Part 12 (1/2)

The Nyssomu gave a faint groan. One bleary yellow eye opened. ”Go quickly to my room, Tola. Hide there until I come for you.” The eye then closed and Ralabun spoke no more.

As it happened, Ralabun was not dead, only badly wounded and in a swoon; but in the dream, as in life, Tolivar felt himself bereft of his last hope. Hearing someone coming, the Prince fled into the Nyssomu stablemaster's cozy little chamber, where he concealed himself beneath a discarded cloak in a corner.

A man, moving furtively and breathing in painful gasps-as though he, too, had been fleeing for his life-entered the room and closed the door behind him. The Prince's hand tightened upon his little sword. Meager firelight from Ralabun's hearth showed that the intruder was clad in a dirty golden robe. It was the acolyte whom Orogastus called his Yellow Voice, sent by the sorcerer to act as an aide to young King Ledavardis of Raktum during the invasion.

A silvery gleam shone from beneath the Voice's hood and Tolivar nearly cried out in astonishment. The man was wearing the talismanic coronet called the Three-Headed Monster! Orogastus had lent it to his minion so that the Voice could transmit to his master news of the battle action going on around him.

It was obvious to Tolivar that the cowardly Yellow Voice had run away, abandoning his duty when the fighting grew too furious.

In his dream, the Prince's heart swelled with brave resolution. (In reality, he had acted almost without thought.) Except for the area next to the hearth, where the Voice now stood, helping himself to Ralabun's abandoned supper, the room was in deep shadow. Tolivar crept up behind the acolyte as he began to ladle hot stew from a pot on the fire into a bowl. The boy pressed the sharp point of his little sword to the nape of the man's neck, cutting through his hood.

”Stand still!” the Prince hissed. ”Drop those things.”

”I meant no harm,” the Voice quavered, but Tolivar p.r.i.c.ked the acolyte with the blade until he let fall the bowl and ladle. ”I am only an unarmed townsman, caught up by mistake in the fighting-”

”Silence-or you die! And do not move.”

”I will stand quite still,” the Yellow Voice whimpered. ”I would not dream of moving.” The sword withdrew from his neck, and faster than lightning it whisked off his hood and flipped the magical coronet from his shaven head. The Three-Headed Monster spun away through the air, striking the floor with a clang and rolling out of sight in the dimness.

”Dark Powers-not the talisman!” the acolyte shrieked. ”Master! Help me-”

The true foolhardiness of his action now came home to Prince Tolivar, for the Yellow Voice whirled about and fell over him, uttering a great howl and bearing both of them heavily to the floor. The boy was able to wriggle free, but he had somehow lost the sword. The acolyte struggled to his knees, swaying and clutching at his breast where a dark stain was spreading. His eyes had become brilliant white stars, and Tolivar knew beyond doubt that Orogastus himself now looked out through them.

As the Yellow Voice writhed in his last agony, trying vainly to pluck forth the small blade that had by chance lodged in his heart, his head slowly turned. For a brief instant his brilliant eyes, like two small beacons in the darkness, illumined Prince Tolivar. The boy crouched in the corner, his mouth wide open in voiceless horror.

Then the s.h.i.+ning orbs winked out and the Yellow Voice fell dead on the floor.

In his dream, the little Prince arose and pulled his sword from the body, wiping it clean on the acolyte's robe. Then he went calmly to Ralabun's bed, fished under it with the blade, and drew forth the magical coronet. He stared at the Three-Headed Monster for some time in silence, knowing by the Star emblem inset beneath the central face that it was still bonded to Orogastus and would kill him if he touched it with his bare flesh. The silvery circlet that formed one part of the mighty Sceptre of Power had belonged to his mother the Queen before she surrendered it to Orogastus as ransom for her husband King Antar... and for her youngest son Tolivar as well.

But the Prince had refused to leave the sorcerer then, blinded by the great delusion that Orogastus loved him and some day would pa.s.s on to him his power.

”You lied to me,” the boy whispered, strangely excited. ”But I shall have power nevertheless.”

