Part 19 (1/2)
3. Aherne, p. 280.
4. Ibid., p. 255.
5. Stine and Davis, Mother G.o.ddam, p. 115.
6. Jerome Lawrence, pp. 353, 356.
7. Lonely Life, pp. 18687.
8. USC, The Old Maid files: daily production and progress report.
9. Life, August 21, 1939.
10. Wide World Special: The d.i.c.k Cavett Show, ABC, September 19, 1974.
11. Lonely Life, p. 188.
12. Pittsburgh Press, May 17, 1939.
13. USC, legal files, January 4 to August 31, 1939.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Flynn, pp. 26061.
17. USC, Private Lives file: daily production and progress report.
18. Harrison Carroll, Herald Express, June 10, 1939.
19. Olivia de Havilland, interviewed in The Adventures of Errol Flynn, dir. David Heeley, Turner Cla.s.sic Movies, 2005.
20. Hanson, AFI Catalog, 19311940, pp. 4142.
21. Swindell, Boyer, p. 158.
22. Lonely Life, p. 200.
23. USC, All This and Heaven, Too files.
24. Dody, p. 156; Lonely Life, p. 200.
25. Stine and Davis, Mother G.o.ddam, p. 130.
26. Quirk, Colbert, p. 100.
27. Swindell, Boyer, pp. 16061.
28. Ibid., p. 158.
29. Ibid., p. 163.
30. USC, All This and Heaven, Too files; Swindell, Boyer, p. 158.
31. Los Angeles Times, June 14, 1940.
32. Lonely Life, p. 201.
1. USC, The Letter files: Walter MacEwen to Breen and Breen to MacEwan, both April 16, 1938.
2. Ibid.: Bob Lord to Wallis, December 20, 1939.
3. Morley, Cooper, p. 116.
4. USC, The Letter files: Warner to Wallis, June 8, 1940, and June 20, 1940.
5. Ibid.: Wyler to Wallis, June 12, 1940.
6. Lonely Life, p. 204.
7. Callahan, /review.php?rid 10005377.
8. See O'Toole, ”Whatever Happened to Bette Davis?”
8. USC, The Letter files: Wallis to Lord, October 11, 1940.
10. Stine and Davis, Mother G.o.ddam, p. 140.
11. Flanner, p. 20.
12. Wiley and Bona, p. 105.
13. Stine, Kiss, p. 126.
14. BU, sc.r.a.pbook 21.
15. s.h.i.+ngler, ”Masquerade,” quoting Gladys Hall in Modern Screen, undated.
16. BU, box 25: ”Home Life of a Movie h.e.l.lcat,”Screen Guide, 1938.
17. /scottishterrier.htm.