Part 69 (1/2)
The waitress came around asking if they needed a refill, and Roy told her that they just needed a check. Erin pushed herself up, ostensibly to go to the bathroom, with every intention of catching the waitress and paying for the whole thing herself.
She took a step away, and Roy called after her to put it all on his room bill, after all. The dirty rotten scoundrel had beaten her at her own game! Erin couldn't help noticing that his room was on her floor. In fact, more than that, he was only a few doors down. The idea that he had been there, maybe grabbing a shower to warm up after the tumble he took on the mountain... only a few short and easy doors down...
Erin blushed. No. Down, girl.
She let her frustration play out in exaggerated strokes across her face as she sat back down.
”I knew it,” Roy said, another smile twisting across his face. ”You were planning on trying to take my win away from me, after all.”
”And then you had to go and rain on my parade.”
”How about I let you treat me if you can beat me tomorrow?”
Erin let a triumphant smile show. ”Oh, sure. But this time, we'll be taking the big boy slopes.”
Roy returned her smile. ”I wouldn't have it any other way.”
She didn't like thinking this way. It wasn't love, but she sure didn't like whatever it was. Whatever she was feeling, it was going straight to her head. More worryingly, it was going other places, as well. Places that didn't usually get too excited when she saw a moderately attractive guy.
None of this was normal, but then again, maybe it was that she wasn't going to see him again after she went back to L.A. on Monday. She wasn't opposed to it, per se, but he was in Virginia, she was in California. They couldn't get further apart without having planned it.
She opened the blinds. Still dark, but not too dark to see the heavy snow pouring down. Not enough to see the four solid inches that had acc.u.mulated just on the windowsill.
So much for beating Roy down the mountain. She put on another sweater. She had more than one, after all. The chances were slim that he'd see her, slimmer still that he would judge her for wearing the same sweater twice. Most people didn't rise at five in the morning, after all. And sweaters were re-wearable.
Neither of those things, though, helped her not to worry about it. In fact, they didn't even help a little bit. Erin put her wallet into the pocket of her leggings again. She was looking more and more like she wore pajamas all the time every day. The vacation had been interesting so far, and she still had four more days to go before she had to get back on a plane, but she couldn't afford another one. By the time she came back from a second trip, if she sat down on the curb a minute, people would start dropping change in her lap.
She pulled the door open and stepped into the hall, turning to check that the door was pulled shut. She was already moving before she turned her head back, and that was how she managed to hard into Roy. The liquid covering him looked d.a.m.n hot, and he certainly reacted that way.
”Oh, Jesus. I'm sorry. s.h.i.+t. Um.” She fished the key to her room out of her wallet and opened the door. ”Come on. We'll get you cleaned up.”
She helped him up from the ground, bending down past him to pick up the now-crumpled paper cup that had been full of hot coffee.
”Hop in the shower, I'll... um... I can go grab some clothes from your room if you want.”
”I'll be fine,” he said, already closing the shower curtain up, still fully-clothed. A moment later, a s.h.i.+rt came popping up over the rail, and then sweatpants, and by that point Erin decided it was better that she left. She called from outside the bathroom. ”Jeez, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you, and-”
”I'm fine, Erin. Don't worry about it. I a.s.sume you've seen the alert.”
She hadn't. ”Alert?”
”Blizzard advisory. They're closing down the mountain until it clears up. Could be done tonight, or it could be days. No way to be sure.”
”That's a let-down,” she said, as much to herself as to him.
”I know you were looking forward to getting spanked out there, but it'll be okay.”
She heard the water turn off, heard the curtain going. She imagined what it must have looked like, and then a moment she had most of her question answered when the door opened inches to her right, followed by a brief puff of steam.
”Are you okay? No burns or anything? We can get a medic if-”
She turned to look at him while she talked, and only then did she notice that he wasn't wearing anything but a towel held up by his left hand. She had to take back her earlier a.s.sessment. He didn't look natural at all.
Roy looked like he could have been carved out of marble, if Michelangelo had needed a model. He smiled at her. ”I'll just borrow this, and then I'll have to go replace my coffee.”
”I needed a cup, myself,” Erin confessed.
”You want me to spill it on you, so we're even?”
”You just want to catch me coming out of the shower,” Erin teased.
She was treading on dangerous territory, now. She might have seemed playful to him, and that was exactly how she meant to sound, but part of her absolutely wanted to get caught coming out of the shower, if he was going to feel one tenth as aroused by her as she was of him.
”I mean, if you're offering, I could just step outside a minute, I'm sure the water is still hot.”
She hadn't realized she was getting closer to him, nor him closer to her, until she could feel the hot droplets of water still hanging to his skin starting to sink into her sweater as they stood, her chest pressed against him.
His free hand tested the shape of her cheek, and then she reached up for his lips and they kissed, and Erin knew that she was already gone, even if it was only for a little vacation fling.
His other hand wrapped around, taking a grip of her bottom. If she didn't have much pride in her chest, it only made her feel better about the way that men looked at her a.s.s. She liked the feeling of his fingers digging in, and she liked the way that taking the grip brought something out in him, something that made him take the kiss deeper.
”Do you have protection?” He breathed.
”I'm safe,” she said. She'd been on B.C. since before she moved to California to help deal with the cramps, and now it seemed like she was the lucky one.
”Are you sure it's okay?”
She pulled away from him for a moment. She could see the hunger in her eyes, but he had asked for this.
”I'm on birth control, I'm clean, I don't-” She blinked, the next part making her stumble a little bit in her quest to get him into bed. ”I don't usually do this?”
”Neither do I, but-when in Rome, right?”
”Shut up and kiss me.”
Roy did as he was told, pulling her up to set her on the counter. The way he did it was like she didn't weigh more than a bowling ball. She scooted her hips up to help him get the sweatpants off, and then he was kissing her again, holding her head up with one hand as his other explored her body.
His dancing fingers found their way to her core, his palm pressing against her mons as his fingers spread her folds and teased the hard, pleasurable nub at the top. A spasm shot through her, shooting her eyes open wide for an instant before she let them slip closed again.