Part 44 (1/2)
She grew serious. ”Honestly, I don't think I saw that man outside the coffee shop. But then again, I wasn't really noticing people.”
The car was right ahead of them. Finn was glad.
No matter what Megan had said, he had noted the man before.
And he was d.a.m.ned convinced that they were being followed.
”Finn,” Megan said suddenly, pulling back.
”I want to... I want to stop by the church down the street for a minute.”
Finn paused. They had just reached the car. Going to the church meant backtracking, and taking up time he wasn't sure that they had. ”You want to see Martha-but you want to stop by the church first?”
”Finn, please, it's important to me.” She squared her shoulders. ”I'm going with or without you.”
”You know I'm not letting you go anywhere alone.”
She smiled, and turned. He quickly caught up with her.
Despite the crowded streets, Megan managed to keep up quite a pace. But when they reached the church, she hesitated on the steps and turned back to him. ”Are you coming in?”
Finn stared up at the building. It wasn't particularly old-certainly not from the seventeenth century, more likely the nineteenth century or even early twentieth century. He wasn't sure why, but as he approached, he felt a strange burning sensation.
”I'm coming, yes,” he said, surprised by the irritated tone that came from his lips.Megan frowned, but started on in. She hesitated again at the door, as if afraid that it would be locked. The door opened, and she entered.
Finn, still feeling somewhat hampered and on fire, stood at the door. It was a church; yet he was disturbed to feel that he shouldn't enter, that he didn't have the right.
That he couldn't enter.
Megan walked on in. An eerie feeling a.s.sailed his spine. He turned. The man he had seen watching them at the coffee shop was on the street, apparently engaged in conversation with a group of costumed children.
Finn gritted his teeth and walked in.
Megan stopped by the little font at the entrance, crossing her forehead with holy water. Finn came up to her. ”Do it,” she said.
”Do what?”
She sighed with impatience and dipped her own forefinger into the holy water and quickly drew a cross on his forehead.
He staggered back, stunned by the burst of pain that threatened to split his skull. Megan was unaware. She was already walking down the aisle to the pews directly before the altar. Finn stumbled forward, catching hold of the backrest of the nearest pew, trying to steady himself. Black waved before him. He had to grasp each pew to move forward, to reach Megan.
Finally, he came to the pew directly behind the one where she knelt. He nearly fell into it, then down to his knees. He didn't bow his head so much in prayer as he did because he could no longer hold it upright.
”Are you all right?”
Startled, Finn looked up. He hadn't heard the priest arrive. The man was probably about forty, well groomed, his priestly attire immaculate. He had concern on his face.
”Halloween,” the priest said wryly. ”It gets crazy out there. Um. We create our demons, huh?”
”There are services here tonight and tomorrow and the next day-All Saints' Day, you know.”
Megan turned. ”Father, could you bless us both?”
”No,” Finn heard himself mutter.
The priest was studying him strangely. Almost as if he wished that he could back away, but would not do so.
”Father?” Megan said.
”Are you Catholic?” he asked her.
”And you?” he said to Finn.
The pain was pressing horribly into his temples again. I'm whatever she wants me to be! he wanted to say. Catholic'? Am I anything? Have I ever really believed in anything?”Please, Father,” Megan said.
He kept staring at Finn, then at last turned to Megan. ”It would be best if you came to the service tonight.”
”We can't. We're working.”
”Ah. Tomorrow, then.”
”Please. Before tomorrow.”
”Come to the altar, then.”
They both knelt before him. He set his hands upon their heads, and said the words of blessing.
Finn bowed his head, gritting his teeth, fighting the explosion of pain that erupted within his head.
The priest drew his hand back quickly when he was done, and seemed to favor it, as if his palm had been burned. He spoke to Megan. ”Go with G.o.d, child.”
Finn, desperate now to reach the cool air outside, was already hurrying down the aisle. He was vaguely aware that the priest told Megan, ”I'm Father Mario Brindisi. Please, if you can, come to Ma.s.s tomorrow. And... if you need me, call me.”
Finn burst out onto the street.
As he did so, the pain cleared from his head. Megan joined him. ”What was the matter with you in there? You were so rude!”
”Head... headache,” he said.