Part 56 (1/2)
Where was he? How long would he be? It was presumptuous, even rude, to start fussing with someone else's things, but what else was she supposed to do?
Finally, frowning, she turned and pulled a washcloth from the counter beside the sink and wet it, pulled out the iron heating element in the stove, and then the catch dish, and started rubbing the soot and burn marks off.
The work gave her something to do, at least. Something that she could use to pa.s.s the time until she got some sort of better sense of where the h.e.l.l Wesley had gone, and when he was going to be back. She found herself looking at the phone, waiting for him to call, even as her hands kept moving. She wanted Wes to call and explain where he'd gone. But he didn't, and she knew he wasn't going to. Did he even know her phone number?
She replaced the dish, replaced the heating element, and moved on to the next one. It was obviously less-used, but it still had some caked-on muck.
Minami put her body into cleaning, the frustration of not knowing what's going on starting to build up faster than she was able to dissipate it with working. Finally she set it down. Any more work and she was liable to throw the dish clear across the room.
What was wrong with her? Why the h.e.l.l was she cleaning some f.u.c.king stranger's stove-top? Why was she here?
After a minute, she reached back in and kept going. She had started, and that meant she was going to finish, even if she couldn't understand herself what her reasons were. She rinsed it off and gave it an inspection. It might be that it was stained, and she'd done all that could be done. Which was a shame, all told, but she wasn't going to try to do the impossible.
She fit the dish and heating iron back just in time to hear the door opening. Wes stepped through the door looking like he'd been flattened by a steam roller.
”What are you doing?”
”Nothing,” Minami said, half-true. She wasn't doing anything, after all. She'd just finished.
”Who said you could mess with my stuff?”
Minami felt her jaw setting in frustration and forced herself to relax as best as she could.
”I'm sorry, I shouldn't have touched your things.”
”You're right, you shouldn't have,” he growled, moving in closer to her. ”What are you here for? Looking for something?”
”No.” He didn't scare her, not the way that she thought he would. She was too angry to be afraid. Minami had seen her father angrier than this, and he was at least as scary as Wesley. After all, she had very real suspicions that she didn't have anything to worry about from him.
On the other hand, she'd seen what happened to anyone else who disobeyed him. That was enough to make her wonder, even if she was his daughter, could she be absolutely certain that he wasn't going to do something like that to his own daughter?
Underneath it all, she thought, trying to hide the grin it brought to her face, Wesley Park was a kitten compared to that life.
Minami broke the silence between them. ”Is everything alright?”
”It's fine,” he said, walking away. Wes slumped down into the sofa.
”You look like a cat.”
”What's that supposed to mean?”
”I don't know. Figure it out yourself. I'm just telling you, you look just like a cat.”
”Thanks, I guess.”
Minami came out and joined him on the sofa, settling in and looking at him.
”What do you do around here for fun?”
Minami raised one eyebrow. ”Yes, fun. Haven't you heard of it?”
”Obviously I babysit Asian girls. Sometimes even some light kidnapping.”
”Oh yeah?”
”Yep. I kidnapped one girl the other day, and now she's sitting in my apartment asking all sorts of weird questions.”
”Must be a real ha.s.sle.”
”She's good for some things, though.”
”Oh yeah?” Minami could see from the way his face was set exactly what sort of things he was talking about, and she could feel her body flush with arousal.
”You want to find out?”
Wes Wesley could feel the arousal already growing in the pit of his stomach, masquerading as frustration. Replacing the annoyance he was already feeling. The fire was already lit inside him when he forced himself to sit up and forward.
”You want to find out?”
His body ached badly, but it didn't matter, not when he had Minami sitting right there, her plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s making a little stretch in the fabric of her s.h.i.+rt.
”Let's say I do, and see where it goes.”
Wes could feel himself growing hard already, as he heard the words come out of her mouth. The look on her face told him that she knew exactly what she was doing, that she knew exactly the sort of effect she was having on him, the little minx.
She didn't know exactly what he was going to do next, though, and that was part of the fun. He reached over and grabbed her by her hips, lifting her up and s.h.i.+fting his own weight until she was straddling him.
The weight of her body on him was satisfying and enjoyable by itself, but when he pulled up on her s.h.i.+rt, pulled it over her head, and tossed it across the room into a pile, he had other, more enjoyable things to think about.
Her dusky nipples were already starting to harden with arousal, right there ready and waiting for his mouth. He opened up and took one between his lips, tracing it with his tongue and feeling it crinkle under his ministrations.
Minami pressed herself into him, trying to take more pleasure from his mouth than he could give. Her hips had already begun to rock against him, where she pressed herself against his hardness. Wes enjoyed the feeling for a long minute, her body rocking back and forth, up and down.
Her nipple came out of his mouth with a soft pop, and then he pulled the other in. Her grinding was starting to have an edge to it as the pleasure of her rubbing started to build up in her body as an erotic energy that she couldn't control and didn't want to stop. He let her continue, even as he wanted to give her more pleasure still.
Minami let out a soft mewling moan at the contact between them, and Wes thrust his hips up to meet her grind forward, eliciting a soft yelp of pleasure from her lips. Wes let his teeth meet the soft flesh of her neck, his hands replacing his mouth on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, tweaking and teasing her swollen nipples.
She let out another gasp. It was so cute, how she tried to stay quiet and simply could not, no matter what she tried. Wes pushed her back and off, eliciting a moan of disappointment. He pushed his weight up a bit, undid the fly on his jeans and pushed them a little way down his hips.