Part 6 (1/2)

”May I ask about him?” Harken inquired.

”I guess.”

”What kinds of things did Adin say to you?”

She needed to think that over. It wasn't so much that she didn't remember what the fallen angel had told her; it was embarra.s.sing to admit that she'd believed him. Adin had seemed so perfect. Very reluctantly, she confessed, ”He said I was special, chosen by G.o.d.”

”Arguably true.” Harken nodded encouragingly. ”What else?”

Prissie fiddled with her skirt, pleating the fabric between her fingers. ”He talked about Ephron ... and Ransom ... and he asked questions I couldn't answer.”


”Like ... why doesn't G.o.d hurry up and tell you where Ephron is? And why am I letting Ransom take my place next to Dad? And he asked me which of my brothers is my favorite.”

Harken's expression grew solemn. ”Did he, now?”

To Prissie's surprise, Koji grabbed her hand, pulling it into both of his own. ”Adin stirred doubts, planted seeds of contention, and sought to divide Prissie from those who love her. I am grateful to G.o.d that we are Sent to her defense.”

She didn't miss the subtle emphasis. ”Who's been Sent? You two?”

”The whole Flight,” Harken replied. ”We're supporting Tamaes, which means looking out for you. Now! If you'll excuse me, I have a store to mind.”

”Oh! Of course,” she exclaimed, feeling bad for taking up his time. Prissie could see why her father had confided in Harken when he was her age. ”Thank you for listening.”

”Any time,” he replied, making his reply a promise. ”And stay as long as you like.”

Since she wasn't in a hurry to go back out into the cold, Prissie basked in the warm light filling the forest clearing. As she'd once guessed, watching angels spar was much more interesting than football, but this wasn't just for sport. These two were cherubim, whose job it was to keep the Fallen at bay. Marcus was obviously young, but he was learning what he needed from his mentor. He was growing stronger through practice so that he could protect people like her.

A quick glance confirmed that Koji was avidly following every move, so she asked, ”Do you understand what's going on?”


”Could you use a sword, then?” she asked curiously.

”I have neither the strength nor the skill,” he replied seriously. ”And I am ill-equipped to defend myself.” Marcus was blocking Jedrick's blows with his sword, and as she had noted once before, neither of them used any kind of s.h.i.+eld. Just then, something happened that made Prissie lean forward. ”What was that?” she whispered.

”Watch closely. They are sure to demonstrate again.”

Sure enough, after a short interval, Marcus went on the offensive, swiftly launching himself at his mentor with sword upraised. Instead of bringing up his weapon, Jedrick's wings flashed forward, and to her amazement, they deflected the blow. ”His wings!” she exclaimed. ”He used his wings!”

”An angel's wings are a strong defense, s.h.i.+elding from blows of friend or foe,” Koji recited. ”They can also become a shelter from wind and weather, or a quiet place for healing and rest.”

As she watched, the tables turned, and this time, Marcus's wings came around, the edges blending together in a seamless arc of light. ”I never would have guessed,” she murmured.

The Protector's lesson had already ranged from midair to a ground battle. Without warning, it changed again, and both angels were on the move. Prissie's jaw dropped as she twisted to follow the action. ”What in the world ...!” she exclaimed. Jedrick and Marcus still crossed blades, but in a crazy rush as they wove in and out between trees. Their heavy boots thudded over the gra.s.s, and they added tight wingbeats for bursts of speed. All the commotion shook leaves loose from the trees, and Marcus caused the slender trunk of a young sapling to bow by using it to change directions without slacking his pace. ”Is this really training, or are they just showing off?”

Koji's gaze was solemn. ”The enemy does not fight in an orderly manner. They ambush the unwary, give chase over great distances, and use any means possible to inflict pain upon their prey. Improvisation is often required to avoid grievous injury or capture.”

To her, it looked like a playful game of chase, and she enjoyed watching in spite of the underlying purpose of their pell-mell blitz through the forest. Jedrick's attacks grew more ingenious, but Marcus seemed good at evasion, and before she knew it, Prissie was rooting for her cla.s.smate. ”He's doing well, isn't he?”

”He is doing all he can,” Koji agreed.

Finally, Jedrick called an end to the lesson and strolled over to where Prissie and Koji sat. After a moment's consideration, he chose a seat on the gra.s.s in front of the two, placing his sword within easy reach behind his back. Koji quickly crawled over to sit at the big warrior's side and was greeted by a gentle inquiry. ”How have you been faring, my young Graft?”

Marcus also laid aside his weapon and dropped unceremoniously onto the gra.s.s. His wings were already hidden away, but when Prissie stole a glance in his direction, his eyes were still a vibrant shade of gold. He smirked in a friendly sort of way, but his attention went right back to Jedrick, who was asking Koji about recent additions to his responsibilities. The more they talked, the more Prissie realized that the big Protector genuinely cared about her friend. If this was Koji's family, then as captain, Jedrick was sort of like a father, making Marcus an older brother. It made sense to her, like how Jedrick teased Baird, and the way everyone in the Flight came together to support Tamaes.

”Prissie Pomeroy,” the big Protector said slowly.

With a start, she wondered if he'd said her name more than once, for his eyes held a spark of amus.e.m.e.nt. Feeling foolish, she mumbled, ”Pardon?”

”You are welcome to join us,” Jedrick invited.

At first, Prissie wasn't sure what he was talking about, but she should have known. Somehow with angels, everything always ended up in song. She thanked him awkwardly. ”You go on without me. I like to listen.”

With a nod, Jedrick began to hum, and his two young teammates tuned their voices to his. The melody was simple, and the harmony was sublime. Marcus threw back his head and sang with unabashed enthusiasm, adolescence adding huskiness to his tones. Koji's voice was as clear and sweet as ever, and Prissie's heart swelled with an odd mix of pride and joy.

Now that the battle had ended, the yahavim flitted out from hiding. Prissie played with the little manna-makers while the trio of angels offered thanks and praise, and she was thrilled when the tiny angels added a melodious thrum to the chorus. Prissie found herself humming a few s.n.a.t.c.hes every now and then, even though she didn't know the melody. She wasn't as talented as her companions, but she was glad. And the gladness just sort of spilled over. No one seemed to mind.




Milo stretched his long legs and took in the view from atop the Pomeroys' barn while he waited for his teammate to rouse. The sun was just beginning to lighten the eastern horizon, but his s.h.i.+ft at the post office didn't start for another hour or so. There was time enough for patience. Finally, Tamaes stirred, and the Messenger greeted him. ”Good morning, sleepyhead. Pleasant dreams?”

The Guardian rolled to a sitting position and accepted the box of manna Milo proffered. ”Ephron is the one who waits to be found, but I am the one who feels lost.”

”Couldn't find him?”

Tamaes shook his head and gazed toward the rising sun. ”Perhaps today will be the day.”

”Amen,” Milo agreed.

The mall parking lot was packed since there were only sixteen shopping days left until Christmas. Grandma Nell circled the lots while Grammie Esme sat tall, eyes alert for any sign of an opening. The latter whooped in triumph when they found a spot, then peered over her at the young Observer in the back seat. ”This is your first Christmas in the States, isn't it, Koji?”


”Then you're in for a treat,” she promised. ”This is sure to put you in the holiday spirit! Isn't that right, Prissie?”