9 Hello Family (1/1)

Snapping back fron her slumber she hugged me so tight that I could no breath.

'nanny please stop squizing me hard before I loose air completely and drop dead'before I could say my thoughts out loud nanny Lin lan released me, I guess she felt my uncomfortable reaction.

”Welcome back home young miss ,everyone is having dinner in the family dinning hall, so please quick freshen up and come down for dinner I will go and inform them you have arrived ” before nanny Lin lan could turn and go a thought flashef through my mind 'why not suprise them instead, yeah I should rather suprise '

”Wait a minute nanny, why not tell them and suprise them instead,” I said it with alot of enthusiasm which left nanny no other choice but to give in and not say anything to anyone.I ran to my room to freshen up nothing had changed the same purple walls, everything was the same just like how it was five years ago. I freshened up and off I went in the dinning hall.

I was soo excited, 'had everyone changed, how was everyone this past years.... ooooh how I longed to be home, I bet they will all be soo happy upon seeing me ' little did I know that my existence had long being forgotten even by my own mother.

Upon arriving at the dinning hall everyone was consumed into talking about my brothers upcoming birthday,well thats how I thought before realising that they were actually pretending not noticing my presence.

I decided to make them notice me ”h.e.l.lo family!!!”

I just got cold stares in return and a hus.h.!.+ signal from my mother. I quietly found a chair beside my second brother and settled my self. My heart was shattered into pieces. 'Its been a whole five years not days nor weeks, eventhough they never truly appreciated my presence I would understand it if it just came from my father and grandparents but my own mother and siblings I could not bring myself together into accepting that hurtful fact.

I could not let them see this state of me and so I composed myself making sure my inner feelings would not show. Since maid showed any sign of wanting to serve me so I served myself its not like I could not do it on my own. Well atleast this kind of treatment i was used to since I stepped foot in the house the others would be served and I would be left to my own fending, and thats the main reason as to why my mother personally arranged for my own nanny. Nanny lin lan was the only person with compa.s.sion towards me.