Vol 2 Chapter 2 (1/2)
Season 2, Episode 2
Episode 2:
It was a bright, beautiful morning.
A calming breeze played around with that little bit of short summer sleeve, putting a spring into his step even though he was simply heading towards that same old school.
And by same ‘old’ school, Shun was referring to his high school – s.h.i.+kis.h.i.+ma Senior High.
A normal grey slab of concrete with some courts on the left and grounds in the front.
Ah, those were the days when s.h.i.+kis.h.i.+ma High was still just a normal high school.
That is, until the perennial ‘tyrant’ came along.
Now, behind the normal school building stood the most magnificent structure that Shun ever had the misfortune to see.
It was as if someone had tried to marry the quaint, picturesque scenes of Versailles into modern Tokyo – thus ending up with the monstrosity that resembled neither the gilded Taj Mahal, nor the fabled Palace of Versailles. Instead, it became its own unique landmark, marking itself down on maps as the home of the “Celebrity Course”.
That’s right, s.h.i.+kis.h.i.+ma High now had a course that catered especially for the extremely gifted and advanced – the “Celebrity Course”.
And the so-called pioneer of this course? Yes, none other than the tyrant – Reizeiin Nades.h.i.+ko.
Hailing from the rich and powerful Reizeiin Business Group, Nades.h.i.+ko was practically the ruler of the entire school.
With that seemingly endless mountain of wealth, coupled with a keen intellect, not even the teachers could stand up against her.
As such, the school was hers to run as she saw fit.
Take today, for example. With nothing better to do, Nades.h.i.+ko had set up a pavillion at the front gates, and from upon her sumptuous throne, gazed down at the other common students, inspecting their way of dress. A big signboard in front of the gates announced this event, aptly t.i.tled “Inspection and Necessary Changes in Uniform, courtesy of your kind Prefect”.
That imperious gaze of hers bore down on every single student that walked through the gate as her ribbons subtly glinted from her twin tails. Legs crossed at the ankles, she looked the picture of beauty and grace, her special celebrity uniform hugging her figure in all the right places.
Beauty, brains, and an honorary member of the Tensei branch of martial arts, all rolled into one.
Such was the queen, Reizeiin Nades.h.i.+ko.
Also honoured by the populace with the nickname, Nades.h.i.+ko the Tyrant.
“Ohohoho! Do not fret, o’ commoners. Whilst I might be gracing you with my holy presence, you need not worry! Simply display a magnificent show of modesty and hard work, and I shall for sure recognize you.”
A benevolent smile.
Clearly, she expected everyone to live up to her expectations.
As she stepped up from her throne, two girls from beside her rushed up with a basketful of flower petals, while another trailed behind with a silk parasol.
Really, even a G.o.ddess wouldn’t have received such treatment.
Quaking, the students filed into the front gate. Her gaze seemed to gleam from atop her throne, not missing a single beat, nor a forgotten shoelace on the path.
Those lucky enough to have made it through the inspection looked simultaneously relieved and constipated as they rushed towards the safety of the main entrance.
Shun, being just one of the crowd, clearly wanted nothing to do with Nades.h.i.+ko either.
Heaving himself forward, he took his best shot at evading the eagle’s predatory stare – mix and lose himself within the throng of students heading towards the safety net.
Unfortunately though, luck was just not on his side that morning.
The other students were evading him like the plague.
And for good reason.
“You, over there! Turn around, please.”
Oh no.
Oh, yes.
Yes, indeed.
Nades.h.i.+ko had just called out to him.
Rising from her cus.h.i.+ons, flower petals danced overhead as Nades.h.i.+ko made her way down the stairs of the pavilion towards Shun.
Behind her, a few more girls swiftly cleaned up after her.
Shun barely resisted the urge to snicker and b.u.t.t in with a pun about G.o.ddesses and divas, which definitely would have been a bad idea.
“And who might you be? Your aura is filthy, Cambodia.”
Caught in juxtapose, Shun nodded, then corrected her.
“It’s Kanda.”
“Ah, that’s right! Well, whatever.”
Covering her mouth, Nades.h.i.+ko let out a small sound of laughter.
Apparently, that was a signal.
Her followers started to fan her.
Watching warily, Shun let out a sigh of exasperation.
Can she just let me off already?!
As it was, today wasn’t even the first time this happened. Somehow, Nades.h.i.+ko loved to parade herself in front of him and stick her nose into his business.
He really was getting sick of it.
“As you can see, today is where we hold sport check of everyone’s uniform in order to maintain the discipline of the school. And of course, as the supreme ruler of this school, it is my duty to ensure that this inspection is successful.
“Yeah, if you’re so great, then how about you take a good long look at yourself! What about what you’re wearing, huh?”
By then, spectators had already gathered, nosing their way into the scene that was about to unfold.
Whispers of ‘how could he say that to her’ and ‘how dare he’ spread like wild fire amongst the crowd.
On his part, Shun didn’t even bat an eye.
He was used to Nades.h.i.+ko and her ways.
“Well, that’s because I’m beautiful!”
The truth did not need any garnish.
“Well, yes, the discipline that I speak of here is slightly abridged compared to the written version of the rule, but I a.s.sure you, it holds equal, if not more, importance. Yes, I’ve dyed my hair, and yes, my piercing is showing, but as long as it suits me, it is negligible and hence can be overlooked. However, if something looks bad on someone, then that is definitely not allowed in my school. Capiche?”
Dress it up as she might, it all came down to Nades.h.i.+ko’s personal feelings.
Now, that’s so fair, isn’t it?
“Coming back to thee, I shall now a.s.sess your clothing.”
Nades.h.i.+ko leant forward, the scent of expensive perfume pervading Shun’s senses.
Too – too close!
Shun squirmed in discomfort.
Nades.h.i.+ko, on the other hand, clearly had no such qualms as her hard eyes gave Shun the once, no, twice over, from the soles of his shoes, to that strand of hair that stood just slightly out of place at the crown of his head.
Five short beats later, she retreated.
That marked the start of a flowing stream of criticism.
“Your shoes need was.h.i.+ng. Wear your belt at the next belt hole, it’s too tight and your pants are crooked as a result. Unb.u.t.ton one more b.u.t.ton at the bottom of your s.h.i.+rt. Wipe off that hint of eye discharge on your right eye. Your fringe should go soon too.”
Seriously, was there nothing about him that was right?
“I’ll let you off today with just a warming, so please do come in tomorrow with all those flaws corrected.”