Chapter 5 (1/2)


I was greatly perplexed by the number of items in front of me that I have brought to the inn’s room.

Right, it’s not something to do before traveling.

What to do… Ah, G.o.d-sama said that I could put a lot in the pocket, didn’t he? Then, wouldn’t it be alright just to wrap them in cloth by type?

I take out two large wrapping cloth and a scarf from the carry-on, wrap the food and fabrics into the wrapping cloth, sewing tools, and accessories into the scarf and put them into the pocket. Enter, enter… how convenient~ I don’t need to worry about baggage like this. Ah, I was told not to show to other people.

First of all, let’s eat a dinner because my stomach is empty.

When I arrived at the dining room, the mistress has called out to me.

「Customer, would you like to eat ~ immediately? Is ale fine for the drink?」

What is an ale? But, I’m tired of water.

「Yes, please」

Now then, the first dinner in a different world. It has been a long time since I was this excited.

A really big hard meat is in front of me. What should I do with this, I wonder? It’s slightly larger than my palm and at least 5cm thick! I won’t be able to eat all of that…

Also, a boiled brown potato(I know they are potatoes because they were in the breakfast’s soup). It rolls around the plate… together with a white carrot…

Do people of this world normally eat so much, I wonder? I don’t want to leave leftovers, but. Tears are coming out.

An ale poured in a large wooden beer jug… I understood by seeing. It’s beer, isn’t it? I’m more or less fond of alcohol, but drinking this much is impossible.

In front of the food arranged on the table…

Someone, save me, please… My tears came out.

「C, customer?! What is the matter?」

Mistress who saw me burst into tears cried out in panic.

「I can’t finish this. It seems I will leave leftovers. What should I do?」

I ask the mistress while crying.

「Y, your meal wasn’t lacking?」

She says in a startle.

Eh? I didn’t some something like that. Substantively, the breakfast was just about the right amount.

「My husband saw you buying a lot of food at the market. He was sure that you didn’t have enough for breakfast… We were told by Anna to be courteous too…」

I, I was seen shopping…… I felt so embarra.s.sed I looked down. My tears stopped all too soon.

The two people turned silent.

As if the time stopped… Someone, please save us from this atmosphere.

「Baasan, should I eat half?」

A person speaks to me while laughing… Ah, isn’t that s.h.i.+en-san? I’m saved~

「Could you eat two-thirds? Also, the ale too. I can’t drink this much」

After asking the mistress, she split the food and handed the ale to s.h.i.+en-san. I received only a half of a small cup of ale.

「I have caused you trouble, I’m terribly sorry」

「No, no, we are sorry for misunderstanding…」

「No. I’m at fault. I have not told you that what I bought was for a tomorrow’s trip. I’m terribly sorry for bringing food to the inn without consent」

Right, I brought food to the ryokan1 and was scolded. My husband was busy at that time, wasn’t he?

「Baasan, you plan on taking all of that with you? You bought quite a lot, the raw food will rot」

s.h.i.+en-san asks.

「It’s all right, I have put everything into my bag」

「Ha? You have a magic bag? Then, you didn’t have to make me carry that…」