Part 29 (1/2)

'Of course I will, but try not to worry. Now ... you get off and feed that baby.' Remembering something, she ran after Anne. 'I forgot to tell you, the boss phoned when she heard the reason for your Mum's absence. Anyway, she asked me to tell your mum that her job is waiting for her, when she's ready.'

'Aw, that's good news.' Anne knew her mum would be relieved. 'I know Mum's been worried about her job, what with having so much time off, and everything.'

Kathleen a.s.sured her, 'Don't think the old battleaxe wants your mum out of the goodness of her heart; it's because she's a d.a.m.ned good worker.'

Anne smiled. 'Why does that not surprise me?'

Some hours later, Kathleen opened the door to see Lucy standing there.

'Oh, Lucy ... come in. Come in, love.' She hugged her as though she would never let her go. 'It's so good to have you back, you little darlin'.' She wondered if it was her place to tell Lucy the news, or should she call Anne, but then Lucy told her that she had been round to Anne's but there was no one there.

'Fancy a nice hot cuppa?' Kathleen was trying hard to delay telling her the truth.

'Yes, go on then.' She followed Kathleen into the kitchen. 'Martin wasn't home either. I dare say he's out working, but where's Anne? She's never out at this time of day.'

'Shall I give her a ring ... see if she's back yet?' Kathleen asked.

'Yes, please, Kathleen. Maybe she was out the back. I never thought to look.'

There was a knock on the door, and when Kathleen opened it she was surprised to see Anne standing there.

'Sorry, Kathleen, could I stay with you for a while? I've just been round to Mum's and she's still not home. I'm getting really worried.'

Lucy heard the conversation from the kitchen. 'There's no need to worry,' she said cheekily, and Anne ran down the hallway to hug her.

'Oh, Mum! I'm so glad you're back. Something terrible has happened, and I don't know what to do.'

'Hey!' Lucy took hold of her and walked her to the living room, while Kathleen kindly took care of the baby. 'I think you had best tell me what's happened that you find so terrible!'

Anne started crying from relief that her mum was back, and also the realisation of how very much she had missed her. 'Mum, I have to tell you ... there was a terrible fight ... between Dad and Paula's husband. Paula tried to get between them and she was badly hurt. She wants to see you, Mum. She's sorry ... and so am I, because I never knew what was going on ...' Now all the pent-up emotions broke loose and she sobbed in her mother's arms. 'I didn't know, Mum ... I hate Dad for what he's done to you ... cheating on you with your sister ... sleeping with her! Oh, Mum ... how could he do that to you?'

Lucy gave no answer, because she did not have one. Instead she held on to her daughter, comforting her while she sobbed bitterly.

After a time, when Anne was calmer, Lucy asked her solemnly, 'How bad is Paula? I must go and see her.' Even after everything Paula had done, Lucy could find no hatred in her heart for her, or, indeed, for Martin. And besides, she herself had learned how easy it was to do something out of character.

'She's really poorly, Mum.'

'Look, you two, I'll mind the baby if you want to go and see Paula,' Kathleen offered.

It was agreed, and with Kathleen insisting on paying for a taxi from the High Street, Lucy and Anne hurried away.

At the hospital Lucy was shocked to see her sister all trussed up, her arm and shoulder in plaster and her face black and blue, with a cl.u.s.ter of deep bruises and a mult.i.tude of bloodied st.i.tches reaching from her eyebrow down to her chin, which was also encased in plaster.

'Oh, my G.o.d, what's happened to her?' Lucy was in tears, anxious to see the doctor and impatient when told he was in surgery just now, but he would be along shortly to speak with her.

The ward sister came to explain Paula's injuries to her. 'She's broken her nose, arm, shoulder and both legs, and three fingers. And her chin is fractured in two places. She is being kept sedated until we can see how she's responding to treatment.'

Lucy grew anxious. 'So, are you saying she's not responding to treatment?'

'No, I am not saying that, but she's in a good deal of pain. Right now she's sleeping, which is helpful for her recovery.'

Anne had an idea. 'Mum, you look absolutely shattered. You need a hot drink and to get your thoughts together. The sister says Paula is being kept sedated, so why don't we go down to the canteen just for a minute or so give you time to catch your breath?' Her voice broke. 'Please, Mum. I'm worried about Aunt Paula, but I'm worried about you as well.'

