Chapter 18 (1/2)

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Without touching anything, the wo card rotate like a whirlpool until several of such cards lined up in front of Lunaria

This was undoubtedly a technique that ic “This woes” Thought Bernst to himself

As for Lunaria, her heart was ju with excitement

Or perhaps that feeling was her instincts telling her that the fortuneteller was not as harmless as she seemed

【”The sun card―― This shows your ambition to reach the future that you seek, it also shows that you will face a difficult confrontation in the near future, and that future of yours will depend one the strength of your determination However, if you find yourself at an impasse, please do not doubt that you have the power to break through”】

『Interesting… Do the Arcanas exist in this world, too?』

Bernst recalled a bar to pass the ti in his mind

It was the first ti such memories

(Are Arcanas popular?)

『Were there no fortune tellers in your ree? It was quite a widespread practice in the Dolmand world I am not sure about this world, but it seems like it’s similar on that aspect 』

【”…the strength of my determination, huh…”】

The fortune teller’s words appeared to have triggered strong feelings in Lunaria

【”Depending on the circumstances, I believe you will be forced toaside a closed one”】

【But as long as I ah, I will have the power to overcoht?”】

【”Yes, that is for sure”】


Lunaria’s reaction was characteristically clear-cut and direct

She had the resolve to take full responsibility for the decision that she would come to make

As a member of the royal family, that was her duty, but it was also her pride, a pride she simply could not lose

【”That’s a nice expression in your eyes Now then, the second card…… is the lover’s card ―― but it’s following the sun arcana?”】

【”Does thatbad?”】

Asked Lunaria while leaning forward, having noticed the hesitation in the fortune teller’s voice

【”It does not have a badas you put passion in your actions, I believe the results will follow It’s simply that, since the lover’s card and the sun card are connected, that ht mean that your partner

will associate with more than one woman”】

【”Youto have a concubine?”】

【”Well, I don’t exactly know if this is about a concubine, a close mistress, or just a woman he’ll associate with in a brothel”】

【”―― As long as I’ll be his legal wife, that will not be a problem”】

Even though the fortune teller had seldom shown any facial expression so far, her jaw dropped at Lunaria’s words that contained hardly any hesitation

She had not expected this kind of answer fro lady in love

“Are girls these days so tolerant that they don’t s turn out like this?” Thought the fortune teller But the truth was that she was not much older than Lunaria

Meanwhile, Bernst was secretly snickering to himself

For the sake of Bernst’s ambitions, it was very important to knohether Lunaria could tolerate a concubine or not

【”The last card is… the e”】

The fortune teller glanced at Kurats like she was exa him

She could not possibly iine it froical power in the young’s e body, she was able to perceive that he was actually a e

【”What does this one mean?”】

【”As long as you make your intentions clear, the one in your heart will allow you to fulfill your love, no e that controls love, nothing is impossible with his power”】

【”Oho… In other words, you’re saying my lover will reach my own statusall by himself?”】

【”Yes, I must admit even I am surprised by these picks… just how loved by fatecards in one session?”】

The fortune teller could not help feeling like such luck and such powerful picks could not happen through a her poas at play

She had a presentiirl before her eyes and her future lover would undoubtedly bring great chaos and glory to the country

【”This was a wonderful session Miss fortune-teller, how long will you be staying in the royal capital? I’d like you to read ain if an opportunity presents itself”】

【”I ae work is to obtain study material for the church, and to tell you the truth,

truth, I was thinking of going back home tomorrow”】

【”I see That is too bad, but you havemy fortune today”】

【”May God allow us to ain”】

The fortuneteller deeply bowed her head, and Lunaria showed her a refreshi+ng s facial expression

【”Look, the fortune-telling was really great so I just Sorry…”】

【”I understand, I understand I’ your wallet for today, it’s fine by me, Luna”】


The only reason Kurats called Lunaria without any honorifics was to avoid revealing her identity in front of the fortune teller, he did not expect Lunaria would be this shaken by that

Seeing Lunaria becoain rinnedsome fuel to the fire