Chapter 149 (1/2)
Chapter 149: Tian Xie's past
The Golden Sword Lion released three continuous Lion's Leaps that were all perfectly dodged by Ye Tian Xie. He always counterattacked before creating distance between them. He kept drawing back to give himself room to react. Every time the monster attacked, it would always leave a big or small opening that Ye Tian Xie never failed to launch an attack in. The only way for the motion to be stopped was if the Golden Sword Lion stood there without moving, not taking the initiative to attack. Then Ye Tian Xie would feel awkward about attacking.
Ye Tian Xie's figure twisted around the Golden Sword Lion's body like the wind while constantly shaking. Every time it felt like it had caught him, immediately its eyes would become unfocused as its body was sent flying through the air…….Moreover, it only missed by a little every time, but it never seemed to be able to make contact.
Anger and violence condensed in the Golden Sword Lion's eyes and it seemed like fire would burst out of its eyes at any moment. After being sent flying several times, it finally stopped with its previous pattern. Its front claws scratched the ground a few times before a ”Lion Strike” shot out at Ye Tian Xie with a strong pressure.
With the ”Evil Dragon's Eyes” Ye Tian Xie had already learned all of the skills the Golden Sword Lion possessed, so he could figure out any skill it used before it used it just based on its actions. He moved back a little and his lips curled up, then he just stood there welcoming the heavy strike coming from in front of him. Of course he wasn't foolish enough to face this Golden Sword Lion's attack that had a high chance of dealing double damage and stunning. Rather he was……
The distance between the man and lion instantly closed and Ye Tian Xie stepped off the ground, jumping into the sky. He used a low jump to fly over the Golden Sword Lion's tall body, but after he landed, he did not turn back to launch an attack. Rather he just rushed off in the direction of the wall of the strange cave.
The Golden Sword Lion, having hit thin air once again, let out an angry roar and quickly turned around as it chased after Ye Tian Xie. The Golden Sword Lion had a move speed around 130 and it quickly caught up to Ye Tian Xie. With just a little effort, it had forced Ye Tian Xie against the stone wall of the cave with no way of escaping.
A violent ”Lion Strike” was once again activated and a strong oppressive force shot out at Ye Tian Xie stuck against the rock wall. Ye Tian Xie did not turn around as he felt the wind coming from behind him. He suddenly jumped up and when he reached the peak of his jump, he kicked off the stone wall. With a backflip, he soared over the Golden Sword Lion launching its strong attack.
A deafening sound rang out and the Golden Sword Lion heavily slammed against the stone wall. The strong force reflecting back knocked the Golden Sword Lion to the ground and little stars began to circle around its head. It had been stunned.
Ye Tian Xie laughed once at the Golden Sword Lion hurting itself. He mindfully launched ”Dragon Rend Slashes” at the Golden Sword Lion that couldn't get up after stunning itself.
-851, -835, -849, -1679, -837…….
The ”Lion Strike's” power was very terrifying. Even with Ye Tian Xie's high HP and defense, if he had suffered the 70% chance of dealing double damage, his life would have been emptied by over half. At the same time, there was the chance that he could be stunned. For a strong power like this, the reflected power would be just as strong…..The Golden Sword Lion had been stunned for five seconds, but it still had not gotten up.
”This is clearly a very terrifying enemy, so why is it that once it lands in second brother's hands, it seems so vulnerable?” Zuo Po Jun shook his head as he gave a self ridiculing laugh. With how strong the Golden Sword Lion was, any players that met it now could only turn around and run away. Right now, he watched Ye Tian Xie who felt no pressure at all easily dealing with it. Not even half a minute had pa.s.sed and he had already taken off half of its HP……He only felt a kind of feeling that he didn't know how many times he had felt before.
”The stars, moon, and even the sun can testify that I have thought about it over a hundred times whether he was even a person of this world. His inhuman body, strength, aura, and expressions…..Oh! Also his inhuman temperament and looks. Is he really a person from earth?” Murong Qiu Shui's words were even more exaggerated. Ye Tian Xie who they had been familiar with had always been quiet with them, but the admiration and fanaticism in their eyes was not false.
In this world, there were only a few people that could earn the recognition and praise of these two people. Seeing the man in the distance, Su Fei Fei's eyes followed the movements of his body and a kind of pride that never existed before began to slowly fill her heart…….That's right, it was pride and a bit of pride in herself.
Regardless of whether or not he was willing, she had already begun to treat him as ”hers”.
Looking over, she hesitated for a while before she couldn't help asking, ”Big brother Zuo and Murong, you and Tian Xie……How did you meet?”