Part 17 (1/2)

Suddenly a shape streaks between the towers, not far from Reef. Wolf! In one fluid motion he's raised a gun to fire.

*Don't shoot!'

My words can't be more than a whisper, but Reef hesitates. The wolf pauses too, breathing out clouds of white. Now there are three of us sharing solitude. Reef is the first to move. He holsters his gun unshot and the wolf runs free. Life is life.

Reef reaches for his keypad. I spread my empty hands to show I don't have mine with me. He shrugs and gives a little smile as if to say, Here we both are, breaking rules . . . what now?

He said I could trust him. Out here in the darkness and rain, I believe him. I am so tempted to walk over and spread my problems at his feet. He'd tread carefully, I know he would . . .

A door opens and a square of light s.h.i.+nes out. Someone coughs from indoors a” the engineer, Fenlon.

*Go blow your choke smoke outside! Why don't you quit those vile things? They kill you slowly.'

Furey steps into the doorway. *One advantage of dying young is I'd be shot of you nagging me,' she replies. *Life's got to have some pleasures, now I've had to give up flying to watch over this die-hard bunch of adolescents. I'll quit the day the war ends a” happy?'

*Quivering with joy,' answers Fenlon.

*You? Joyful? That'll be the day I truly do quit.'

Fenlon comes to the door, takes one look at the weather and retreats. *What's there to be happy about? You, me, kids and wooden contraptions with wings are all that stand between us and total domination by the Crux. Not to mention all the Eclipse coming up. I've a feeling this Long Night's going to be even more depressing than last time.'

*Look on the bright side,' says Furey. *I might strangle you before then . . . put you out of your misery and do the Nation a favour.'

I can't be sure but I think I hear Marina Furey thumping Fenlon when she goes back inside. Zoya would take that as a sign she really likes him.

The door shuts. I look to Reef. Now can we talk? He shakes his head, motioning for me to go back to the dorm. My secrets are unspoken, my lips are unkissed. Tomorrow. I'll talk to him tomorrow.

As soon as I'm back in bed I message him that we need to meet, then I drop all my wet clothes in a pile on the dorm floor and lie naked between the sheets, wondering . . .

By morning I'm certain. I'll confide in Reef and he'll help me. Somehow he'll understand and everything will be all right. First I'm summoned to see Marina Furey, who is a whirlwind of energy and bad temper.

*What, I ask for the millionth time, is the point of sending an inspector today when we're supposed to be spending our time terrorising Crux, not buffing our boots! Fenlon a” have you seen my . . . oh, thanks. I thought I'd lost it.'

Furey finishes b.u.t.toning her smartest uniform jacket and pins on her Hero of Rodina Nation award.

*How do I look?'

This time she's speaking to her daughter Tilly, who's been given one end of a desk for her schoolwork and play-s.p.a.ce. Tilly looks her mama up and down then, without a word, gets up to give her a hug. Furey kisses the top of Tilly's head.

*Aranoza, is that you? Come in. Tilly, you remember Rain, don't you?'

Tilly hides behind her mama. I don't blame her. Who'd want to remember that awful swim in the river?

*Silly widget!' says Furey. *Go and play now while Mama makes order out of chaos.'

Tilly goes back to her keypad. Furey's already connecting on hers. She waves for me to find a seat. *Shan't be a mo a” got Aled Glissom himself messaging about security for the inspection, mustn't keep the big man waiting . . .'

She waves to Tilly and nips to the next office, where the Scrutiners work.

I'm too nervy to sit. Is that Reef in there with Furey now? I move a little closer. If I concentrate I can just about make out fragments of a conversation between Furey and the Scrutiner Roke. Scrutiners usually prefer to keep things messaged, for privacy. Furey is infamous for liking face-to-face confrontation.

Furey's asking, * . . . and we can definitely trust him?'

Roke replies, *No question.'

Trust who? I edge closer to the door. Tilly stops connecting to watch me. I fake interest in a screen streaming images of immaculate troops marching to the front line.

Furey rasps, *I don't have a problem with him, apart from the fact he's far too young to be involved in all this Scrutiny business.'

My heart flips. They're talking about Reef!

Roke's voice is oppressive. *Glissom shouldn't be so paranoid. We have security for the inspection in hand. As for Starzak, I vetted him myself. He's loyal to the core.'

*Yes, yes, aren't we all,' replies Furey.

*He's more loyal than most,' Roke insists dryly. *You may not be aware of this, but even as a young boy he showed an exceptional sense of duty. He was responsible for the denunciation and arrest of both his parents.'

My heart is a stone. It sinks. Reef denounced his own parents? That's appalling! But legal. Commendable. Wouldn't anyone loyal to Rodina do the same? Every day the screens stream lists of criminals convicted of praying or spreading superst.i.tions. What idiots we were to play at fortune-telling in the bath-house! What an idiot I was, to think it was safe to confess my own secret abnormalities.

Furey doesn't sound surprised to hear the news. *Yeah, so I've been informed. Still have a sneaky bit of faith in G.o.d, did they?'

*Worse than that. The evidence and their guilt were overwhelming. They were convicted of believing in witches. Both were imprisoned for life. These days the punishment would be lethal injection, of course.'

*Right. Of course.'


I truly do feel as though I leap out of my skin when I hear Reef say my name. There he is in the office, in the flesh. Nothing dishevelled about his appearance for the inspection. He's white, throat to feet, and as beautiful as ever. I trip over my own feet and against the stream-screen, sending it fuzzy for a moment, then the soldiers march on in ranks again.

*You're early for our meeting,' he comments. His eyes are smiling. *Are you excited?'

*About . . . about what?'

*Hasn't Furey told you yet? Out of the whole squadron you've been chosen to fly the display plane for Glissom's visit.'

*That's . . . great. I mean, why me? Lida's good too. I'm nothing out of the ordinary. I'm just One of Many, right?'

Reef's smile deepens. How can he look so honest and trustworthy when he's so . . . so . . . I can't stay here!

*Hey, Rain, where are you going?'

*To tell the others. About the flying. The inspection.'

*Didn't you want to talk?'

I shake my head violently. *No. Just . . . nothing. I'd better go.'

Marina Furey comes out of the next office. She's crackling with frustration.

*Morning, Starzak. Aranoza a” wait, not so fast.'