Part 12 (1/2)
When the war is over it will be an easy matter to estimate the German casualties. She had about sixty-five millions.
The present seems to be a thing of the past.
An honorable defeat is more commendable than an empty triumph.
One half of the war in Europe does not know what the other half is doing.
Sometimes finance gets men into positions for which they are not qualified.
We must abandon that ancient superst.i.tion that a dollar has any financial value.
Where a cat and a canary are brought up together, the cat ultimately gets the canary.
If a man does not support his country during the war, what can he expect after the war is over?
There is not a misunderstanding but that can be adjusted amicably if it is gone about in the right spirit.
_Your_ business is not the only important one.
It is a pity the cat would not always remain a kitten.
With the bank man it is more a matter of figures than it is of dollars.
To man, money is like a train going into a tunnel. It goes in at one end and out at the other, and leaves nothing.
Never judge a person's way by what the other people say.
There are only two sides to business: what I.O.U. and what U.O.I.
Where there is abundance there is likely to be waste and lack of economy.
A one dollar contra is often used to stave off a hundred dollar account.
”Every crow thinks that _its_ bird is a white one,” and every man thinks that _his_ wife is the right one.
The hieroglyphic signature is often taken as a sign of perfect commercial attainment.
Some people give and take; others are all take.