Part 10 (1/2)

”And how can you prevent it?”

”Are you daring me?”

”By no means,” answered Pauline; and this time she really tried to speak gently. ”I was calling to your remembrance the fact that there is no tie between us, Mr. Ash; you have no shadow of authority over my actions; I am free to do as I please.”

”I know you are; that is the worst of it,” he said, almost with a groan.

”Pauline, don't play with me now. I have given up hoping for anything for myself--if I ever really did hope; I am not worthy of you. Whether you could make me worthy I don't know; but I don't ask you that; I don't ask you to try; it would be too much. I only ask you to be as you have been; as you were, I mean, during all those many weeks, not as you have been lately. Only a few days are left when I can see you freely; be kind to me, then, during those few days, and then I will take myself off.”

”I mean to be kind; I am kind.”

”Then ride with me to-morrow; just this once more.”

”But I told you it was impossible; I told you I was going to Naples.”

The pleading vanished from Ash's face and voice. ”_I_ never asked you to do that--to go off with me for a whole day.”

Pauline did not answer; she was arranging the flowers which Mrs. Ash had industriously gathered.

”So much the greater fool I!--is that what you are thinking?” Ash went on, laughing discordantly.

For the moment Pauline forgot to be angry in the vague feeling, something like fear, which took possession of her. All fear is uncomfortable, and she hated discomfort; she gave herself a little inward shake as if to shake it off. ”I shall ask Cousin Oc to go back to Paris next week,” was her thought. ”I have had enough of Italy for the present--Italy and madmen!”

”You won't go?” asked Ash, bending forward eagerly, as though he had gained hope from her silence.

”To Paris?”

”Are we speaking of Paris? To Naples--to-morrow.”

”Oh, I must go to Naples,” she answered, gayly. In spite of her gayety she turned towards the Basilica; Mrs. Ash was the nearest person.

”You are going to my mother? She, at least, is a good woman; she would never have tarnished herself with such an expedition as you are planning!” cried Ash, in a fury.

Pauline turned white. ”I am well paid for ever having endured you, ever having liked you,” she said, in a low voice, as she hastened on. ”I might have known--I might have known.”

There was not much to choose now between the expression of the two faces, for the woman's sweet countenance showed in its pallor an anger as vivid as that which had flushed the face of the man beside her, with a red so dark that his blue eyes looked unnaturally light by contrast, as though they had been set in the face of an Indian.

Mrs. Ash had come hurriedly out to meet them. Her son paid no attention to her; all his powers were evidently concentrated upon holding himself in check. ”I shouldn't have said it, even if it were the plain brutal truth,” he said. ”But you madden me, Pauline. I mean what I say--you really do drive me into a kind of madness.”

”I have no desire to drive you into anything; I have no desire to talk with you further,” she answered.

”No, no, dearie, don't say that; talk ter him a little longer,” said Mrs. Ash, coming forward, her face set in a tremulous smile. ”I'm sure it's very pleasant here--beside these buildings. And John thinks so much of you; he means no harm.”

”Poor mother!” said Ash, his voice softening. ”She does not dare to say to you what she longs to say; she would whisper it if she could; and that is, 'Don't provoke him!' She has some pretty bad memories--haven't you, mother?--of times when I've--when I've gone a-hunting, as one may say. She'll tell you about them if you like.”

”I don't want to hear about them; I don't want to hear about anything,”

answered Mrs. Graham, troubled out of all her composure, troubled even out of her anger by the strangeness of this strange pair. She looked about for some one, and, seeing Carew coming from the tents of the camp, she waved her hand to attract his attention and beckoned to him; then she went forward to meet him as he hastened towards her.

Ash disengaged himself from his mother, who, however, had only touched his arm entreatingly, for she had learned to be very cautious where her son was concerned; he strode forward to Pauline's side.

”I should rather see you dead before me than go with that man to-morrow.”