete with manly poses and positions, all in order to overcome her handicapped gender.