Part 24 (1/2)
A slow flush crept up Darcy's thick neck toward his face. ”I'm sure I don't know what you mean.”
”Of course you do.” Alex's fingers became talons in Darcy's flesh. ”You were in the car, knocking boots with that sweet little chippie who isn't your wife. Tammy, as I recall. Remember?”
Darcy swallowed heavily. His ruddy complexion had gone a pale, pasty white. He flicked his muddy brown gaze toward Pansy, who appeared to be haggling with Martin over the price of one of Rivka's prints. Darcy's tongue flickered out from between his lips to lick them nervously.
”Don't tell Pansy,” he whispered, almost pleading. ”She'll kill me. Or divorce me, which would be worse. She'd take everything.”
”I won't tell Pansy.” Darcy recoiled from Alex's smile as though a snake had twisted itself across his face. ”Not if you do exactly what I tell you.”
”What did you have in mind?”
”Come with me. I just want you to make a few announcements.”
n.o.body recognized her, Sarah realized as she pa.s.sed within yards of Rivka without her sister noticing. A secret smile bloomed across Sarah's face. Only Darren and Lance knew she had decided to come as Cleopatra. What fun she would have when Rivka discovered Sarah's new look!
She debated about finding Alex first. No, she'd go greet her sister. If the evening went as Sarah planned, once she spoke to Alex there would be no time to congratulate Rivka on the opening success of The Gallery on Second. She had better tell her now.
”Greetings, Your Highness.” Sarah lifted her chin up just as haughtily as her sister's.
Rivka stared at Sarah for a long moment. ”Sarai?”
Sarah burst into laughter. ”I thought I could fool you. Guess not.”
”It was your perfume.” Rivka reached for Sarah to give her a hug. Sarah stepped forward, meeting a solid obstacle with her toe. From beneath Rivka's skirt, Mick let out a loud yelp.
”Sorry.” Her fur-clad brother-in-law emerged from under Rivka's gown.
”What happened to Bo Peep?” Rivka asked. ”Not that I'm complaining because you look fabulous!”
”Well, aren't we all just a bunch of queens.” Darren joined them.
He looked gorgeous. His form-fitting red gown glittered with sequins. Sarah checked his legs, just to be sure. Yes, he wore nude stockings.
They bussed each other's cheeks, careful not to smudge their carefully applied makeup. Darren then held her at arm's length to see her better. Lance nodded approvingly.
”Girl, you got it goin' on! When Mr. Gorgeous sees you...”
”He's here?” His parking s.p.a.ce had been empty when she arrived.
”He went to check out the food.” Darren leaned close to whisper to her. ”Go find him, honey.”
Sarah took a deep breath and tried to quell her nervous excitement. ”I will.”
”You will what?” Rivka rapped poor Mick on the head with her fan again. He scowled, rubbed the sore spot, and ducked back beneath her gown.
”I'm going to find Alex.” Sarah waited for her sister's response.
Rivka only smiled. ”I'm glad, Sarai.”
They hugged again, crus.h.i.+ng Mick between them. He didn't complain, but bore it stoically. Sarah bent down and kissed his cheek for his patience, then was off into the crowd.
She had just wiggled her way past a group of people costumed as a cruise s.h.i.+p when the music stopped. The DJ, who had set up his portable dance floor and other equipment in one corner of the room, began asking everyone in the gallery for silence. Curious, Sarah followed rest of the crowd as people began moving toward the small platform Rivka had planned to use to display sculptures. It was bare at the moment, making it the perfect place for someone to stand and make announcements.
Which was exactly what someone was doing. Two someone's in fact; one dressed as a rather rumpled Julius Caesar. Sarah's stomach lurched. It was William Darcy. The other, the one who made her breath catch in her throat, was a handsome Mark Antony. Alex.
”Attention, everyone!” Alex had commandeered the DJ's microphone. The room quieted at his command, a ma.s.sive feat since the place was jammed full. ”My fellow Roman here has something to say.”
Alex handed the mike to William, who took it between two fingers as though it were covered in slime. The man she had once thought moved the sun and stars didn't look well, Sarah decided with mean satisfaction. Sweat had broken out on his brow, wilting his laurel leaves.
”Friends, Romans, countrymen,” William began, and the crowd laughed appreciatively. ”I have something to say.”
William fell silent, casting a look of desperate disgust at Alex. Alex merely nodded stonily, directing William to the crowd. William cleared his throat.
”It has come to my attention that, by my words and actions, I have brought pain to a certain person here tonight.”
The crowd murmured. Sarah's heart jumped. Boldly, she began pus.h.i.+ng her way to the front of the throng. She wanted to see this from up close.