Part 15 (1/2)

Beloved reader, how is it with you in reference to this great question? Are you living by faith? Can you say, ”The life that I live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of G.o.d, who loved me and gave Himself for me?” Do you know what it is to have the living G.o.d filling the whole range of your soul's vision? Is He enough for you?

Can you trust Him for everything--for body, soul, and spirit--for time and eternity? Or are you in the habit of making known your wants to man in any one way? Is it the habit of your heart to turn to the creature for sympathy, succor, or counsel?

These are searching questions; but we entreat you not to turn away from them. Be a.s.sured it is morally healthful for our souls to be tested faithfully, as in the very presence of G.o.d. Our hearts are so terribly treacherous, that when we imagine we are leaning upon G.o.d, we are really leaning upon some human prop. Thus G.o.d is shut out, and we are left in barrenness and desolation.

And yet it is not that G.o.d does not use the creature to help and bless us. He does so constantly; and the man of faith will be deeply conscious of this fact, and truly grateful to every human agent that G.o.d uses to help him. G.o.d comforted Paul by the coming of t.i.tus; but had Paul been looking to t.i.tus, he would have had but little comfort.

G.o.d used the poor widow to feed Elijah; but Elijah's dependence was not upon the widow, but upon G.o.d. Thus it is in every case.

What raised the wondrous thought?

Or who did it suggest?

”That we, the Church, to glory brought, Should WITH the Son be blest.”

O G.o.d, the thought was Thine!

(Thine only it could be,) Fruit of the wisdom, love divine, Peculiar unto Thee.

For, sure, no other mind, For thoughts so bold, so free, Greatness or strength, could ever find; Thine only it could be.

The motives, too, Thine own, The plan, the counsel, Thine!-- Made for Thy Son, bone of His bone, In glory bright to s.h.i.+ne.

O G.o.d, with great delight Thy wondrous thought we see, Upon _His_ throne, in glory bright, The bride of Christ shall be.

Sealed with the Holy Ghost, We triumph in that love, Thy wondrous thought has made our boast, ”Glory WITH Christ above.”






_By C. H. M._