Vol 1 Chapter 10 (1/2)
Season 1, Episode 10
Episode 10:
By the time he hit senior high, Shun had a pretty clear idea of who his parents were.
Despite having looked up to them as a child, wors.h.i.+pping the ground they walked on, even he was forced to recognize sooner or later that there was something not quite right with his parents.
Still, they were his parents, and he was prepared to accept them for who they were.
That is, until this happened.
When this happened, he found out that his parents didn’t just fall under the abnormal category, they were literally crazy.
“Ahem! Right. So, starting from today, Rosalie is a part of our family!”
“Awww, our little Shun’s all grown up! He’s finally got a girlfriend now!”
Grinning, Shun’s parents, Takas.h.i.+ and Manami, embraced each other in the before-tango position and threw their head backs.
Maniacal laughter sounded around the room.
“I’m not a girlfriend.”
From where she was sitting at the table, Rosalie chimed in to correct Shun’s parents.
“I’m his bride.”
Her tone of voice was perfectly serious.
Then, after making such a shocking statement, Rosalie turned back around to face the mountain of cream puffs on the table and proceeded to block out the rest of the world and stuff her face.
Amidst the munching and pheromones that Rosalie exuded, Shun felt the thudding in his head grow more p.r.o.nounced with every pa.s.sing minute.
A nice, solid painkiller would be good right now.
It seemed that Rosalie and his parents had really hit it off on the way to the National a.s.sembly Hall.
And those cosy little get-to-know each other chats in the train had resulted in the worst, or best, possible arrangement – Rosalie and Shun were to now live together.
Well, that did solve a part of his problems at least. He really was rather worried about the whereabouts of Rosalie’s future living quarters.
“Oh my, what a lovey-dovey couple they are!”
“Rosalie dear, we will leave Shun to you from now on!”
Wait, what?!
“Mom, Dad, what are you saying?!”
This was bad. This was embarra.s.sing.
They really could have done without that official handover.
“Why aren’t you suspecting her? Not even a little bit?”
“My, Shun, why would we? She is your bride.”
“Don’t give me that Mom! That’s the part where you really should start questioning already.”
“Oh Shun, come on. After all, she is so cute!”
Oh G.o.d.
If his parents’ answers got anymore inane, he would lose all his hair from over-frustrated pulling.
“Didn’t she come from a faraway country though?”
“Like, you know, when we were taking her to the National a.s.sembly Hall she told us some stuff about her hometown and all, back in her country.”
Mrs. Manami’s vague statement only served to confuse her son more.
“And by ‘some stuff’ you mean…?”
“Oh, you know, just some things about heroes and Demon Kings and some dragon thing and… undead birds?”
“Are you serious– ?!”
“I mean, she is a little strange, but she is such an honest child. And so cute too!”
“Yes, definitely honest and cute.”
“Plus, she is your bride.”
“Your very own wife!”
This was followed by another bout of crazed laughter.
Shun felt faint.
Oh G.o.d, why in the world was he born to such parents?
He didn’t think that anyone sane would let Rosalie’s story go with just a pa.s.sing ‘she’s just a little strange’ comment.
“Speaking of which, there was that huge accident at the National a.s.sembly Hall right? Would you have had anything to do with it, Rosalie dear?”
“Oh my Mama, you say such interesting things! Well, how about it Rosalie-chan?”
Rosalie, it seemed, was still floating in her field of alpine flowers in cream puff dreamland, looking utterly content.
“Oh well.”
They’d probably not get an answer anyways.
Seeing that, Shun’s parents decided to take the smart way out and switch topics. Or at least that was what it seemed like to Shun, who would have been in major trouble should his parents have decided to pursue the previous conversion thread.
“Anyways Papa, where is Rosalie going to be sleeping?”
“They can just sleep together!”
“That’s right, Papa! After all, she is his bride!”
Shun was about to nod his head in agreement when the full load of what they said finally hit him.
“Are you guys crazy?! What did you just say?!”