Part 11 (1/2)

'”But what if it be so?” she reflected. ”I must not be faint-hearted before my task is begun.”

'She was wondering how she should spend the night when a sharp bark from Fido made her look round. She followed to where it came from, and found the little dog at the door of a small hut cleverly concealed among the trees. Followed by her pets Aureole entered it, when immediately, as if pulled by an invisible hand, the door shut to. But she forgot to be frightened in her surprise at what she saw. The hut was beautifully made of the branches of trees woven together, and completely lined with moss.

A small fire burned cheerfully in one corner, for the nights were still chilly; a little table was spread with a snow-white cloth, on which were laid out fruits and cakes and a jug of fresh milk; and a couch of the softest moss covered with a rug made of fur was evidently arranged for Aureole's bed. And at the other side of the hut sweet hay was strewn for the animals, and a sort of trellis work of branches was ready in one corner for the birds to roost on.

'”How pleasant it is!” said Aureole, as she knelt down to warm herself before the fire. ”If this is the enchanted forest I don't think it is at all a dreadful place, and the wizard must be very kind and hospitable.”

'And when she had had some supper and had seen that her pets had all they wanted, she lay down on the mossy couch feeling refreshed and hopeful, and soon fell fast asleep. She had slept for some hours when she suddenly awoke, though what had awakened her she could not tell. But glancing round the hut, by the flickering light of the fire, which was not yet quite out, she saw that all her pets were awake, and when she gently called ”Fido, Fido,” the little dog, followed by the fawn and the rabbit, crept across the hut to her, and when she touched them she felt that they were all shaking and trembling, while the birds seemed to be trying to hide themselves all huddled together in a corner. And almost before Aureole had time to ask herself what it could be, their fear was explained, for through the darkness outside came the sound she had twice heard in her dreams--the terrible panting roar of the monster! It came nearer and nearer. Aureole felt there was nothing to do. She threw her arms round the poor little trembling creatures determined to protect them to the last. Suddenly there came a great bang at the door, as if some heavy creature had thrown itself against it, and Aureole trembled still more, expecting the door to burst open. But the mysterious hand that had shut it had shut it well. It did not move. Only a low despairing growl was heard, and then all was silent till a few minutes after, when another growl came from some distance off, and then Aureole felt sure the danger was past: the beast had gone away, for, though she had not seen him, she was certain he was none other than the monster of her dreams. The poor animals cowered down again in their corner, and Aureole, surprised at the quickness with which her terror had pa.s.sed, threw herself on her couch and fell into a sweet sleep. When she woke, the sun was already some way up in the sky; the door was half open, and a soft sweet breeze fluttered into the hut. All was in order; the little fire freshly lighted, the remains of last night's supper removed, and a tempting little breakfast arranged. Aureole could scarcely believe her eyes. ”Some one must have come in while I was asleep,” she said, and Fido seemed to understand what she meant. He jumped up, wagging his tail, and was delighted when Aureole sat down at the little table to eat what was provided. All her pets seemed as happy as possible, and had quite forgotten their fright. So, after breakfast, Aureole called them all about her and set off again on her rambles. Whither she was to go she knew not; she had obeyed the summons as well as she could, and now waited to see what more to do. The animals seemed to think they had got to the end of their journey, and gambolled and fluttered about in the best of spirits. And even Aureole herself felt it impossible to be sad or anxious. Never had she seen anything so beautiful as the forest, with its countless paths among the trees, each more tempting than the other, the suns.h.i.+ne peeping in through the branches, the lovely flowers of colours and forms she had never seen before, the beautiful birds warbling among the trees, the little squirrels and rabbits playing about, and the graceful deer one now and then caught sight of.

'”Why,” exclaimed Aureole, ”_this_ the terrible enchanted forest! It is a perfect fairyland.”

'”You say true,” said a voice beside her, which made her start. ”To such as _you_ it is a fairyland of delight. But to _me_!” and before Aureole could recover herself from her surprise, there before her stood the Prince Halbert! But how changed! Scarcely had she recognised him when every feeling was lost in that of pity.

