Part 5 (2/2)

The same expression of high courage and resolve was on her face, as she pursued her way through the darkening streets, followed by the man-servant who had been awaiting her. But she did not go straight home.

She turned aside up a narrow thoroughfare, and entered a house in it, with the familiarity of one who is known there intimately; and her servant had to wait long before his youthful mistress reappeared.

She went home, and went straight to her mother, who was weeping and praying in her upper chamber; there, kneeling beside the bed, Grizel told of the interview with her father, and then said in a low, earnest tone:

”Mother mine, give me thy blessing, for I must needs start forth this very night to save my father.”

”Thou, child? What canst thou do?”

”Mother, I have a plan. I will not tell it thee, for it were better none should know. But pray for me whilst I am gone, that G.o.d will bless and watch over me. Methinks it was He who put the thought into my heart, and that He will speed me on my way and give me success in the carrying out of it.”

”Thou wilt not run into danger, my child?” said the mother, who had come to lean upon Grizel, since her husband's captivity, almost as she would have done upon a son.

”I will not seek danger; I will avoid it where possible. But thou would'st not have me flinch, mother, when my father's life is at stake?”

”And thou must go to-night? But not alone?”

”I will take old Donald with me! And we must have the two best horses in the stable. But fear not, mother mine! In three or four days I will be back; and I trow that I shall have such news to tell, as will make thy heart sing aloud for joy.”

That night, just before the gates of the city were shut, the guard saw two men riding forth together, the elder of whom he recognised as the old servant of the Cochranes. The younger of the pair, who looked like a youth, had his hat drawn somewhat close over his face. Donald gave the man a ready ”Good-night,” and paused a moment or two to gossip with him over the latest news from England.

”They say the next mail-bags will bring poor Sir John's death-warrant,”

remarked the soldier; ”they must be in sore grief yonder, doubtless.”

”How long does a letter take pa.s.sing betwixt London and Edinburgh?”

asked Donald.

”A matter of eight days each way,” answered the man; and, after a few more words, Donald rode on, and joined his companion speedily.

”Eight days?” spoke a soft voice, not much like a youth's, as Donald told the news; ”then, should anything go wrong with the warrant, it would be full sixteen days ere another could be got from London. Sure that would give the time--the time so sorely needed. Sixteen days!” and the words ended in a deep-drawn breath.

The old servant looked with loving eyes at the youth--who, of course, was none other than Grizel habited in the attire of a lad--a plain and inconspicuous riding suit, which she had borrowed from the brother of a dear friend, and which a little skill had altered to fit her slim figure well. Her floating locks aroused no suspicion as to her s.e.x, in days when huge wigs adorned (or disfigured) the heads of men, and where those who could not afford these costly luxuries, and yet desired to keep in the fas.h.i.+on, let their own hair grow, and kept it curled and powdered. There was nothing specially womanish in the aspect of Grizel's abundant, curly hair flowing over her shoulders. She looked exactly like a smooth-faced boy, and bore herself with a bold and boyish air so soon as they were beyond the radius of the locality where her face might be known. By the time that the pair rode into the city of Berwick-upon-Tweed Grizel had come to feel so well at home in her part that she feared neither to converse with those about her, nor to show herself abroad in the unfamiliar habiliments of the other s.e.x.

”Donald,” she said, that night before they sought their beds, ”we are in time. The mail has not yet pa.s.sed through. To-morrow, bide thou here, whilst I ride to Belford, where I hear the messenger with the mails always pauses for a few hours' sleep. If he come hither with his mail-bags undisturbed, use thou thy wits, and seek to accomplish that in which I shall then have failed; but if he should bring news that he has been robbed, then set spurs to thy horse, and meet me at the house that I did point out to you as we rode into the town; and bring without fail the bag containing mine own attire and saddle: for then I must no longer travel as I do now.”

Donald was loth to let his young mistress ride forth unattended; but Grizel would not have it otherwise. She believed that she would accomplish the thing better alone; and by leaving Donald in the place through which the messenger must pa.s.s, she felt that she gave herself another chance, should her first scheme miscarry.

The landlady of the little wayside inn at Belford smiled upon the bright-faced youth who reined up at her door and asked for a meal for himself and his horse.

”Step softly, if you will, fair sir,” she said, pausing as she opened the door of the one room the inn boasted for the accommodation of travellers, ”for the bearer of His Majesty's mail-bags stops here each time he, and has a spell of sleep ere he rides on to Berwick. He is sleeping soundly now, and I would not willingly have him disturbed.

'Tis a weary ride from London.”

Grizel's heart beat thick and fast as she stepped softly within the room, golden possibilities presenting themselves to her imagination of getting at the bags and destroying certain of its contents, whilst the messenger slept the sleep of exhausted nature close beside her. But alas for her hopes! when she saw the sleeper, stretched snoring upon the alcove bed let into the wall, she noted that he had placed his bags for his pillow, and that each bag was securely sealed. This being so, she could neither possess herself of them without too great risk, nor undo and purloin papers without instant detection.
