Part 56 (1/2)
Wis.h.i.+ng you success, I am Your friend, (Signed) CHAMP CLARK
The following opinion of the men on the Chautauqua platform is attributed to our good friend from Missouri:
”The Chautauqua has been a powerful force in directing the political thought of the country, which is largely sociological in these latter days. I approve the Chautauqua lecturers, with whom I have been a.s.sociated, because they const.i.tute as fine a group of men and women as can be found among the splendid citizens.h.i.+p of America. I have a deep and abiding interest in them, and bid them a hearty G.o.dspeed in their work.”
Dr. Cook is perhaps the leading Chautauqua lecturer of the present season. He is now booked to appear at seventy Chautauquas this Summer and it is certain that even the genial Speaker of the House wouldn't want to a.s.sociate with a man who would hoax the world for gain.
Certainly he wouldn't want ”The greatest liar of the Century” to be one of the powerful forces directing the political thoughts of the Century.
If Dr. Cook discovered the North Pole he should be given the credit for that great achievement.
We certainly have a right to see to it that neither Dr. Cook nor Mr.
Peary are treated as though they were the sc.u.m of the earth. Dr. Cook has brought charges against Mr. Peary as a Naval officer. He still brings these charges, and he should be made to prove them. Peary, an officer of the Navy, has brought charges against Cook and he should be made to prove them.
Mr. Peary is an officer of our navy, drawing an old age pension. His position is such that he cannot ignore Dr. Cook's open charges. He is honor bound to protect the good name of this great country by asking an investigation of these charges. To remain silent, is to stand to be branded as the arch-degenerate of our day. Don't forget it was he who opened up the mud batteries and caused this undignified controversy.
No honorable man can allow such open charges of gross immorality as Dr.
Cook preferred against Mr. Peary in his telegram to President Taft.