Part 10 (2/2)

”Something told me you'd like the idea.” Sarah grinned.

”Don't worry, Sarah. I'll let you know exactly what I think of him.”

Sarah gathered her notes. The question wasn't what Darren might think of Alex. It was what Alex might think of Darren. The thought made her laugh out loud. Still laughing, she left the office to go to her meeting.

* * * * The meeting didn't take long, thank heavens. Carl was brief and to the point. Archery Hunter magazine was the only one of her four t.i.tles that was actually doing well. Doll Collector, Early American Crafts, and British Life were all barely breaking even.

Hiding her apprehension, Sarah presented her carefully planned reports showing that the fault lay in marketing and advertising, not with production. To her relief and surprise, Carl had emphatically agreed with her and even commended her on her performance under such circ.u.mstances and hinted at the prospect of a raise.

Consequently, the high Sarah had been on since waking up in Alex's arms got even higher. Almost whistling, she swung by the mail room to drop off a few things before heading back to her office. She planned to take Darren to a nice, long, expensive lunch.

”Hi, Sarah!” The eager voice shot out from behind the tall row of shelves that served as mail slots.

Sarah's good mood dropped a notch. ”Hey, Ned. How are you?”

”I'm just dandy.” Ned Namey ogled her through one of the slots. ”And how ' bout yourself, pretty lady?”

Sarah repressed a grimace. ”Oh, you know. Busy, busy.”

Ned stepped out from his mail room domain and hitched his pants up past his waist. He had really outdone himself this time. Kelly green linen pants, inadequately held up with a brown leather braided belt. Faded pink Izod polo s.h.i.+rt, collar standing up to brush his ears. Black loafers with ta.s.sels. He'd even added a watch today.

”Do you like it?” He must have seen her noticing it. ”It's a Bolex.”

”A Bolex?”

”Yeah, you know.” Ned gave her a conspiratorial glance. ”It's like a Rolex, but it's a Bolex. I got in New York when I went to the National Mail Handlers Convention.”

”It's ... really ... nice.” Sarah mustered as much enthusiasm as she could. She handed him the pile of envelopes she needed to send out. ”Here you go, Ned. Thanks a lot.”

”So, when are we going to go out again?” Ned took the pile and began nonchalantly tossing each letter into its appropriate slot. ”We had such a great time the last time.”

”Boy, we sure did.” Sarah wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. Or better yet, swallow Ned. ”But...”

Ned suddenly turned from his letter sorting--the smarmy smile wiped clean

from his face. It had been replaced by an expression of intense sincerity.

Sarah stifled a groan.

”I tried calling you a couple of times, but you didn't get back to me.”

What could she say to that? She didn't have the heart to tell him the truth--that

the one time she had agreed to go out with him had been a mistake. She'd gotten his messages, but had wimpily forgone returning his calls. She had hoped he'd get the hint.

”Sorry,” she said. ”I've just been...”

”Busy, I know.”

”I'm really sorry,” she repeated. ”I don't know what else to say.”

”You could say you'll go out with me again,” Ned said in the hopeless voice

of a man who expects to be shot down.

”Oh, I wish I could. I really do.” Sarah gritted her teeth. ”But I've just started seeing someone.”


She would rather have had someone hit her on the head with a frying pan than

have to look at Ned's face. Sarah felt terrible. Ned was nice. He was just too

... well ... Ned.

”I sure did have fun with you, though.” Sarah struggled to sound sincere.

”Bowling, the stuffed-animal exhibit at the state museum. A lot of fun.”

”Sarah, you don't have to patronize me,” Ned said with a nerd's quiet dignity. ”I know you didn't want to go out with me again. It's okay. A woman like you never wants to go out with a man like me.”

The similarity to her own words to Alex made Sarah step back. ”Oh, Ned.” ”No, Sarah, really, it's fine. I'm used to this. I just thought...” Ned trailed off for a moment, sounding wistful. ”I just thought you were different. You're always so nice to me.” Oh, brother, Sarah thought. How to respond to that? She couldn't tell him that she was just being nice to be nice, not being nice to be ... well ... nice.

”Ned, I'm sorry.” It was the third time. ”I really am seeing someone now, or else I'd love to go out with you again.” ”I said you don't have to patronize me!” Ned snapped loudly. Two bright spots of color had appeared in his pasty cheeks. ”I'm not much to look at, I know, but I'm not dumb!”