'Aw, sweetheart ...' Lucy laid her hand over Anne's. 'I should have been here. I might have been able to stop what happened, though even now, I'm not altogether sure what that was. Yes, I'll ask the doctor, and if he says it's all right we'll take ten minutes out, then I'll come back and sit with Paula while you get off home and get some rest. Is that a deal?'

Anne told her that yes, it was a deal.

The doctor arrived just then. 'It was touch and go when she was brought in, but I believe she is now settled and stable, although, of course, she'll be with us for some time yet,' he explained to Lucy. 'There are several injuries that will take a time to heal.'

When he was called away, Lucy leaned over her sister. 'Paula, it's Lucy. I don't know if you can hear me, but all I want to say is, I'm not angry about you and Martin. I realise you didn't do it to hurt me. We can none of us help who we fall in love with. If you can hear me, Paula, don't worry about a thing. You are my sister, and I love you. I always have, and I always will.'

Leaning forward, she tenderly whispered in Paula's ear, 'Please, Paula, be strong. You're going to be just fine. Make sure you keep that at the front of your mind.'

Paula's eyes flickered for a moment.

'She heard you.' Anne grew emotional. 'Mum! Aunt Paula heard you.'

Lucy bent to kiss Paula on the forehead. 'You're going to be fine,' she promised. 'You're a tough little thing ... I know you would never give in, and besides, you have so much to live for.'

Later, in the canteen, Anne got them a cup of tea and a biscuit each, but neither of them felt like eating.

'She heard you, Mum,' Anne a.s.sured Lucy. 'I know she did.'

Lucy nodded. 'It's out of our hands now, sweetheart,' she reminded her. 'But I think she heard me, and I hope that what I said will make Paula realise, I bear her no malice.' Her thoughts wandered back to Dave Benson. 'These things happen, sweetheart,' she said. 'Life is short, and whether it's right or wrong, we do what we do, and often we seem to forget about the consequences.

'But what exactly happened? Who was it that hurt Paula like that?' She could never believe that it was Martin, but then again, who knows what anyone would do, if in the wrong circ.u.mstances? Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that she, Lucy Lovejoy, would willingly go to a stranger's bedroom, dressed only in her nightgown, and offer herself to him, but she had done just that, and she was still shocked at her actions.

'It was Paula's husband,' Anne replied. 'From what I can get out of Dad, he went round there to see Paula, and her husband had come back. Apparently, he was in the bedroom with her when Dad arrived. There was a big fight, and Paula's husband went for Dad with a crow bar, or some such thing. Apparently, Paula got between them, and she took the full force of the blows ... or so Dad says.'

She shook her head. 'I still can't believe what they did to you, Mum sleeping together and cheating on you. Dad told me everything. I hate him for what he did to you, Mum, I really do!'

'Oh, no! Don't be filled with hate,' Lucy told her. 'It won't change anything. All it will do is make you bitter and miserable ... and rob your son of his Granddad.'

'Well, if that happens it won't be my fault, will it?'

Lucy warned her, 'You know as well as I do, that darling boy idolises his grandfather. So, think carefully before you let your son pay the price for any resentment you might be feeling. Apart from that, I hope you won't let yourself be affected too harshly by what's happened between your father and Paula, because if you do, it will eat you away inside.'

'But what they've done to you is shocking!' Anne had tried so hard not to show her deeper feelings, but she could not deny the disgust she felt at the manner in which those two had hurt her mother.

'Shocking it may be,' Lucy conceded, 'but we all make mistakes, and we should not allow them to affect our children or grandchildren. Love is a wonderful thing, while hatred is dark and destructive.' She gently stroked Anne's face. 'I know you're disgusted and upset, sweetheart, and I don't blame you, but it would mean a lot to me if you could promise that you will try to forgive them.'

Instead of answering, Anne had a question. 'Can you ever forgive them?'

'Like I say, the alternative is unacceptable, and besides, your father and I have had a fair run. He's been a good father and a good husband. I think in life we are all ent.i.tled to make one mistake, don't you?'

Anne looked at her mother's face, at the s.h.i.+ning light in her pretty brown eyes, and she saw a good and kind woman; a woman who took the bad with the good, and dealt with whatever life threw at her.