Part 20 (1/2)

”I should think so,” Tamaes replied.

”We're still in the orchard?” Marcus asked dubiously. ”This can't be where Ephron is stashed!”


”Aww, man! You're leaving me behind?”

Jedrick's smile was sympathetic. ”Were you Sent?”

”You know I wasn't,” Marcus muttered.

”This is where you will remain,” his mentor instructed. ”Padgett will see to your safety.”

”He's here?” Golden eyes scanned their surroundings, but there was no sign of the Caretaker.

”He is near,” Tamaes offered.

Just then, a voice called from behind them, and Marcus whirled to see Milo strolling toward them, barefoot in the snow. The Messenger's wings fluttered in the contrary winds as he said, ”We'll be trading places today, Marcus.”

”There's no mail to deliver,” the younger apprentice pointed out. ”National holiday.”

”Today was meant to be my last day with Aril,” Milo replied seriously. ”Thank you for filling in for me.”

Marcus's eyes widened in comprehension. ”This is ... that?”

”It is,” Jedrick confirmed.

Padgett joined them then, slipping up without their notice. ”Are you prepared?” he inquired. His teammates faced him, and all four nodded. The Caretaker beckoned to Marcus, then looked to Jedrick, simply saying, ”Go.”

Green, blue, and orange-three sets of wings disappeared into the storm, and Marcus turned to his companion. Padgett's long hair whipped around him, but he paid it no mind. ”Come,” he invited in a low voice. ”I'll introduce you to Aril.”

”The Gatekeeper?”

”Few know he is here. Fewer still have met him.”

”I knew,” Marcus revealed as Padgett opened the way. ”Jedrick trusted me with the knowledge, but I was never called upon to... .” The young Protector trailed off as he lifted his gaze up, up, and even further upward, to gaze into a pair of fiery orange eyes. When he finally found his voice, he breathed, ”Whoa!”

The unnatural storm stirred by the fallen Caretaker was devastating, and the whole earth groaned under the weight of his cursed influence. Winds shrilled their complaint, and the ground trembled under his feet.

Fitful gusts tugged at Jedrick's wings, and the very lack of light made it difficult to stay aloft, so he led his teammates straight upward. Together, they fought their way through the wintery maelstrom, bursting through the upper layers of whirling clouds. In the thin air high above the earth, the Protector picked out the weak glimmer of stars that were quickly fading before the pale sunrise. Normally, dawn drove the enemy into deeper shadows, but the current frenzy showed no sign of breaking up. Gruesome warriors screeched and cursed as they raised their weapons against rank upon rank of cherubim, filling the expanse with their clash.

”Have they guessed our purpose?” murmured Milo.

”I doubt it,” Jedrick replied in a low voice. ”Since the Deep was breached, they have grown bolder.”

Tamaes quietly added, ”They often test our boundaries. Nights have been long of late.”

The Messenger suddenly dropped, neatly avoiding a fiery dart, and Tamaes quickly placed their unarmed companion at his back. With a rueful smile, Milo remarked, ”We're attracting attention.”

Getting his bearings, Jedrick called, ”This way,” and tucked his wings close around his body. Without hesitation, the other two plunged after him into the mad rush of the storm, angling to the northeast. Unfortunately, their departure didn't go unnoticed. Dark figures careened after them, the storm rattling through their ragged wings. Turning to fight wasn't an option, so Jedrick sharply ordered, ”Faster!”

Milo's answering grin was fierce, and he darted to the fore, blue wings sweeping expertly through the fitful currents. They shot through the scudding snow, arrowing toward Sunderland State Park and the dark gash that rent the earth, the opening to the cave system that would lead them down to the Deep.

Jedrick banked into a tight spiral, but drew up short as soon as he realized that their way was barred. Tamaes hastened to place himself on the other side of Milo as they considered this newest obstacle. ”Is that the only entrance?” the Guardian asked.

”Without a Caretaker's intervention ... yes,” Jedrick grimly confirmed.

Suddenly, a luminous salvo of arrows cut through the murk, driving back the horde cl.u.s.tered around the entrance to the caves. ”Press on!” called the captain whose Flight's bowstrings were already bent for another volley. ”The way will also be clear when you return!”

G.o.d did not Send without making provision for those Sent. Nodding curtly, Jedrick beckoned for Tamaes and Milo to follow him through the opening they'd created. ”Be ready!” he warned, giving his sword a twirl before firming his grip.

”I am prepared,” Tamaes answered.

”I, also,” Milo affirmed.

As one, they blazed into the darkness.

Prissie found it almost impossible to concentrate on the fun that usually came with opening presents. She kept checking the clock and wondering if her angelic friends were okay. More than once as the day wore on, she found her way to one of the windows to peer out into the storm.

”Whoever prayed up a white Christmas had a heap of faith,” her grandfather gruffly announced. ”But there's nothing to worry about. We've weathered worse.”

With a sigh, Prissie offered Grandpa Pete a meager smile. ”I know.”

”Then what's troubling you?” pressed the old man. ”Did you have your heart set on something that's missing?”

Prissie blinked in surprise at how close he was to the truth, but she quickly a.s.sured, ”I'm happy with my gifts, Grandpa. I guess I'm just ... thinking about people who couldn't be with us this morning.”

”Plenty of folk would have been welcome, but don't lose sight of what's right in front of you by hankering after what could have been.” With a significant nod, her grandfather drew her attention to Koji, who was listening with incredible patience as Zeke rambled through a convoluted explanation of the rules to the board game they'd be playing next. ”That boy's happiest when you're smiling, and you're being a mite stingy today.”

Ducking her head, Prissie replied, ”I'll do my best, Grandpa.”

He nodded in satisfaction. ”That's the way. Give your best, and leave the rest to the good Lord.”

Swords flas.h.i.+ng, the three angels shot through the cave entrance, bowling over the few Fallen apparently left to keep watch. The demons squealed and scrabbled for cover, spouting profanities at those whose rank in the heaven-lies they'd once shared. Chances were good that they'd be bringing reinforcements.

For several long moments, Jedrick, Tamaes, and Milo gazed around the large, central cavern from which Sunderland's innumerable underground pa.s.sages branched. Without the overhead lighting switched on, the open s.p.a.ce was a formless void. While their own wings whispered softly in the stillness, the occasional sour note betrayed the lingering presence of those waiting for their chance.

”Which way?” whispered Milo.

Their captain hesitated, for his directive had only been to get them this far. With an almost apologetic smile, Tamaes stepped into the lead. ”Follow me,” he announced quietly, pointing deeper down the main artery.

Suddenly, the earth began to shake, and the trio moved so they were back to back, weapons raised. The faint patter of stones echoed in the darkness, temporarily covering any sound of approaching feet, so caution was called for. ”More tremors?” Milo muttered. ”Abner's not going to be happy.”

”True,” Jedrick agreed, tensing at the sudden crunch and scuff of footfalls from outside. A double line of cherubim strode into the cave, their wings and raiment bathing the vast chamber with a warm glow that was heaven-sent.

The incoming Flight's captain stepped forward and solemnly declared, ”Make the way clear, and it shall remain clear.”

”How many are coming?” Jedrick inquired, for warriors continued to sweep through the entrance, bearing swords, spears, and staffs.

With a flick of turquoise wings, the tall archer replied, ”As many as it takes to light the way back.”