Part 21 (1/2)
”That's it! They aren't at all the kind of Indians you'd like to read about.”
”Rex Beach doesn't think much of 'em,” commented Bud. ”I read in one of his books where he says the Yaquis are a playful people, and they dearly love to hold up Southern Pacific trains. It's one of their favorite sports and pastimes.”
”Do you really think they do?” asked d.i.c.k. ”If they're train robbers they have more gumption than I thought.”
”Well, I don't know,” admitted Bud. ”Rex Beach writes good stuff, and has some corking movies out, but maybe he was joking when he spoke of the Yaquis. Anyhow we know what they've done to our friends, and it's up to us to pay 'em back!”
”You said a hollow-toothful that time, kid!” declared Rolling Stone, as he cantered up ahead to take part in a consultation, caused when a new ”sign” was discovered.
The discovery of new marks in the soil--marks left by the pa.s.sing along of some Indians--was deemed of enough importance to call a halt, while those most familiar in the interpretation of such mystic evidences, made certain what they indicated.
In this discussion the boy ranchers could have no part for they were not at all versed in the meaning of what was quite plain to Rolling Stone, some of the trooper scouts and a few of the cowboys.
”We'll eat as long as we had to stop,” decided Captain Marshall, when it was made known to him that some of the scouts wanted to scurry about in a circle, and ascertain if there were any more evidences that would help solve many vital questions.
The troopers had come out well rationed--much better so, in fact than had our friends, and the soldiers extended an invitation to their comrade in arms to partake of ”grub,” an invitation that was quickly accepted. For the American soldier is the best fed of any in the world.
In the midst of the meal word was sent back to have Buck Tooth, the old Indian in the service of Bud, to come out to where the trooper scouts and cowboys were having a consultation.
”Buck Tooth can tell 'em what's what,” declared Bud. ”He claims to be a Yaqui, though since these imps have pulled off this stunt I think I'll get Buck Tooth to change his tribe. But he can read Indian sign all right.”
This was evidently so for, a little later, exultant shouts on the part of the trooper scouts and the cowboys announced that something new had been found. And it was Buck Tooth's discovery as the boy ranchers learned soon.
The old Indian had carefully studied the trail, and then, going off to one side, had hunted about until he found what he was in evident search of--another trail, leading in the opposite direction from that our friends had been following.
”Yaquis come 'long here--go up to mountain, then come back 'gin, same way like, then go like so,” and Buck Tooth held out his arm stiffly, extending two fingers of his hand wide apart like a fork.
”I see what he means!” exclaimed Snake Purdee. ”They doubled on their track for part of the way back, and then branched off from the trail, thinking to fool us. But they didn't.”
”It looks that way,” agreed Lieutenant Snow. ”This trail Buck Tooth discovered is much the fresher. We ought to follow that.”
And this they did, after a hasty meal.
Once more they were after the Yaquis, and late that night one of the scouts in the lead car riding back at full speed with the news:
”They're right ahead of us!”
”Wow!” yelled Bud.
”Hurray!” shouted d.i.c.k.
”Get ready for the fight!” cried Nort.
”Wait a minute now, boys!” advised Snake. ”You may have a proper part in the fracas, but remember we're with the United States troops, and under the leaders.h.i.+p of Captain Marshall. We must do as he says.”
”Oh, I guess the Captain will give the boys a chance,” said Lieutenant Snow with a smile, as he gave an order to the buglar.
The stragglers rode in, the troops were quickly formed for immediate action, and other scouts were sent out to report on the location and disposition of the Yaquis, which were about three miles in advance, the first scout said.
”Did you see anything of Rosemary or Floyd?” asked Bud anxiously.
”No. I wasn't close enough for that. But the beggars are legging it for all they're worth!”