Part 11 (1/2)
Mia thought about that for a moment. It made sense she supposed that the men were owned too. The other part she wasn't so sure about. She enjoyed spending time with the man and he was excellent in bed, but she'd never been one to rush into love. She felt love was a connection between two people that took time and understanding of each other to get to. It wasn't an instant connection that formed in seconds and lasted a lifetime.
No love was something you learned after you'd been with someone for a long time and understood them completely. She wasn't in love with Ratchet, but she was headed in that direction. There was no doubt that she was happy with the man.
”I don't know about my heart but I think we are good together. I understand a bit more about the patch though. I didn't understand why a group of so many strong women would allow a man to put a patch on her that made her no better than a slave.” Mia grimaced because that had sound so very b.i.t.c.hy.
Pearl laughed, ”Girl, they just think they're the ones who own us. It's actually the other way around. I remember one time about a year ago Molly told Bone that she'd always wanted a bunny when she was a little girl. It wasn't even a day later that one of the prospects showed up at her door with a fluffy brown bunny. G.o.d only know where he found the d.a.m.ned thing cause since the storms they are almost extinct. It's just who they are. They know that they would do anything for us and that's really what the patch means.”
”I see. Well I don't know that we're headed in that direction, but I wouldn't say no now that I understand what it would mean to him.” Mia told Pearl.
”Good. Cause that boy will be asking, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was soon too. Now let's go have some lunch while you wait on your man.” Pearl headed into the kitchen with Mia closely behind her. Her stomach chose that moment to let out a loud growl making them both laugh.
Ratchet was waiting for Vera and Bone inside the warehouse with Harry. He was barely moving and hung from the ropes that held him in the chair. Ratchet had tried just about everything he knew to try on the man and nothing had gotten him talking. He and a prospect had managed to clean the man up a bit so that it wasn't as b.l.o.o.d.y to look at.
Bone entered followed by Vera. She was in a light grey pantsuit and pumps. She looked like who she was a school teacher for first graders. She walked into the room and moved nearer the man in the chair.
”Tell me what you've tried Ratchet” she asked.
Ratchet felt uncomfortable. The things he'd done to make the man talk weren't something he wanted to talk about with the woman before him. She shouldn't have to have those nightmares.
”I'm not telling you that Vera.” He told her sternly.
”Fine. It doesn't matter anyway. I a.s.sume you're done.” She looked at him questioningly.
”Yeah, we're done.” Ratchet told her after a moment's pause.
He saw that Vera was moving towards the table that held all the torture equipment. He was surprised she'd want to see those things, but he could understand. She needed to know that Harry had been pushed beyond his limits. And he had been. Ratchet had made sure of it. Only she picked up a tiny scalpel.
”Good, then let's get started.” Vera walked towards the man.
”What are you doing Vera?” Bone demanded as they both watched the woman pause before the man. Harry's eyes were darting from her to them in a rapid move that almost gave Ratchet whiplash.
”Why'd you think I was here Bone? Did you think that with what he did to my sweet baby who'd barely begun to live that I would just look and then walk away?” Vera asked him. Her eyes cold, and Ratchet noticed that Harry looked more frightened than he had every time he'd started on him. That gave him a horrible idea.
”No, Vera. No you can't do this. It's not you, sweetheart.” Bone said, Ratchet understood. He didn't want Vera to do this either, but what Pearl had said. And what had happened with that long ago woman his daddy had helped torture a man who'd done things to her child gave him a new idea on how to break the man. Finally after two days, he knew how to break the man.
”You tell me what to do and I will do it Vera. No doing it yourself.” Ratchet told her quietly.
”No. I will not let this go. No. I will do this. My child will never get over what he did to her and I want to show him what that is like. I want him to suffer before you kill him.” Vera told him fiercely. He looked at Bone to see what the man would decide. Bone nodded after a moment and Vera began.
Less than thirty minutes later, the man was singing like a canary because he wanted them to kill him. Vera had cut off pieces of his b.a.l.l.s in large chunks and fed them to the man. Bone and Ratchet had held his nose until he'd swallowed them. It was gruesome and something he never would have thought of. He'd done other things to that part of the man's anatomy, but this was a new one even for him.
It was about three in the afternoon when Ratchet finally made it to Pearls. He was almost too tired to ride to the farm. The only thing that made him hop in the shower and gather Mia onto his bike was a need to have her alone and all to himself for hours. He wanted her to see his home and taking her there would mean that she was closer to being his. That was his ultimate goal with her. Her patched and his for the rest of their lives.
As they pulled up to the farm and got off the bike Mia caught his arm to steady herself. Max came tearing out of the house in just a pair of underpants with little stars.h.i.+ps on them making Ratchet laugh as he caught the rocketing boy, who began talking a mile a minute.