He fetched the star-box, knowing full well its operation, and opened it. Inside the shallow container was a bed of metal mesh, and at one corner a group of small, flattened jewels.

Using his sword, Tolivar dropped the coronet into the box. A bright flash seemed to indicate that it had unbonded from Orogastus. One by one, the Prince pressed the colored gemstones in consecutive order, and each one lit. Finally he pressed the white jewel. There was a musical sound, and all of the tiny lights went out. The boy stared at the Three-Headed Monster, hesitating. Had the star-box done its work? Was the talisman now bonded to him? If it was not, it would very likely kill him if he touched it.

At that same moment there came rough shouts and cras.h.i.+ng sounds from outside the door. The pirates were coming!

His hand shook as he reached into the star-box. The metal of the coronet was warm as he took it up. It did not slay him. Beneath the central carven monstrosity, where there had once been a many-rayed emblem of the Star Guild, now shone a tiny replica of Tolivar's princely escutcheon.

”You are mine!” he marveled, and set the talisman upon his head. The loud voices were now right outside the chamber. ”Make me invisible, talisman, and the star-box, too,” he commanded.

It must have happened, for the door was flung open and three rogues with bloodied swords peered in, made scornful note of the dead Yellow Voice, and betook themselves elsewhere. The Prince felt a wonderful swell of confidence fill his heart.

”I will be an even greater sorcerer than you, Orogastus!” he proclaimed to the empty air. ”And I'll make you sorry you deceived me.”

At that point the dream ended and the Prince's waking nightmare began.

Tolivar! Tolivar, Prince of Laboruwenda! Do you hear me?

”No... go away.” Still half-asleep, the boy pulled the rough pillow over his head and burrowed deeper into the covers of the bunkbed.

I will not go away, Tola. Not until you agree to be my ally.

”No!” Tolivar whispered. ”I'm only imagining you, Orogastus. You aren't really speaking to me. You don't even know where I am.”

That is not true. You lie abed in a Wyvilo flatboat. The boat is tied up for the night in the River Oda, not far from its confluence with the Great Mutar.

You can't know that, the boy said to the voice in his mind.

But I do. And do you know why, Tola? Because deep in your secret heart you want me to! If you did not, your two talismans would s.h.i.+eld you from me.

No. You're only a dream. It's my bad conscience conjuring you up. I feel guilty because-because I once chose you over my parents. When I hated them...

You were too young to understand what you were doing. Your hatred was not genuine. Your fatherand'motherknow that. You have long since atoned for those juvenile sins. They are of no account now, when you have very nearly reached manhood's estate. At any rate, none of that infantile naughtiness has anything to do with my solemn pledge to you... which I am now prepared to fulfill.

I'm not interested in your lies. Let me alone!

Of course you are interested. How could you not be, since you are so very intelligent? More than anything in the world, you long to taste the full power hidden within those marvelous things you own.

Go away. Leave me in peace. Get out of my dreams. I despise you! One day I will kill you myself to expiate my sins.

Nonsense. Be honest with yourself, Tola! You know that only I can teach you the full use of the talismans. You will never learn all by yourself. Come to me in Sobrania, dear boy. Only step through the viaduct- Never! You're trying to trick me.

No one can possibly harm the owner of the Three-Headed Monster and the Three-Lobed Burning Eye. You know that.

I don't have them.

Yes, you do. I saw you in the stable as my Yellow Voice died. You are the only one who could have taken the coronet and the star-box. And who but their owner could have made away with the Burning Eye?

Not me. Not me...

Dear Tola, you know what your Aunt Kadiya plans to do on the morrow. Follow her! When you step through the viaduct and arrive in Sobrania, warriors of my company will be waiting to conduct you to me. There will be a joyous celebration to welcome home my long-lost adopted son and heir. You wilt be initiated at once into the Guild, just as I promised four years ago.

I-I don't trust you.

You must. I am the only one who can help you fulfill your destiny.


Tola! Come to me!

No no no!

You know you must come to me! Tola... Tola... Tola...