'”Oh, poor Halbert,” she cried, ”so I have found you! Where have you been? What makes you look so miserable and ill?”

'For Halbert seemed wasted to a shadow. His clothes, torn and tattered, hung loosely about him. His face was pale and thin, and his eyes sad and hopeless, though, as he saw the pitying look in her face, a gleam of brightness came into his.

'”Oh, Aureole, how good of you to come! It is out of pity for _me_, who so little deserve it. But will you have strength to do all that is required to free me from this terrible bondage?”

'”Explain yourself, Halbert,” Aureole replied. ”What is it you mean?

What bondage? Remember I know nothing; not even if this is truly the enchanted forest.”

'Halbert glanced at the sun, now risen high in the heavens. ”I have but a quarter of an hour,” he said. ”It is only one hour before noon that I am free.”

'And then he went on to relate as quickly as he could what had come over him. Fallen into the power of the invisible spirits of the enchanted land, whose wrath he had for long incurred by his cruelty to those beneath him, among whom were poor little Fido, and the unhappy horse who had dropped dead beneath him as soon as they entered the forest, his punishment had been p.r.o.nounced to him by a voice in his dreams. It was a terrible one. For twenty-three hours of the twenty-four which make the day and night, he was condemned to roam the woods in the guise of a dreadful monster, bringing terror wherever he came. ”I have to be in appearance what I was formerly in heart,” he said bitterly. ”You cannot imagine how fearful it is to see the tender innocent little animals fleeing from me in terror, though I would now die rather than injure one of them. And even you, Aureole, if you saw me you too would rush from me in horror.”

'”I have seen you,” she replied. ”I have twice seen you in my dreams, and now that I know all I shall not fear you.”

'”Do you indeed think so?” he exclaimed eagerly. ”Your pity and courage are my only hope. For I am doomed to continue this awful life--for hundreds of years perhaps--till twelve dumb animals mount on my back and let me carry them out of this forest. In my despair, when I heard this sentence, I thought of you and your favourites, whom I used to mock at and ill-treat more than you knew. They love and trust you so much that it is possible you may make them do this. But I fear for your own courage.”

'”No,” said Aureole, ”that will not fail. And Fido is of a most forgiving nature. See here,” she went on, calling to the little dog, ”here is poor Halbert, who wants you to love him. Stroke him, Halbert,”

and as the Prince gently did so, Fido looked up in his face with wistful eyes, and began timidly to wag his tail, while Lello and the rabbit drew near, and the birds fluttered, chirping above their heads. It was a pretty picture.

'”See,” said Aureole, raising her bright face from caressing the good little creatures, ”see, Halbert, how loving and gentle they are! It will not be difficult. In many ways they are wiser than we. But I can never again believe that the spirits of the forest are evil or mischievous.

Rather do I now think them good and benevolent. How happy seem all the creatures under their care!”

'”I know no more than I have told you,” said Halbert; ”but I too believe they must be good, cruelly as they have punished me, for I deserved it.

And doubtless all those who are said to have disappeared in the forest have been kept here for good purposes. And such as you, Aureole, have nothing to fear in any country or from any spirits. But I must go,” he exclaimed. ”I would not have you _yet_ see me in my other form. You must reflect over what I have said, and prepare yourself for it.”

'”And when, then, shall I see you again?” she asked.

'”To-night, at sunset, at the door of your hut, you will see--alas, not _me_!” he whispered, and then in a moment he had disappeared.

'At sunset that evening Aureole sat at the door of the little hut, surrounded by her animals. She had petted and caressed them even more than usual, so anxious was she to prepare them for their strange task.

She had even talked of it to Fido and Lello with a sort of vague idea that they might understand a little, though their only answer was for Fido to wag his tail and Lello to rub his soft nose against her. But suddenly both p.r.i.c.ked up their ears, and then clinging more closely to their mistress, began to tremble with fear, while the birds drew near in a frightened flock.