”Ratchet, I'm missed you. I have so much to tell you. Floppy can shake now like I was teaching him and I get to be a Wiseman in the play in three weeks and Conner and Alex are the other wise men. Who's that is she the woman that your gonna keep like Charity said you were keeping? I like her hair it's pretty, but I like Charity's better...” Ratchet finally laughingly interrupted the boy.
”Whoa, hold on there, little buddy. I can't catch all that when you don't take a breath.” Ratchet said.
”Oh, good. I was thinking he'd run off again. Hey, Ratchet. And you must be Mia.” Charity smiled at Mia who looked a bit unsure and Ratchet wondered why.
Mia stood in the yard staring at the young boy and the woman who must be his mother. What was going on here? Was he this child's father and if so how could he bring her here? She watched them for a moment but was saved from some very embarra.s.sing yelling by the man who came tearing into the yard.
”Good, you caught him.” He said walking up behind the woman and pulled her back into his arms. Holding her around the waist.
”Yep, he was running out the door when we pulled up.” Ratchet said.
”Uncle Ratchet, was surprised that I'm a wiseman Dad! Weren't you?” The boy said to the man who smiled indulgently. Mia was instantly upset that she'd thought Ratchet would surprise her with something like this.
”I was. I was very surprised.” Ratchet told Tick laughing when the other man rolled his eyes. They both loved the kid, but he could be a handful.
”Well, now that that's settled. You should introduce us to Mia. She likely thinks this is a mad house already.” Charity grinned at her.
”It's okay. I've gotten used to the shock factor. I did live with Bear and Pearl for the last few weeks.” Mia laughingly replied.
”Oh, you are a brave soul. I'm Charity. This is Tick.” She pointed up at the man who was still holding her. ”And the little scamp is Max our son.”
”Nice to meet you all.” Mia said meaning it now that she knew she hadn't just walked into a domestic nightmare.
”Likewise.” Tick said nodding to her.
”Let go inside and eat there's plenty for everyone. Tick you set the table while I get Max into his PJ's. Ratchet you and Mia rest. I know that was a long ride.” They all headed into the house following her.
A little while later Mia was full to the brim and very content sitting at the table laughing with the little family and Ratchet. Charity had made a pot roast for dinner that melted in your mouth. She'd almost cried it had been that good. Which was why she was stuffed. The small group seemed to know each other well and it was obvious that the two men although not related were like brothers.
It made Mia a little sad. She thought of Raven and Marcus and even Matt who were still in the city. She wished that she could have convinced them to come here to live. She understood that they were not willing to leave the only home they'd ever known, but it still made her sad. When they finally left Mia hugged Charity telling her she'd be back in the morning to help the woman with the costumes for the play.
Ratchet gathered her on the bike and drove them the short distance to his home. It was a little cabin with three bedrooms. She entered with him tired and full. She followed him as he took her on a tour. She was surprised to see that it was well decorated and she wondered who'd helped him because there was no way the man had done it himself.
They had reached the third bedroom which was an office with cool tans when she decided she wanted to know who'd done the decorating. She hoped it wasn't a past lover she didn't know if she'd be okay with that if he told her that was who'd done it.
”Who helped you with the decorating?” Mia asked him.
Ratchet could tell by her tone that something was wrong. He'd suspected something was up when he took her through each room in his home and her expression had became grimmer with each room they entered. He thought maybe it was that she was nervous but the question she'd finally asked when they reached his office let him know exactly what was bothering her. She was jealous of who ever had decorated for him, he realized grinning. He liked that she was a bit jealous. She didn't need to be, but he still liked it. Vivi, Tick's former old lady, had taken one look at his place and demanded to be allowed to fix it. He'd thought his house was fine until he'd agreed to allow her to decorate and seen how it looked after she was finished. He smiled at the memory. Vivi had been such a good person.
”It was Vivi.” He said knowing that she didn't know who that was and would still be jealous. He wanted to play with her a bit.
”Oh, and who is Vivi?” Mia asked her eyes narrowing on the man. He'd let a woman outfit his house. She must have been important to him. She didn't like that. Not one d.a.m.ned bit.
Ratchet caught her around the waist laughing. She was so cute when she was mad. ”Don't look so jealous, beauty. Vivi was Tick's old lady. Max's mother. She died about two years ago.”
”Oh.” Mia said feeling stupid that she'd gotten jealous over something like the fact that he'd let a woman design his home. Really she needed to get a grip.
”Don't worry beauty. You're the only woman I want. Now let's go christen the bed I'm suddenly very tired.” Ratchet rubbed his hard c.o.c.k against her back letting her know what he was thinking had nothing to do with sleeping.
Laughing Mia asked, ”Don't you ever think of anything but s.e.x?”